another elementary school shooting

I'm sure a social worker was going to talk Ramos down...
He just bought the AR-15s and ammo last week.

No reported criminal record previously and reportedly only posted on FB 30 minutes before that he would shoot his grandmother and then 15 minutes before that he was going to shoot up the school.

He also dropped out of school during the pandemic. Many of us said at the time that this would cause social upheaval.
Beto O'Roarke butted in on the Texas' Governor's press conference today. Acted like a real asshole.

Why don't you bitch about Beto trying to turn this into his political advantage?

By the way, the Governor called him a 'sick sof-of-a-bitch', which is quite accurate.

EDIT: It wasn't the Governor - another official on stage.

Beto is a real piece of work. Comes in around the 18 minute mark.
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Don’t now what happened to the link, but it’s repeated below.

For #1, the casual tossing around of the phrase “toxic masculinity” and the depiction of young men as perverts or causing them to devolve into Incels has become quite a problem. It causes boys to tune out and be disenfranchised. It’s all over the internet, social media and in many homes - especially those of single mothers.


The article you linked that spoke of too few men in primary education is true, but I am not sure of the solution. Simply put, primary education isn't seen as socially high up as secondary education, and neither as high up as administration. Men are 76% of superintendents, 67% of HS principals, 60% of middle school, and 32% of elementary. So that 32% is low, but I believe it is higher than male teachers.

The argument goes we men are more status-oriented, how do we confer status on a second-grade teacher?
I have read through several of the pages of comments and there were several reasonable thoughts and comments. There were also the usual defenders of guns don't kill people, new laws won't help, get rid of guns, etc, blaming one or the other parties, or in general nothing we can do will stop the slaughter. Some of the post total lack of empathy made me angry.

But no one mentioned the fact that excluding the third world countries with banana republics our own country stands alone in the number of mass gun deaths. We simply stand alone as the worst country in the world in terms of gun violence by actual facts, not my opinion. Other countries have a fraction of the gun deaths that we have and there has to be a reason and at least one reason is the harsher gun laws. I'm sure someone could also point out they don't have the gun culture we do. But imo there is another reason.

We have two absolutely broken political parties that do not do what the people of our country elected them to do but perform in accordance with what the special interest wishes them to do. The liberal and conservative dark money people give millions for one reason and that is they want something in return. We will hear a lot of thoughts and prayer speeches as these spineless pokies wait for it to all die down and back to business as usual.

I have no solution to end this merry-go-round but I hope others feel the same rage as I do today for the endless do-nothing-congress. Take a moment to consider the 19 parents and the unspeakable pain they are experiencing today. We lost a grandchild 12 years ago and I can not put into words the agonizing sense of loss that followed. Theirs will be worse.
I thought so too but LBJ started the trend.
Reagan pushed for California too close down institutions when he was governor. Jerry Brown carried that torch and decimated the California system.

As president Reagan repealed the Mental Health Systems Act that was put in place by Carter. The dems and Carter were trying to restart funding for mental institutions and clinics. Reagan was the death nail for all that.

So yes started under LBJ. Nail in the coffin was driven by Reagan.
I'm sure a social worker was going to talk Ramos down...
Don't know yet what Ramos' past was, but if he had any other run-ins with LEO that were non-violent, the social worker could have made an impact earlier in his life so that we didn't get to this point. I also didn't suggest SWs would solve everything....I think I even mentioned non-violent/dangerous situations not necessarily being appropriate.

Your response is disingenuous to the hilt.
Wasn't Biden going to put Beto in charge of figuring out gun laws?
I'm pretty liberal and I've never cared much for Beto. Typical celebrity politician who has never reallly accomplished much.

However Abbott shouldn't be throwing stones right now. His record on gun safety is pretty terrible.
Beto O'Roarke butted in on the Texas' Governor's press conference today. Acted like a real asshole.

Why don't you bitch about Beto trying to turn this into his political advantage?

By the way, the Governor called him a 'sick sof-of-a-bitch', which is quite accurate.

EDIT: It wasn't the Governor - another official on stage.
What the hell does do with my comments to do with Beto O'Roake? I was talking about dead children or is that simply too hard for hard for you to process?
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The argument about social workers being used more in certain situations rose specifically out of some cases where police were called to scenes with a mentally disturbed person (teens, even), and in short order they had gunned him/her down. We're talking unarmed but erratic behaving individuals that would not follow orders from cops such as "put your hands over your head". One case was in Chicago IIRC.

Social workers with mediation/deescalation experience have been shown to be effective in such situations, and are also very effective in preventing violence in domestic violence situations, which of course are EXTREMELY common calls for police.
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Don't know yet what Ramos' past was, but if he had any other run-ins with LEO that were non-violent, the social worker could have made an impact earlier in his life so that we didn't get to this point. I also didn't suggest SWs would solve everything....I think I even mentioned non-violent/dangerous situations not necessarily being appropriate.

Your response is disingenuous to the hilt.

We can't even get proper mental and behavioral health professionals at medical facilities. The idea that we're going to get SWs that can address serious issues in high-stakes circumstances is ignorant.
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Operating for more than three decades, the Crisis Assistance Helping Out on the Streets program in Eugene, Oregon, dispatches a medic and a crisis worker instead of a police officer to non-violent calls involving mental illness, homelessness and addiction. In Dallas, three-person teams made up of a paramedic, a social worker from a local hospital and a police officer are dispatched to mental health calls in the south central part of the city. A number of other cities across the US are either putting together or considering similar programs.

one success story from Kentucky

Ignorant? hardly.

