A conservative examination of every claim of voter fraud and miscount in the 2020 Presidential Election.

Aloha Hoosier

Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Aug 30, 2001
Those that undertook this examination and wrote the report are long-time rock-ribbed Republicans. Their credentials as Republicans are unimpeachable and the report's "conclusion is unequivocal: Joe Biden was the choice of a majority of the Electors, who themselves were the choice of the majority of voters in their states." Want to know what happened in Georgia? It's in there. In Arizona, Pennsylvania, etc.? It's all in there. I know these solid Republicans will be attacked by the Trumpsters (RINO cult members) as RINOs, Never-Trumpers and liars, but they're none of that. They're solid Republicans that took a good look at the claims and came to a conclusion that should be obvious by now - the claim of a fraudulent election is a total fabrication.

I'm sure the Trumpsters here won't bother to read it, and it is a little long, but here it is for everyone to read. I recommend it.

The Trumpers say that we need to wait for Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell to talk about it!
The Trumpers say that we need to wait for Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell to talk about it!
We could just wait for Rudy to drip or fart about it, too.


Say! Does anybody know whether Trump paid Giuliani's legal bill yet?

(If he got paid, he might be able to afford better hair dye.)
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Those that undertook this examination and wrote the report are long-time rock-ribbed Republicans. Their credentials as Republicans are unimpeachable and the report's "conclusion is unequivocal: Joe Biden was the choice of a majority of the Electors, who themselves were the choice of the majority of voters in their states." Want to know what happened in Georgia? It's in there. In Arizona, Pennsylvania, etc.? It's all in there. I know these solid Republicans will be attacked by the Trumpsters (RINO cult members) as RINOs, Never-Trumpers and liars, but they're none of that. They're solid Republicans that took a good look at the claims and came to a conclusion that should be obvious by now - the claim of a fraudulent election is a total fabrication.

I'm sure the Trumpsters here won't bother to read it, and it is a little long, but here it is for everyone to read. I recommend it.

First time I heard the term RINO, it referred to the anti-abortion Democrats that supported Reagan and stayed because the Democrats (cough cough Jimmy Carter) had destroyed the economy, and Reagan had brought it back and said “nyet” to the Russkies to get nuclear arms reduction.

Time just gets away from us.

(I see Ted Olson on there. I recall his wife died on one of the 9/11 flights.)
First time I heard the term RINO, it referred to the anti-abortion Democrats that supported Reagan and stayed because the Democrats (cough cough Jimmy Carter) had destroyed the economy, and Reagan had brought it back and said “nyet” to the Russkies to get nuclear arms reduction.

Time just gets away from us.

(I see Ted Olson on there. I recall his wife died on one of the 9/11 flights.)
It's Alhoa.. The only "republican" in Hawaii that receives a lei bent over, grabbing his ankles.
Stand up and be counted - have any of the Trumpsters on here bothered to read the report? If not, why not? if yes, what do you have to say about it?
The RINO moniker is fascinating considering how any number of lifelong Republicans and R standard bearers can be labeled as such by a guy who became a Republican shortly before running for president and had views against a lot of traditional R long held orthodoxy.
Those that undertook this examination and wrote the report are long-time rock-ribbed Republicans. Their credentials as Republicans are unimpeachable and the report's "conclusion is unequivocal: Joe Biden was the choice of a majority of the Electors, who themselves were the choice of the majority of voters in their states." Want to know what happened in Georgia? It's in there. In Arizona, Pennsylvania, etc.? It's all in there. I know these solid Republicans will be attacked by the Trumpsters (RINO cult members) as RINOs, Never-Trumpers and liars, but they're none of that. They're solid Republicans that took a good look at the claims and came to a conclusion that should be obvious by now - the claim of a fraudulent election is a total fabrication.

