another elementary school shooting

Good for Beto. Abbot’s been working real hard to loosen those gun laws. They sure hate to get called in it though. He wanted his day in the sun to politicize the tragedy. Didn’t like being called on it. Too bad.
The fact that you think this is good decorum says a lot about you and what you prioritize. The elected representatives of Texas are doing their job in giving an update on a tragic event. The fact that you don’t like the people on the stage is immaterial.
If the teachers are so Incredible and Phenomenal. Why the need for a Teacher's Union?
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The fact that you think this is good decorum says a lot about you and what you prioritize. The elected representatives of Texas are doing their job in giving an update on a tragic event. The fact that you don’t like the people on the stage is immaterial.

It was bad form but about par for the course.
You serious? What can they can do in 30 minutes?
In 30 minutes if law enforcement was warned they could at least start heading to the school if he threatened it.

I have no idea what’s true but it sounds like law enforcement were slow to respond and then stood around outside the building for a period of time.

I am sure truth will come out.

what exactly was the issue with his response? was it incorrect?
you can read the smart ass answer and get it. Rambo had nothing to do with my question.

Guns aren’t going away. Mentally ill kids and adults are going to continue running the streets as they wish with no monitoring or meds so we better figure out something to help address when they decide to kill a large number of people.

I have a handgun and license to carry. I don’t carry. I’ve had some training on the handgun I have. I certainly wouldn’t be prepared to handle a situation like just happened. I just ask if maybe we pay for sone teachers to be trained and stay trained and armed if the situation arises.
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Proof that there’s no chance for real discussion on here....

You gave smart ass answer. **** you and please don’t respond to any of my posting in the future.
Sorry for offending your delicate sensibilities

Simple answer, then. Your question isn't stupid or crazy, but... No, arming lots of teachers, especially if by mandate, is an awful idea. I suppose a limited use of volunteers in the teaching ranks with military or police backgrounds could be somewhat helpful, but how many people would that be?

We ask a lot of teachers. SWAT team leader should not be in the job description.
In 30 minutes if law enforcement was warned they could at least start heading to the school if he threatened it.

I have no idea what’s true but it sounds like law enforcement were slow to respond and then stood around outside the building for a period of time.

I am sure truth will come out.

you can read the smart ass answer and get it. Rambo had nothing to do with my question.

Guns aren’t going away. Mentally ill kids and adults are going to continue running the streets as they wish with no monitoring or meds so we better figure out something to help address when they decide to kill a large number of people.

I have a handgun and license to carry. I don’t carry. I’ve had some training on the handgun I have. I certainly wouldn’t be prepared to handle a situation like just happened. I just ask if maybe we pay for sone teachers to be trained and stay trained and armed if the situation arises.
All of that costs money. What are you willing to cut? I know, I know...CRT.
Sorry for offending your delicate sensibilities

Simple answer, then. Your question isn't stupid or crazy, but... No, arming lots of teachers, especially if by mandate, is an awful idea. I suppose a limited use of volunteers in the teaching ranks with military or police backgrounds could be somewhat helpful, but how many people would that be?

We ask a lot of teachers. SWAT team leader should not be in the job description.
Thank you

As impossible as it might seem I can try and have reasonable discussion. In fact I might surprise you. Lol.
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All of that costs money. What are you willing to cut? I know, I know...CRT.
Haha. CRT would be a good start. Most likely can’t cut anything. Added cost we have to pay for. I guess if feds don’t want involved, local school boards can raise property taxes.

If you look around, Indy school boards are spending crazy money on athletic facilities. Not just Indy. Jasper and other Southern Indiana High Schools doing the same thing.
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You. Are. On. Your. Own.

90 ****ing minutes the cops sat outside. The parents sat outside and begged the "authorities" to go save their kids. Meanwhile the shooter was possibly barricaded in the room and systematically murdering children. A town of 16,000 people with a SWAT team and the border patrol had to go in. "The cops are outgunned..." My ass, they were in body armor with AR's of their own.

The videos in that article are an argument for why I want a weapon. The criminals will have them and the "authorities" are under no obligation to do anything but clean you and your loved ones up after the suicidal person has killed you and them and then themselves. You. Are. On. Your. Own.

Every cop that sat outside that school should be ****ing fired with no chance at pension or anything else.
I had inklings about the police there but then I saw the tape and had confirmation around midnight last night. Could not go to sleep. Thinking of those parents and all the teachers and students in that room and building. I’m nauseous. As for the cops….. can’t even say.
Proof that there’s no chance for real discussion on here. I asked simple question. I wasn’t being a smart ass. Just asked @zeke4ahs a question and she answered politely. Could some teachers if they wanted be trained and armed.

You gave smart ass answer. **** you and please don’t respond to any of my posting in the future.
The main issue I see with that is having the weapon on campus. Read awhile back that students found a weapon in the bathroom once that their security guard had left. Fortunately they turned in to teacher.
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In 30 minutes if law enforcement was warned they could at least start heading to the school if he threatened it.

I have no idea what’s true but it sounds like law enforcement were slow to respond and then stood around outside the building for a period of time.

I am sure truth will come out.

you can read the smart ass answer and get it. Rambo had nothing to do with my question.

