An age limit for the office of President...

I could get on board with it if it applies to Congress too.

Biden isn’t exactly a work-a-holic. His family, advisors, and staff insure he doesn’t exceed his capabilities. He is substantially disabled, that’s clear.

I’d be more concerned about Trump being overworked than Biden. He made calls around the clock when he was in the White House. He brags about not getting much sleep.

I hang with a group of guys who are 77 to 86. None of us are want we were 40years ago, but each one is very capable and could easily serve in elective office.

You are being unserious. At that age, you have no business in elective office of any sort, let alone representing a large constituency, much less the country. If you were capable, you would have done so much earlier.
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He doesn’t lift. Listen to me. This isn’t rocket science. It’s not a mystery. 4 sets of standing military press at the squat rack. It’s terrible for your back but will make you meaner. Then don’t leave. Do your curls there. Then go home. 20 minutes tops. Then go back tomorrow. 4 sets of bench. 4 sets of tris. That’s it. You’re done. Then when you shake defense counsel’s hand you’ll put him on notice. You don’t suffer fools
Curling in the squat rack? What a savage.
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I agree, I think maximum age limit should be in line with that of Generals and Flag officers. If a General officer typically is forced to retire at 64, no way the Commander in Chief should be older than 68 at time of election considering the deferral age for officers can extend to 68.
Someone brought it up in Congress. Age limit of 75. He can't even get a co-sponsor:
The only way to get that passed, unfortunately, would be to grandfather / exclude those already in office and over 60. So it would not apply to them now, but eventually (15 years from now?) we'd get this fixed.
I want

I want term limits for the house and senate. Make these people live more under the laws they pass
Age limits and term limits are something the majority of the population would likely agree on....but something most politicians would not support.

Aka lost cause
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There's already a minimum age limit for Presidential candidates set at 35, why not have a maximum age limit also??

I propose we set maximum age limit (to be eligible to run) for President at age 68 (the same calendar year that their (1st term) election would be held...; which means an individual would be no older than 76 or 77 at the end of two terms (they could only circumvent the 68 age limit if they had already served 1 term)...

Throw in a Mandatory Cognitive Test, along with a US government and Global Studies Test (whose content would be provided to all candidates immediately upon their decision to run [to allow them time to study for it]...).

The results would be made public 9 months prior to the election..., and we would circumvent most of the type of dangerous nonsense we're now dealing with...
(In my opinion)

I'd also love to see that a minimum of half their proposed cabinet be revealed 9 months prior to their election... The reality is that the individual we vote for is often just a rubber stamp figurehead. I want to know who'll really be running things...
It should also apply to Supreme Court justices. A lot of companies have a mandatory retirement age for their CEOs and an age limit on board members even though I think some of that is gradually going away.
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