I'm sure the Trumpsters here won't bother to read it, and it is a little long, but here it is for everyone to read. I recommend it.

you and others just don't get it.

it's not that Trump and Trumpers actually think the election was stolen.

it's that they don't care.

winning fair isn't their goal.

just winning, fair or not, is.
Those that undertook this examination and wrote the report are long-time rock-ribbed Republicans. Their credentials as Republicans are unimpeachable and the report's "conclusion is unequivocal: Joe Biden was the choice of a majority of the Electors, who themselves were the choice of the majority of voters in their states." Want to know what happened in Georgia? It's in there. In Arizona, Pennsylvania, etc.? It's all in there. I know these solid Republicans will be attacked by the Trumpsters (RINO cult members) as RINOs, Never-Trumpers and liars, but they're none of that. They're solid Republicans that took a good look at the claims and came to a conclusion that should be obvious by now - the claim of a fraudulent election is a total fabrication.

I'm sure the Trumpsters here won't bother to read it, and it is a little long, but here it is for everyone to read. I recommend it.

Not sure I am Trumpster, but I remember discussing with my wife the impact the lack of reporting on Hunter Biden and the family ties would have on the election.

Not that Trump wasn't a scumbag regarding his business practices, but that info was WIDELY known about him. However, Biden, IMHO, has been like most politicians...using his position to gain wealth, and too, is a scumbag.

So I never really subscribed to the Big Lie, as in the topics reviewed by the report. But I do believe the media wanted anything about Hunter, his laptop, ties to China, and Joe's involvement, to be suppressed.

Do I think it would've changed the election? Probably not. But it was still pertinent information that should have been investigated.
Not sure I am Trumpster, but I remember discussing with my wife the impact the lack of reporting on Hunter Biden and the family ties would have on the election.

Not that Trump wasn't a scumbag regarding his business practices, but that info was WIDELY known about him. However, Biden, IMHO, has been like most politicians...using his position to gain wealth, and too, is a scumbag.

So I never really subscribed to the Big Lie, as in the topics reviewed by the report. But I do believe the media wanted anything about Hunter, his laptop, ties to China, and Joe's involvement, to be suppressed.

Do I think it would've changed the election? Probably not. But it was still pertinent information that should have been investigated.

Who said it wasnt/isn't being investigated?

Furthermore, no one voted for hunter so comparing what you think hunter did (based solely on the ramblings of biased conservative media) with what Trump did is apples to oranges.

Trump has 10x to 100x the baggage as hunter and Trump was the one that got voted president and has a cult following. Hunter on the other hand isn't the person that ran for office and doesn't even hold a position in the administration.

Conservatives are just scrambling to change the narrative and Hunter got selected as their bogeyman.
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Who said it wasnt/isn't being investigated?

Furthermore, no one voted for hunter so comparing what you think hunter did with what Trump did is apples to oranges.

Trump has 10x the baggage as hunter and Trump was the one that got voted president and has a cult following. Hunter on the other hand isn't the person that ran for office

Please link me all the articles about the laptop and Hunter from the MSM. Or link me ANY article investigating Hunter from the MSM, not just Clapper quotes of "RUSSIA DISINFORMATION!!!!"

As I stated, and I know you have very low reading comprehension, the MSM had very little interest investigating Joe's ties to Hunter. The MSM was too busy with its "Russia Disinformation Campaign".

And to say Trump had "10x the baggage of Hunter" means you must know ALL the baggage of Hunter. Do share.
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Not sure I am Trumpster, but I remember discussing with my wife the impact the lack of reporting on Hunter Biden and the family ties would have on the election.

Not that Trump wasn't a scumbag regarding his business practices, but that info was WIDELY known about him. However, Biden, IMHO, has been like most politicians...using his position to gain wealth, and too, is a scumbag.

So I never really subscribed to the Big Lie, as in the topics reviewed by the report. But I do believe the media wanted anything about Hunter, his laptop, ties to China, and Joe's involvement, to be suppressed.

Do I think it would've changed the election? Probably not. But it was still pertinent information that should have been investigated.

really dude, how stupid and unobservant are you????

Pub media pushes Dem wrongdoing and idiocy all day everyday, and doesn't mention Pub wrongdoing and idiocy at all.

Dem media pushes Trumper wrong doing and stupidity all day every day, but doesn't mention Dem wrong doing, as long as it's wrongdoing by Wall St owned Dems.

