Another assassination attempt at Trump

So thousand migrated there, but the rapid growth from 50,000 back to 70,000 caused some issues. Like DeWine mentioned it overtaxed the health and social sevices, and of course there is going to be a degree of racism and xenophobia.
Whoa! Wait just a doggone minute - didn't you post earlier that these people had to have the means to support themselves to be here legally?

If that's true, why are the 'health and social services' being 'overtaxed'?

You don't suppose the law that said they have to have the means to support themselves was ignored, do you?
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Wondering how you feel about JD’s wife. She’s not a Christian. She’s Hindu and she’s indian. Maybe a little too brown for you? Have you got. Special name for her? Something derogatory perhaps?
You're babbling again.

Pray to your Black Vishnu for some intelligence.
Sounds like swman's uncle should be brought up on criminal charges.
I’d agree with that regardless of who he is to me. Dead now so a bit hard to punish him now. He broke the law he should pay the price. Father and brother are judges so law and order at our house. You were absolutely held responsible for your words and actions at our house.
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I wasn't aware of extension to private sales. Sounds like poorly worded legislation.

As a gun owner since age 7, I am fine with no limits on any sales of any guns whatsoever to mentally capable non-felons, EXCEPT for guns with limited utility in hunting, sport, or personal defense. You know, hand grenades, AR15s, AK47s, etc.
What steps do you support to ensure that a buyer in a private sale is really a "mentally capable non-felon" (your term)?

To accomplish that, wouldn't all buyers in all sales have to be checked?
You're babbling again.
Nice dodge. We notice how you cultists avoid the issue when it doesn’t fit your narratives. I’m not afraid to go toe to toe. But you guys are like your dear leader. You deflect when confronted. Love how he got boat raced by KAMALA last week. Must have really triggered you guys to have a black wonan kick his ass.
I’d agree with that regardless of who he is to me. Dead now so a bit hard to punish him now. He broke the law he should pay the price. Father and brother are judges so law and order at our house. You were absolutely held responsible for your words and actions at our house.
Oh yeah, sounds like they followed the letter of the law. lol
Nice dodge. We notice how you cultists avoid the issue when it doesn’t fit your narratives. I’m not afraid to go toe to toe. But you guys are like your dear leader. You deflect when confronted. Love how he got boat raced by KAMALA last week. Must have really triggered you guys to have a black wonan kick his ass.
Dodging a post about how I'm supposedly racist? Yeah, can't imagine why I wouldn't take that seriously.

By the way, Dear Leader should be capitalized.

Who is 'we'? You got a mouse in your pocket?
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Yeah we’re all for one criminal selling and assault weapon to another criminal. After all it’s just a private transaction. Any law abiding person should have no issue with background universal background checks. Would help keep guns from some who shouldn’t have them. Also, every state should have red flag law. Just common sense. Doesn’t take rights away from those who are law abiding. And don’t start with the government is getting in my business. They already are along with businesses of all kinds tracking everything you do.
Never said I agreed with it....
Dodging a post about how I'm supposedly racist? Yeah, can't imagine why I wouldn't take that seriously.

By the way, Dear Leader should be capitalized.

Who is 'we'? You got a mouse in your pocket?
Trying to see where I said you were a racist. However, if that’s what you take from my post, well you know.
Trying to see where I said you were a racist. However, if that’s what you take from my post, well you know.
"Wondering how you feel about JD’s wife. She’s not a Christian. She’s Hindu and she’s indian. Maybe a little too brown for you? Have you got. Special name for her? Something derogatory perhaps?"

Pretty funny you think "Maybe a little too brown for you" isn't calling someone a racist. But you're disingenuous as hell, so I get it.

So you rave on about 'Orange Jesus' all day and when I respond with 'Black Vishnu", you get all apoplectic. Why is that? Do you worship Black Vishnu?
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Nice cultural appropriation there, Bro.....

You're the one worshipping Black Vishnu.
You ok with the Hindu thing? You never did say since you seem the type to not like women with a different skin tone. You might want to look at JD’s wife’s voting history. Seems she was voting as a democrat in her recent past. And she worked for a notoriously woke law firm too. Guess she wasn’t always on the MAGA Cult train. Funny how JD didn’t seem to be on that train either until it was convenient to do so. I recall him calling your dear leader America’s Hitler. But I digress.
You ok with the Hindu thing? You never did say since you seem the type to not like women with a different skin tone. You might want to look at JD’s wife’s voting history. Seems she was voting as a democrat in her recent past. And she worked for a notoriously woke law firm too. Guess she wasn’t always on the MAGA Cult train. Funny how JD didn’t seem to be on that train either until it was convenient to do so. I recall him calling your dear leader America’s Hitler. But I digress.
What is your obsession with JD's wife? Weird.
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Sure, it’s called brownfield, but it’s usually not done in a place where there are less people than there are jobs. It’s usually the other way around. Plant shuts down, people lose jobs - new company refurbishes plant and hires the people.

