Since King Mark

Nice to see what you've decided to use your mood immunity for. I predicted this way back when you got your hammer. I said there was no way you would use it responsibly. You only wanted it so you could spew shit at others without anyone being able to do anything about it.
Right, wrong, or different, this is a result of your buddy’s moderating practices, & Stoll is right to keep calling him out on it. If UM is gonna force his personal rules & preferences on everyone, so should Stoll.
Right, wrong, or different, this is a result of your buddy’s moderating practices, & Stoll is right to keep calling him out on it. If UM is gonna force his personal rules & preferences on everyone, so should Stoll.
Bullshit. This is a result of the fact that stoll is a miserable asshole. It doesn't go any deeper than that.
Right, wrong, or different, this is a result of your buddy’s moderating practices, & Stoll is right to keep calling him out on it. If UM is gonna force his personal rules & preferences on everyone, so should Stoll.
Bullshit. This is a result of the fact that stoll is a miserable asshole. It doesn't go any deeper than that.
No jet’s right. Mark sucks. I like mark a lot tho and enjoy his posts but he’s a shit mod. He allows posters of his team to stay who literally do nothing but post personal mean-spirited attacks with zero engagement then bans those not on his team. His moderating is terribly uneven. But I hear the gig pays poorly so what do you want
Nice to see what you've decided to use your mood immunity for. I predicted this way back when you got your hammer. I said there was no way you would use it responsibly. You only wanted it so you could spew shit at others without anyone being able to do anything about it.
I do just fine. I didn’t start this. I didn’t pick a word to ban. I am not laying down taking it from you, Mark or Bloom.
Nice to see what you've decided to use your mood immunity for. I predicted this way back when you got your hammer. I said there was no way you would use it responsibly. You only wanted it so you could spew shit at others without anyone being able to do anything about it.
Mark comes on here commenting on a post about AOC’s appearance when he’s done it many times. Freaking hypocrite.

The problem is we’re all supposed to lay down and take it from you, Mark and the rest of your team.
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Taking what? You're the one acting like this, not us.
I stayed away from posting for a good while. I kept reading all these posts slamming Trump everyday with every name imaginable but Mark can make an arbitrary rule that Biden can’t be called a Pedo. Nah, no rules on Trump, no rules on Biden.
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I didn’t mean you commented on AOC’s appearance, I meant others. Are you denying you’ve made sexist comments about Tulsi and other women?

Not at all. I'm a pig. But that's not what I questioned here. It was the Ghetto Ho stuff I questioned. Nothing about appearance. Unless you include black with appearance.
Nice to see what you've decided to use your mood immunity for. I predicted this way back when you got your hammer. I said there was no way you would use it responsibly. You only wanted it so you could spew shit at others without anyone being able to do anything about it.
POT meet kettle lmao
No jet’s right. Mark sucks. I like mark a lot tho and enjoy his posts but he’s a shit mod. He allows posters of his team to stay who literally do nothing but post personal mean-spirited attacks with zero engagement then bans those not on his team. His moderating is terribly uneven. But I hear the gig pays poorly so what do you want
Mark gets like purple hair offended and throws the switch. Goat has been there done that. ;). When mark reaches his boiling point this is how I view him, zeke, hick, bowl, cosmic, outside shooter, tmp and others.

Not at all. I'm a pig. But that's not what I questioned here. It was the Ghetto Ho stuff I questioned. Nothing about appearance. Unless you include black with appearance.
I thought you would get a kick out of ghetto ho. Damnit!!!
Mark gets like purple hair offended and throws the switch. Goat has been there done that. ;). When mark reaches his boiling point this is how I view him, zeke, hick, bowl, cosmic, outside shooter, tmp and others.

Is that your enemies’ list? I’d feel bad if I wasn’t on it.

Pissing away a Saturday with nonstop angry shitposting on a message board? What a loser.
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I do just fine. I didn’t start this. I didn’t pick a word to ban. I am not laying down taking it from you, Mark or Bloom.
You have anger issues and take this a little too seriously . You’re not taking it laying down?
Mark gets like purple hair offended and throws the switch. Goat has been there done that. ;). When mark reaches his boiling point this is how I view him, zeke, hick, bowl, cosmic, outside shooter, tmp and others.

Oh the irony. Literal pictures from a Trump rally.
is that a pick?
No that's someone trying to contain their laughter after listening to the house version of the Jerry Springer show and a representation of what I feel while reading the WC version of the Jerry Springer show...

Marjorie Taylor Greene is being played by Stoll, Mark is AOC and Goat is Crockett..
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