And the crazy train that is Donald Trump barrels along...

I'm saying Kerry and his campaign handled their charges poorly -- very poorly. It's the kind of thing that you brush away with a single released statement. Taking them on as he did only fueled the fire.

But, in the end, I strongly doubt it had a material impact on the outcome of the race.

Anyway, that was a coordinated campaign. Trump made a single, off-hand, ridiculous comment about people being captured not being "his kind of hero."

It's just not a very apt comparison. And I can't imagine that McCain is worrying about it harming him politically.

That swift boat campaign was not going to be brushed aside no matter what statement Kerry released. It was financed by T Boon Pickens and it was never going away. Their ads and attacks would have run on repeat no matter what Kerry did. If it's on tv enough, it becomes true. That's a sad fact about America. Like De Niro's character said in Wag the Dog something like if it ain't on tv it ain't true. I forget the exact quote.