This isn’t that.
Depends on the scale. We're not talking a huge factory like the Toyota plant in Princeton, IN that employs thousands. I'm referring to a metals shop that is refurbished and employs 30 or a cardboard box printing business that has 20 workers (mostly guys driving forklifts).
It's not that hard to expect to be able to find bodies to do that.
He hung out at the fence for 12 hours, waiting, so he didn't know when.

he did know where, but this is one of two courses Trump plays, virtually every weekend he is home, and the Jupiter one is far less common than the West palm beach one, mainly since it's near the airport so he can easily have guests play and then leave discreetly.

So he knew Trump was in town. Not hard to know.
He knew Trump plays golf on Sunday mornings. I mean, do you expect him to go to church? :)
He knew the course Trump usually plays.

Probably he simply took an educated guess and was right

He showed up hours before the street closures and motorcade arrival, and HID OUT. You would THINK that the area would have been cleared better, but we are talking about a big area. Still, SS needs to do better.

And we need to make it so that nutters are not armed with semiautomatic weapons.
He also owns a course in Doral about an hour away. It is pretty ironic the PBC jail is less a mile away.
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The rhetoric about being "a threat to our country" in both directions toned down substantially after the Pennsylvania attempt.

It ratcheted up a few notches in the RNC, particularly with Trump's acceptance speech.

Then after Harris became the opponent, it heated up even more, mostly from one side (it seems to me), with talking points like "If ka-MAL-uh gets elected, we won't even have a country anymore"
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The Haitians are terrible drivers.
The vast majority do not have any grasp of the English language.
All the women are pregnant.
From a healthcare perspective….it is not safe at all.
This is spot on. In fla they used to pack cars like clowns then slam on their brakes to get cases. Lots of high crime in the Haitian nation down there too. Like I said one of my best friends is Haitian but that isn’t a model community. I wouldn’t be excited about adding 10k Haitians to my community. But if you’re in a dying town you take what you can get
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This is spot on. In fla they used to pack cars like clowns then slam on their brakes to get cases. Lots of high crime in the Haitian nation down there too. Like I said one of my best friends is Haitian but that isn’t a model community. I wouldn’t be excited about adding 10k Haitians to my community. But if you’re in a dying town you take what you can get
Not Haitians, but when I was in LA this past weekend, listening to the radio, they ran ads from lawyers that were a little bit different than the ones here..... "GET PAID! In a motorcyle accident? GET PAID! Call......".
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It seems clear that American people are at war with the Democratic Party of Hate and don't seem to know it. The Party of Hate wants to steal workers money and pay for their endless wars. Add that the Bush warmongers are now supporting the Dems to continue to push funding of war. Those Bush or cheney people if you like were wanting to push for american military dominance in the world before 9/11. 9/11 triggered them to get it started. What was it called Project for American New Century then later Foreign policy Initiative. It was disbanded in during Trump's time as president. So seems to make sense why all those Bush warheads are endorsing their Democratic warheads.

The Democratic Party has been interfering with freedom of speech, blackballing candidates (RFK), interfering in elections by circumventing primaries to not allow Americans to hear and vote for candidates the Party has not chosen, labeling people terrosts (Tulsi). They don't care if their wars are against foreign entities or Americans as long as they stay in power. They have duped Americans to think that the immigrants eating pets BS is as or more dangerous than labeling political opponents as threats to democracy and calling them the next Hitler. Now assassinations attempts are en vogue.

You can't dislike the people associated with the party of Hate enough. They are the real American versions of whatever evil foreign leader they label others. They are real threat to DEmocracy and more importantly freedom.
Sorry dude... I'd say for some of us,maybe even most of us all of the complaints you harbor vs Dems is how we fill about MAGA.
Whoa! Wait just a doggone minute - didn't you post earlier that these people had to have the means to support themselves to be here legally?

If that's true, why are the 'health and social services' being 'overtaxed'?

You don't suppose the law that said they have to have the means to support themselves was ignored, do you?
First of all you have me confused with someone else on the self sustaining issue as I never said it. Secondly not sure what you assume hospitals/social serviices refers to, but as I was using it quoting DeWine he was discussing patients/relative to current medical staff as well as translators to help people communicate.

And as you seem to be unable to grasp most of the Haitians that migrated to Springfield came from other areas of the US, not directly from Haiti. They've been coming for years,including 2017-2020 and as I already pointed out according to the 2020 census the population of Haitians living in the US by 2021 (when Biden became POTUS) was already a million and a half, if not more...
Oh yeah, sounds like they followed the letter of the law. lol
Obvious that you weren’t taught
Here you go, Democrats/leftists. Here's your chance to claim words are powerful and are a threat to democracy!
Being held responsible for your words and actions was obviously not something taught in your home growing up. I suspect that anything goes with your kids as long as the hate the democrats or the other.
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