Guns aren’t going away. Mentally ill kids and adults are going to continue running the streets as they wish with no monitoring or meds so we better figure out something to help address when they decide to kill a large number of people.

I have a handgun and license to carry. I don’t carry. I’ve had some training on the handgun I have. I certainly wouldn’t be prepared to handle a situation like just happened. I just ask if maybe we pay for sone teachers to be trained and stay trained and armed if the situation arises.
It looks like teachers in Texas and some other states can have their guns in schools. Maybe more will now. I just don't see it as a reliable deterrent for a shooter wearing body armor with high capacity magazines. Take those things away and you've at least leveled the playing field.
The fact that you think this is good decorum says a lot about you and what you prioritize. The elected representatives of Texas are doing their job in giving an update on a tragic event. The fact that you don’t like the people on the stage is immaterial.
Has nothing to do with whether I like them or not. Has to do with the fact that I feel strongly that those people’s specific policies lead to this type of thing. Sorry but I’m a little more stressed about classroom shootouts becoming normal than “decorum”. Sometimes good trouble is the way you get change.
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Interesting approach. If you want to visit a school, you MUST call ahead and get your visit pre-approved. No exceptions. Then you arrive and (presumably) get buzzed in. Goes for Mom & Dad, a delivery guy, the mailman, ANYBODY. Makes sense I think.

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I doubt it.
Then you haven't been paying attention to Rand Paul's schtick. He would absolutely blow a gasket for spending 150 billion dollars on something that has the odds of only happening at a clip of about 4 out of 250,000 schools over a ten year period.
Just read one of the teacher’s who was killed husband passed away today of a heart attack. They leave 4 children. Good Lord.
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Then you haven't been paying attention to Rand Paul's schtick. He would absolutely blow a gasket for spending 150 billion dollars on something that has the odds of only happening at a clip of about 4 out of 250,000 schools over a ten year period.
He's against wasteful spending, as you should be also.

I doubt he'd consider spending money specifically for securing schools to be wasteful spending.

Your numbers are completely made up.
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Okay. Thanks for answer. Seems like an option if you can’t have an army of guards at school.

Our local schools seem locked up well during the day and require identifying yourself before they unlock doors. Of course I guess a shooter can blow out the glass and go through the doors.
Look at it like this. Say your house catches on fire. Instead of the fire department showing up, we have the local Burger King employees come. Sure they have been “trained” but firefighting is not what they do, they make fast food. You will be asking them to walk into a blazing home to save your child. Does this sound like a great idea or incredibly stupid?
The shooter had no documented mental health history and no criminal record. No law limiting access based upon past documented mental health issues or other background checks would have prevented this one, though I'd bet a few of the othre 200+ mass shootings in 2022 may have been averted.

Raising the gun buying age to 21 (as it is in FL, post-Parkland) could have helped. Putting AR-15s and related military weapons in the same category that we put cannons, nukes, hand grenades, missile launchers, nerve gas, etc. might have done something.

How do we make such events rare? I don't know the best answer. I know that doing nothing is the worst answer.
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He's against wasteful spending, as you should be also.

I doubt he'd consider spending money specifically for securing schools to be wasteful spending.

Your numbers are completely made up.
What numbers? You said that you wanted a guard at every door. It is an assumption that every school has 12 doors, but I can think of at least 12 exterior doors on the elementary school two blocks away from me. Frankly, that number is probably conservative when talking about some of the high schools I've seen in Texas.

12 doors
1 security guard per door.
250,000 schools in the US
$50,000 a year salary for a security guard (that part is also certainly debatable, but I looked up security guard salaries for Ohio - 38,000 and California - 66,000, so 50K is probably an OK average guess).

12 X 250,000 x 50,000 = 150 billion.

I admit that this is an estimate, but they are reasonable numbers based upon the criteria that you set. They are not completely made up.

To my recollection, this is the fourth major mass shooting at a school (This one, Columbine, Parkland, Sandy Hook). Paul would think it is wasteful spending to drop 100+ billion dollars on paying for security guards at every school when this is, although horribly tragic, something that occurs extremely rarely. The guy literally proposed cutting the Department of Education of 83% of its funding in 2011. You think he would even remotely consider doubling it instead? I just don't see it.
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To my recollection, this is the fourth major mass shooting at a school (This one, Columbine, Parkland, Sandy Hook).
per the list earlier, which for space resasons was broken up into about 20 tweets just to name the schools, you are missing a hundred or more since Columbine.
Another victim of the shooting has died.

The husband of one of the teachers killed in the school shooting collapsed and died today while preparing for his wife's funeral. He and his wife had four kids.

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Interesting approach. If you want to visit a school, you MUST call ahead and get your visit pre-approved. No exceptions. Then you arrive and (presumably) get buzzed in. Goes for Mom & Dad, a delivery guy, the mailman, ANYBODY. Makes sense I think.

Seems super simple and smart
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I suppose a few might. But expecting a teacher to do this, when obviously the police have frozen in two major school shootings is a little far fetched.
I have a buddy who is retired from the military who teaches math in high school. He was special forces and a combat veteran. I’m sure he’d be the perfect kind of teacher to be armed and ready. I’m sure there are other people teaching with similar sorts of skills or experience. Why not arm them?
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