Hunter corruption is talked about all day every day on all Pub media, and absolutely should reflect badly on Joe as well.

Joe and Trump are both total and complete disasters corruption aside, and both totally corrupt on top of that, and both total embarrassments to anyone that backed them.

all media is pro Wall St and anti economic progressives, because ALL media is corporate.

got it??????????????????

all media is CORPORATE.

Wall St doesn't give 2 shts about social issues, only about economic pro investor class issues.

and Wall St loves corruption, thus the corrupt, because Wall St/ big money is the one buying them off in the first place.

got it?????

thus Wall St just keeps everyone fighting all day everyday over social issues, while pushing Wall St owned candidates on both Dem and Pub media.

Wall St owns and runs both parties, and owns, (literally), all media.

Wall St prefers Pubs, but is totally ok with Wall St owned Dems like Hilary or Joe.

what Wall St, thus ALL corporate media, can, will, and do, do all they can to sabotage, are pro working class candidates like Bernie.

what corporations care about, are corporations.

that's all they care about. that's all they will ever care about.

the PEOPLE you see on CORPORATE media don't run the networks, THE EXECUTIVES DO.

if the PEOPLE don't say what the executives want them to say, they won't be on long, and won't be invited back.

they will lose their jobs, and there aren't any NON CORPORATE media paying squat that will hire them, so they're f'ed if they don't push what the execs want pushed.

and the execs will be fired, if they don't push everything Wall St, and anti everything pro working class.

they're f'ing corporations. they will never be anything but corporations.

their only purpose for being, is to promote what's best for THE CORPORATION AND IT"S SHAREHOLDERS, SHORT TERM.


how is it the idiots on both sides just never grasp this??????

it's not personal. it's just business.
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really dude, how stupid and unobservant are you????

Pub media pushes Dem wrongdoing and idiocy all day everyday, and doesn't mention Pub wrongdoing and idiocy at all.

Dem media pushes Trumper wrong doing and stupidity all day every day, but doesn't mention Dem wrong doing, as long as it's wrongdoing by Wall St owned Dems.

Hunter corruption is talked about all day every day on all Pub media, and absolutely should reflect badly on Joe as well.

Joe and Trump are both total and complete disasters corruption aside, and both totally corrupt on top of that, and both total embarrassments to anyone that backed them.

all media is pro Wall St and anti economic progressives, because ALL media is corporate.

got it??????????????????

all media is CORPORATE.

Wall St doesn't give 2 shts about social issues, only about economic pro investor class issues.

and Wall St loves corruption, thus the corrupt, because Wall St/ big money is the one buying them off in the first place.

got it?????

thus Wall St just keeps everyone fighting all day everyday over social issues, while pushing Wall St owned candidates on both Dem and Pub media.

Wall St owns and runs both parties, and owns, (literally), all media.

Wall St prefers Pubs, but is totally ok with Wall St owned Dems like Hilary or Joe.

what Wall St, thus ALL corporate media, can, will, and do, do all they can to sabotage, are pro working class candidates like Bernie.

what corporations care about, are corporations.

that's all they care about. that's all they will ever care about.

the PEOPLE you see on CORPORATE media don't run the networks, THE EXECUTIVES DO.

if the PEOPLE don't say what the executives want them to say, they won't be on long, and won't be invited back.

they will lose their jobs, and there aren't any NON CORPORATE media paying squat that will hire them, so they're f'ed if they don't push what the execs want pushed.

and the execs will be fired, if they don't push everything Wall St, and anti everything pro working class.

they're f'ing corporations. they will never be anything but corporations.

their only purpose for being, is to promote what's best for THE CORPORATION AND IT"S SHAREHOLDERS, SHORT TERM.


how is it the idiots on both sides just never grasp this??????

it's not personal. it's just business.
I just read this, waving my hands, hunched over and havn't combed my hair on three days. I get it now, you are Bernie Sanders, posting on our board. It all makes sense now. Why did it take me this long?
You still looking for hillarys people over your shoulder?
I just read this, waving my hands, hunched over and havn't combed my hair on three days. I get it now, you are Bernie Sanders, posting on our board. It all makes sense now. Why did it take me this long?
You still looking for hillarys people over your shoulder?

the definition of insanity,

expecting a CORPORATION to NOT behave as, and only as, a CORPORATION.

and while Pubs are asking SCOTUS judges to define the term "female", perhaps they can also ask them to define the term "person".
I thought this wasn't allowed anymore?
No... You simply don't get it... It's only not allowed when it's done by someone on the Right...

