Quite possible. Again. Although 4-7 is just as possible, imo.Yeah. The schedule is tough. We could go anywhere from 3-9 to 6-6. I hope we don’t have to play Purdue at 5-6.
Quite possible. Again. Although 4-7 is just as possible, imo.Yeah. The schedule is tough. We could go anywhere from 3-9 to 6-6. I hope we don’t have to play Purdue at 5-6.
It was not as easy as any team in the B1G. We played MSU. OSU. Michigan, PSU, Iowa, Purdue, & luckily defeated other bowl teams in Virginia & FIU. That is not an easy schedule, by any measure, & I'm sure I'm leaving someone out.
not familiar with this ord of which you speakBut remember "the rule of Ord". It clearly states..."when IU lands a highly rated player...by definition...all other P5 offers have been pulled". You didn't know this?
Yeah, see what I mean? & Maryland would have been another had they not lost to us on a last second FG, or blown the OSU game, or not lost to Temple...gosh, if we feel bad about not winning 6, how 'bout Maryland fans? OUCH! They couldn't come much closer, excruciating to not win 6 looking at their games & how they played out.9 teams on our schedule are in Bowls (MN is going too). That's not an easy schedule by anyone's partisan view...(if those assessing it have half a brain cell left functioning)...
Always so much emotion everywhere....
Williams is a risk, IU decided the risk was worth it. With the extra open spots in the recruiting class they could afford the risk most schools couldn't with full or nearly full classes.
Both schools are in better shape than they have been in a long time. Arguing which coach is better is silly at this point, need 2 or 3 more years and it will be completely evident. Allen is riding an easier non conference schedule typically and needs to show he can beat the bigs. Brohm has had the excuse he's playing with Hazel upperclassmen and gets a pass for achieving more without a program full of "his kids".
My gut says Brohm will win out but I am a Boiler fan so.... there you are.
Williams is not a risk. Purdue just didn't have room for him because their coaches couldn't count up to 25. They wanted to leave a spot for Bell, but then took 25 commitments(?!?!) and now they're forcing their other two linebackers to grey/blue shirt in case Bell does commit. Williams likely did not want to greyshirt so signed with IU.Williams was not a risk. You believe your fellow brethren too much. Just because he didn't choose PU doesn't mean the other schools took a risk. Unless you have an image of this grade report you are only talking out of your rump.
Secondly, are you seriously comparing the PU schedule vs IU? lol IU was #19, PU was #33. Are you sitting here telling me Eastern Michigan was a hard game? We swept our out of conference, don't be upset because you couldn't do that. Your post was about as PU slanted as it gets.
As for SOS rankings, I have not seen those numbers you posted. Where did you get them? I'd appreciate a link, if you could. Everything I saw has us in the 30's.
The link you posted has Iowa at 19, Purdue at 32 and Indiana at 69.Williams was not a risk. You believe your fellow brethren too much. Just because he didn't choose PU doesn't mean the other schools took a risk. Unless you have an image of this grade report you are only talking out of your rump.
Secondly, are you seriously comparing the PU schedule vs IU? lol IU was #19, PU was #33. Are you sitting here telling me Eastern Michigan was a hard game? We swept our out of conference, don't be upset because you couldn't do that. Your post was about as PU slanted as it gets.
Do you not know how to read headings?The link you posted has Iowa at 19, Purdue at 32 and Indiana at 69.
You would be embarrassed if it were possible for you to understand the chart.This might be the best response to a post in 2018.
Either the OP really wanted IU to have a better SOS and got caught or doesn’t know how to read the article that he linked. Either way it’s hilarious.
Do you not know how to read headings?
Just googling 2018 SOS and reading 5-7 different websites. Purdue falls somewhere around 30 and IU somewhere around 60. One SEC article had IU at 7 and Purdue 26(?).
You have already proven that you cant read. Link me any computer ranking that has our SOS at 60. They might have a overall rank of 60, but no way in hell the SOS is.
You may have been correct and I saw overall rank. This from sagarin has IU at 17 and Purdue at 7. It still proves Purdue had a more difficult schedule.
You may have been correct and I saw overall rank. This from sagarin has IU at 17 and Purdue at 7. It still proves Purdue had a more difficult schedule.
I saw that. Different ones have different ranks. Some have Purdue, some IU. Really there was very little difference.
The link you posted has Iowa at 19, Purdue at 32 and Indiana at 69.