We can't even get proper mental and behavioral health professionals at medical facilities. The idea that we're going to get SWs that can address serious issues in high-stakes circumstances is ignorant.
You get what you pay for. If it were a priority to us, we'd find ways to make changes. Just like everything else. Not a quick fix, necessarily, but progress towards a solution.

Or just do nothing. We're good at that.
We can't even get proper mental and behavioral health professionals at medical facilities. The idea that we're going to get SWs that can address serious issues in high-stakes circumstances is ignorant.
You are probably right. It takes special and skilled people to fully understand illness of all kinds. Hell we pay excellent wages and still can’t find skilled or unskilled laborers. It’s great in a perfect world though.
number of other cities across the US are either putting together or considering similar programs.

Yea, a bunch of them would love to try it. A three member team for one of the largest cities in the country... that'll do it. Tell me how many behavioral health institutions aren't dramatically understaffed and seeking additional counselors, psychiatrists, etc.? Probably less than 5%. I haven't come across one in years.

This TX town has a census of 15,000. It's a miracle they even have any healthcare professionals given the disparity of rural areas. There's no way they are going to have the ability to employ qualified personnel that can handle difficult situations.
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A three member team for one of the largest cities in the country... that'll do it.
You seemed to miss a letter.

I will highlight it for you

In Dallas, three-person teams made up of a paramedic, a social worker from a local hospital and a police officer are dispatched to mental health calls...

Not one team. Not one social worker. One on every team, with many teams.

You're welcome.
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19 children and two teachers are dead, and you try to be funny. Most of your posts are harmless but this one is really tasteless.
No, if read the news that’s what was being reported. That’s what Paul Gosar was tweeting.
The gun lobby is a.problem but not the biggest problem. The Democrats push stupid stuff that are only political talking points. The best example is licensing and registration. That doesn’t do a damn thing. As I said, the first order of business should be the dangerous consumer products. But democrats keep wanting to regulate people because that’s what they do.
No, it's part of an actual strategy but the right keeps deflecting from it while offering nothing but platitudes and prayers.

The licensing and registration is like a curfew, as it will separate the actual 'good guys with a gun' from the paranoid nutjobs, the wannabe gravy seal militia, the gang bangers, the drug smugglers.

While still allowing the real 'good guys with a gun' the ability to have as many guns as they want.

If I were King.

1. Figure out a profitable buyback. Allow the guns that you don't want to register to be returned for a good profit.

2. Pass legislation that all gun owners need to pass a licensing application and must register all of their guns.

3. After that happens, you go after those that didn't hard. Like a curfew, anyone out after curfew will be arrested and the penalty will be 5 to 10 years if your caught with an unregistered gun.

That's how you use legislation to clean things up as quickly as possible.

Sorry if already discussed, I'm back on page 6 trying to catch up.
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Nuts are a big issue. But not just with guns. Nuts push people off of the subway platform into the path of a train. We seem to produce nuts. It begins in elementary school. Kids who don’t have stable families are very vulnerable. I think schools fail vulnerable boys and the problem is getting worse.

I don’t know how we keep nut jobs separated from guns. I’d start with simply taking ultra-hazardous guns out of commerce. I’m talking about semi-autos with high velocity ammo.
We do produce more nuts than we used to. And you’re exactly right it begins in Elementary School. Why wouldn’t young kids from unstable families be confused? Look at the social bull we start teaching at a young age. Hell they don’t even know if they’re a boy or girl.
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Operating for more than three decades, the Crisis Assistance Helping Out on the Streets program in Eugene, Oregon, dispatches a medic and a crisis worker instead of a police officer to non-violent calls involving mental illness, homelessness and addiction. In Dallas, three-person teams made up of a paramedic, a social worker from a local hospital and a police officer are dispatched to mental health calls in the south central part of the city. A number of other cities across the US are either putting together or considering similar programs.

one success story from Kentucky

Ignorant? hardly.

That seems like an excellent approach but NOT at the expense of police boots on the ground. And that’s exactly what morons were calling for in 2020. A lot of morons. Many in here.
He just bought the AR-15s and ammo last week.

No reported criminal record previously and reportedly only posted on FB 30 minutes before that he would shoot his grandmother and then 15 minutes before that he was going to shoot up the school.

He also dropped out of school during the pandemic. Many of us said at the time that this would cause social upheaval.

Seems some common sense solutions would be at a minimum.... to implement what Florida did after the Parkland shooting. Red flag laws and age 21 minimum to purchase a gun.
Beto O'Roarke butted in on the Texas' Governor's press conference today. Acted like a real asshole.

Why don't you bitch about Beto trying to turn this into his political advantage?

By the way, the Governor called him a 'sick sof-of-a-bitch', which is quite accurate.

EDIT: It wasn't the Governor - another official on stage.
How dare Beto O'Rourke turn a political event into a political event.
This is the problem. This is where - and we see it time and again in these shootings and in terrorism - they’re known offenders to police but they cannot “do” anything about it. That has to change.

Access to guns is one thing, but these nut jobs were always going to try to kill people.
Flag em. Put em on a list.

No guns for you until you get off the list.
You raise some interesting points. Shows you that even professionals have trouble taking down a person with a gun wearing body armor.

I think about this everytime someone suggests arming teachers. Fwiw, my wife is an elementary teacher and I own several guns for hunting.

I don't think arming teachers is the answer. In fact I think there would be more deadly accidents having teachers with guns than actual lives saved.
I go back to my story about how my biggest gun zealot friend once struck out swinging in a critical moment in a weekend, beer league softball game because he was too nervous and amped up.

He's the last guy I want firing off rounds in a crowd because he feels threatened which makes him even more nervous and amped up.

The collateral damage would be Team America World Police like.