Thought everyone understood that up front 😉

Here's a quick tutorial for you:

Type something Goat or Mark agree with and you're good to go... Let the "grandfathered in" TMP posting style be your guide... (if you're posting as a Democrat...).
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No... You simply don't get it... It's only not allowed when it's done by someone on the Right...

Thought everyone understood that up front 😉

Here's a quick tutorial for you:

Type something Goat or Mark agree with and you're good to go... Let the "grandfathered in" TMP posting style be your guide... (if you're posting as a Democrat...).
Uh, as I’ve already posted, some of mine have been taken down, too.
Now, climb down off your cross…it’s boring.
Not sure I am Trumpster, but I remember discussing with my wife the impact the lack of reporting on Hunter Biden and the family ties would have on the election.

Not that Trump wasn't a scumbag regarding his business practices, but that info was WIDELY known about him. However, Biden, IMHO, has been like most politicians...using his position to gain wealth, and too, is a scumbag.

So I never really subscribed to the Big Lie, as in the topics reviewed by the report. But I do believe the media wanted anything about Hunter, his laptop, ties to China, and Joe's involvement, to be suppressed.

Do I think it would've changed the election? Probably not. But it was still pertinent information that should have been investigated.
I can clear up your confusion. You’re a Trumper.
No... You simply don't get it... It's only not allowed when it's done by someone on the Right...

Thought everyone understood that up front 😉

Here's a quick tutorial for you:

Type something Goat or Mark agree with and you're good to go... Let the "grandfathered in" TMP posting style be your guide... (if you're posting as a Democrat...).

You seem to forget IUJIM and NPT on your side. It is hardly some unfair advantage in regards to the political leanings of the mods.
Every response to Aloha's original post - including mine - suck.

We get snark, then argument about RINO definitions (started by me, sadly), then personal attacks on Aloha, then insults based on alleged motives of the participants, , and of course "whatabouts" and "anti-what about" responses, then personal attacks on posters, and the renewed bitching about moderators since a new one started actually deleting stuff.


The Cooler has become Facebook, Twitter and the OTF.
Nuanced and intellectual discussion of important issues?
Not even at a university anymore.

I miss the United States.
It was a helluva country.

As for the report, and the intellectually challenged and - LOOK! A SQUIRREL! types - this is from the Executive Summary:

"As part of his post-election attempts to retain the presidency, Donald Trump and his
supporters filed 64 cases containing 187 counts in the six key battleground states, in addition to
utilizing some of the recount and contest procedures available to them under state law. The
former president maintains to this day that the 2020 election was stolen and the results

* * * * * *

For this Report, we examined every count of every case brought in these six battleground
states. ..."

Even if you disagree, or, as a lawyer, can pick things apart from experience with actual lawsuits and actual legal standards, its worth reading just to know the counter arguments. to your own positions. This is an "actual" "original source" non-media-redacted, non-media-edited piece of evidence for both sides.

It deserves more than what Cooler idiocy gave it.
Every response to Aloha's original post - including mine - suck.

We get snark, then argument about RINO definitions (started by me, sadly), then personal attacks on Aloha, then insults based on alleged motives of the participants, , and of course "whatabouts" and "anti-what about" responses, then personal attacks on posters, and the renewed bitching about moderators since a new one started actually deleting stuff.


The Cooler has become Facebook, Twitter and the OTF.
Nuanced and intellectual discussion of important issues?
Not even at a university anymore.

I miss the United States.
It was a helluva country.

