another elementary school shooting

Put ‘em in a ****ing institution.
One step at a time.

If the Dems don't use a slogan similar to "Can we just do the minimum for our kids" relative to common sense gun laws (hell, just the minimum of what we've posted here) in the upcoming cycle, then they really don't know how to win an election.
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How dare Beto O'Rourke turn a political event into a political event.
Yeah, discussing a school shooting as an elected official is such a political event.

Beto is a nobody trying to get attention. He couldn't be elected dog catcher and should have been thrown out on his ass for harrassing people doing what they were elected to do.
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Brandon asks, "why do we keep letting this happen?" By that logic once we figure out who the lunatic got permission from to kill people we should be able to solve the problem. I know he didn't ask me.

Same old tired arguments from the left. Blame the inanimate object and take away everyone's guns. They never answer the question - what law can you implement to prevent criminals from committing crimes? If Chicago and New York have some of the most intense gun laws in the nation how do people still end up getting shot? In Chicago, 20 - 30 shot is an average weekend but you hear nothing from the left. Crickets.

But guns can kill in higher volumes!!! No, people using a gun can kill in high volume. Just as a car driven through a crowd of innocent people in a parade can kill in high volume. But that car had to be driven by someone. Some person made a conscious decision to take the lives of others in both situations. The responsibility is on the person. Not the object used.

If you remove guns completely (100%/all guns) it won't stop the criminals from getting a gun. Remember, drugs are illegal and they pour across our border, including fentanyl, yet the criminals are able to get them in large volumes and sell it on the streets. If they are caught it's likely a liberal DA will put them right back on the street. Fact is, there is no law a criminal won't break if they choose to do it. The outcome to taking guns away from the law abiding citizen is criminals will have guns and the law abiding citizens will now be defenseless. This is the goal of the Marxist left anyway. It opens the door to everything else they want to do to this country.

But thankfully the courts have always upheld the second amendment and most Americans agree with that decision. Finally, the mindset of most law abiding citizens is the same - come and take it.
Drugs are a little easier to snuggle don't you think?

I can't imagine Donald Igwebuike putting a bunch of guns in a condom and then hiding them up his ass to smuggle them in (a reference for any Viking fans out there).

Obviously gun smuggling will evolve (like how to you detect gun pieces that are assembled after they are in) but I'd like to try a war on guns campaign and see.
Drugs are a little easier to snuggle don't you think?

I can't imagine Donald Igwebuike putting a bunch of guns in a condom and then hiding them up his ass to smuggle them in (a reference for any Viking fans out there).

Obviously gun smuggling will evolve (like how to you detect gun pieces that are assembled after they are in) but I'd like to try a war on guns campaign and see.
They walk people across the border. They can do guns with no trouble.
One step at a time.

If the Dems don't use a slogan similar to "Can we just do the minimum for our kids" relative to common sense gun laws (hell, just the minimum of what we've posted here) in the upcoming cycle, then they really don't know how to win an election.
Never let a good crisis go to waste.
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This is the problem. This is where - and we see it time and again in these shootings and in terrorism - they’re known offenders to police but they cannot “do” anything about it. That has to change.

Access to guns is one thing, but these nut jobs were always going to try to kill people.
I don't think there's anything in those stories flagging a mass killer, other than buying the rifles and posting about it. Troubled families with screwed up teens are literally everywhere.
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I don't think there's anything in those stories flagging a mass killer, other than buying the rifles and posting about it. Troubled families with screwed up teens are literally everywhere.
Did you not see the info about cops being at his house often and him dropping out of school?

These are the things that should get someone on a list of not being able to buy guns.
The policies you support have destroyed the nuclear family! congrats
Don't mind you criticizing something I say or support but would appreciate it if you criticized something I actually say or show support for. So be specific.

Did you not see the info about cops being at his house often and him dropping out of school?

These are the things that should get someone on a list of not being able to buy guns.
I have no problem with flagging him for further review when he tries to buy a gun. I have a college graduate nephew with a 6 figure income who was complaining to me how long it was taking him to buy an AR in New York. I told him I was glad to hear it.

But 18 year old drop outs with shitty families are a dime a dozen. Most are not nut cases. Like I said, posting the pictures online is a red flag, but he already had them at that point.
Did you not see the info about cops being at his house often and him dropping out of school?

These are the things that should get someone on a list of not being able to buy guns.
Good for you credit where credit is due.
I have no problem with flagging him for further review when he tries to buy a gun. I have a college graduate nephew with a 6 figure income who was complaining to me how long it was taking him to buy an AR in New York. I told him I was glad to hear it.

But 18 year old drop outs with shitty families are a dime a dozen. Most are not nut cases. Like I said, posting the pictures online is a red flag, but he already had them at that point.
Further review should mean psych evaluation at his own expense and signed off on by local law enforcement. He would’ve failed. These are simple things we can do.
Reagan pushed for California too close down institutions when he was governor. Jerry Brown carried that torch and decimated the California system.

As president Reagan repealed the Mental Health Systems Act that was put in place by Carter. The dems and Carter were trying to restart funding for mental institutions and clinics. Reagan was the death nail for all that.

