Another assassination attempt at Trump

Obvious that you weren’t taught

Being held responsible for your words and actions was obviously not something taught in your home growing up. I suspect that anything goes with your kids as long as the hate the democrats or the other.
Dragging my family into it now, you piece of shit?

Fvck off. My daughter is a flaming liberal, as is her husband, and we get along fine.
What timing. Brace yourself cause it’s gonna happen.

Will you promise to leave the country when Orange Jesus loses? I’d think you would since the Marxist, Fascist Racist Kamala will destroy what’s left of it. Which shouldn’t be much because Orange Jesus said the same about Biden when he was running against him. Seems to me it hasn’t happened. But maybe if he keeps saying what a lousy country we have it will come true.
Will you promise to leave the country when Orange Jesus loses? I’d think you would since the Marxist, Fascist Racist Kamala will destroy what’s left of it. Which shouldn’t be much because Orange Jesus said the same about Biden when he was running against him. Seems to me it hasn’t happened. But maybe if he keeps saying what a lousy country we have it will come true.
Will you promise to leave the country when Black VIshnu loses?
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Yep. How about you? Already asked my wife about moving to the Bahamas. She’s in. But unfortunately we won’t have to move cause Orange Jesus will lose biggly.
She's in, even with her business in Bonita S;rings?
There’s no way in hell you’d move anywhere solely because Trump won the election.

You’re full of shit.
Glad you know everything. I would gladly move if that criminal got elected. Good thing is we won’t have to. And you are supporting an idiot who can’t put a coherent thought together. May I remind you of the shark or battery diatribe. Or they’re eating the dogs, they’re eating peoples pets. 😂😂.Or as Orange Jesus calls it, the weave. Got his ass kicked in the debate.
What timing. Brace yourself cause it’s gonna happen.

So you think Vivek is going to be elected to succeed DeWyne? In a state where DeWyne won by 25% of the vote in 2022,while JD Vance (on the same ballot) stsruggled to win by 9%. A state where Sherrod Brown leads Moreno consistently...

Jordan is just popular in his own district. And likely would struggle in a statewide race. What makes you think Ohioans are crazy enough to elect Vivek?
Glad you know everything. I would gladly move if that criminal got elected. Good thing is we won’t have to. And you are supporting an idiot who can’t put a coherent thought together. May I remind you of the shark or battery diatribe. Or they’re eating the dogs, they’re eating peoples pets. 😂😂.Or as Orange Jesus calls it, the weave. Got his ass kicked in the debate.
So predictable. 😂
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You Orange Jesus cultists are losers who can’t accept that 81 million voters fired your leader. The sequel will be even better than the original. Can’t wait to see the perp walk.
You TDS’ers are so deranged that any disagreement with your unhinged ravings is equated to be slavish devotion to Trump.

Newsflash-I’m not a Trump supporter. I’ve never voted for him.

You are 100 percent fos though. You ain’t moving out of the country solely because Trump wins the election. 😂
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