So yes started under LBJ. Nail in the coffin was driven by Reagan.
You're trying too hard to deflect blame to Reagan. The stats don't support that.
It's a fact that he repealed the Mental Health Systems Act in 1981. That act was to reinstate funding to mental health facilities that lost funding under LBJ.

I'm not really stretching here.
Which you think specifically caused what?
Don't teachers see it and flag these kids. I don't know. Maybe teachers are already stretched thin. Tired. Asked to do too much. Who knows.
Teachers flag kids like that all the time. Remember some of the stuff the Columbine kid had written? Kids get flagged for pictures they draw, stories they write, behaviors, etc. Sometimes it goes to school counselor, sometimes to police or social services. But usually there isn’t a lot that can be done. Sometimes kids will lie or are ashamed to admit they are being bullied.
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Teachers flag kids like that all the time. Remember some of the stuff the Columbine kid had written? Kids get flagged for pictures they draw, stories they write, behaviors, etc. Sometimes it goes to school counselor, sometimes to police or social services. But usually there isn’t a lot that can be done. Sometimes kids will lie or are ashamed to admit they are being bullied.
Makes sense. Ugh
Brandon asks, "why do we keep letting this happen?" By that logic once we figure out who the lunatic got permission from to kill people we should be able to solve the problem. I know he didn't ask me.

Same old tired arguments from the left. Blame the inanimate object and take away everyone's guns. They never answer the question - what law can you implement to prevent criminals from committing crimes? If Chicago and New York have some of the most intense gun laws in the nation how do people still end up getting shot? In Chicago, 20 - 30 shot is an average weekend but you hear nothing from the left. Crickets.

But guns can kill in higher volumes!!! No, people using a gun can kill in high volume. Just as a car driven through a crowd of innocent people in a parade can kill in high volume. But that car had to be driven by someone. Some person made a conscious decision to take the lives of others in both situations. The responsibility is on the person. Not the object used.

If you remove guns completely (100%/all guns) it won't stop the criminals from getting a gun. Remember, drugs are illegal and they pour across our border, including fentanyl, yet the criminals are able to get them in large volumes and sell it on the streets. If they are caught it's likely a liberal DA will put them right back on the street. Fact is, there is no law a criminal won't break if they choose to do it. The outcome to taking guns away from the law abiding citizen is criminals will have guns and the law abiding citizens will now be defenseless. This is the goal of the Marxist left anyway. It opens the door to everything else they want to do to this country.

But thankfully the courts have always upheld the second amendment and most Americans agree with that decision. Finally, the mindset of most law abiding citizens is the same - come and take it.
Congratulations on hitting all the talking points. I have a cover my card Bingo.
Beto O'Roarke butted in on the Texas' Governor's press conference today. Acted like a real asshole.

Why don't you bitch about Beto trying to turn this into his political advantage?

By the way, the Governor called him a 'sick sof-of-a-bitch', which is quite accurate.

EDIT: It wasn't the Governor - another official on stage.
Good for Beto. Abbot’s been working real hard to loosen those gun laws. They sure hate to get called in it though. He wanted his day in the sun to politicize the tragedy. Didn’t like being called on it. Too bad.
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The article you linked that spoke of too few men in primary education is true, but I am not sure of the solution. Simply put, primary education isn't seen as socially high up as secondary education, and neither as high up as administration. Men are 76% of superintendents, 67% of HS principals, 60% of middle school, and 32% of elementary. So that 32% is low, but I believe it is higher than male teachers.

The argument goes we men are more status-oriented, how do we confer status on a second-grade teacher?
Salary has a lot to do with it. It’s hard to support a family on a teacher’s salary. The majority of young men I know who started in teaching left after they had families.
We can't even get proper mental and behavioral health professionals at medical facilities. The idea that we're going to get SWs that can address serious issues in high-stakes circumstances is ignorant.
There was a city someplace in Texas, can’t recall where , who hired several social worker types to help train the officers and be on call. It was very successful there.
Did you not see the info about cops being at his house often and him dropping out of school?

These are the things that should get someone on a list of not being able to buy guns.
Do you realize how many dropouts there are in America? I think the sane thing would be to just require the purchaser to be at least 21. It may not be the solution but at least we would be moving in that direction.
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Salary has a lot to do with it. It’s hard to support a family on a teacher’s salary. The majority of young men I know who started in teaching left after they had families.
I wonder how new the issue is? I was in elementary school until 72, we had one male teacher in our elementary.
Drugs are a little easier to snuggle don't you think?

I can't imagine Donald Igwebuike putting a bunch of guns in a condom and then hiding them up his ass to smuggle them in (a reference for any Viking fans out there).

Obviously gun smuggling will evolve (like how to you detect gun pieces that are assembled after they are in) but I'd like to try a war on guns campaign and see.
I feel like snuggling my drugs tonight. 😎
I wonder how new the issue is? I was in elementary school until 72, we had one male teacher in our elementary.
I honestly think it’s always been that way in elementary. So you’re probably right in that status has something to do with it. Also coaching can add quite a bit to a salary at higher levels.