As for the report, and the intellectually challenged and - LOOK! A SQUIRREL! types - this is from the Executive Summary:

"As part of his post-election attempts to retain the presidency, Donald Trump and his
supporters filed 64 cases containing 187 counts in the six key battleground states, in addition to
utilizing some of the recount and contest procedures available to them under state law. The
former president maintains to this day that the 2020 election was stolen and the results

* * * * * *

For this Report, we examined every count of every case brought in these six battleground
states. ..."

Even if you disagree, or, as a lawyer, can pick things apart from experience with actual lawsuits and actual legal standards, its worth reading just to know the counter arguments. to your own positions. This is an "actual" "original source" non-media-redacted, non-media-edited piece of evidence for both sides.

It deserves more than what Cooler idiocy gave it.

What is wrong with my reply to Aloha?
really dude, how stupid and unobservant are you????

Pub media pushes Dem wrongdoing and idiocy all day everyday, and doesn't mention Pub wrongdoing and idiocy at all.

Dem media pushes Trumper wrong doing and stupidity all day every day, but doesn't mention Dem wrong doing, as long as it's wrongdoing by Wall St owned Dems.

Hunter corruption is talked about all day every day on all Pub media, and absolutely should reflect badly on Joe as well.

Joe and Trump are both total and complete disasters corruption aside, and both totally corrupt on top of that, and both total embarrassments to anyone that backed them.

all media is pro Wall St and anti economic progressives, because ALL media is corporate.

got it??????????????????

all media is CORPORATE.

Wall St doesn't give 2 shts about social issues, only about economic pro investor class issues.

and Wall St loves corruption, thus the corrupt, because Wall St/ big money is the one buying them off in the first place.

got it?????

thus Wall St just keeps everyone fighting all day everyday over social issues, while pushing Wall St owned candidates on both Dem and Pub media.

Wall St owns and runs both parties, and owns, (literally), all media.

Wall St prefers Pubs, but is totally ok with Wall St owned Dems like Hilary or Joe.

what Wall St, thus ALL corporate media, can, will, and do, do all they can to sabotage, are pro working class candidates like Bernie.

what corporations care about, are corporations.

that's all they care about. that's all they will ever care about.

the PEOPLE you see on CORPORATE media don't run the networks, THE EXECUTIVES DO.

if the PEOPLE don't say what the executives want them to say, they won't be on long, and won't be invited back.

they will lose their jobs, and there aren't any NON CORPORATE media paying squat that will hire them, so they're f'ed if they don't push what the execs want pushed.

and the execs will be fired, if they don't push everything Wall St, and anti everything pro working class.

they're f'ing corporations. they will never be anything but corporations.

their only purpose for being, is to promote what's best for THE CORPORATION AND IT"S SHAREHOLDERS, SHORT TERM.


how is it the idiots on both sides just never grasp this??????

it's not personal. it's just business.

First. Nice name calling.

Second, pls link any article you can find from the MSM prior to the election of 2020 that discussed the possibility thr Hunter story could have merit?

Third, I don't disagree that certain news outlets have biases.

Forth, you rant against corporations. How should a business be structured if not as a corporation? Sole proprietor? Partnership? LLC filing as an S Corp? And can you point me towards non-corporate media?
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Every response to Aloha's original post - including mine - suck.

We get snark, then argument about RINO definitions (started by me, sadly), then personal attacks on Aloha, then insults based on alleged motives of the participants, , and of course "whatabouts" and "anti-what about" responses, then personal attacks on posters, and the renewed bitching about moderators since a new one started actually deleting stuff.


The Cooler has become Facebook, Twitter and the OTF.
Nuanced and intellectual discussion of important issues?
Not even at a university anymore.

I miss the United States.
It was a helluva country.

As for the report, and the intellectually challenged and - LOOK! A SQUIRREL! types - this is from the Executive Summary:

"As part of his post-election attempts to retain the presidency, Donald Trump and his
supporters filed 64 cases containing 187 counts in the six key battleground states, in addition to
utilizing some of the recount and contest procedures available to them under state law. The
former president maintains to this day that the 2020 election was stolen and the results

* * * * * *

For this Report, we examined every count of every case brought in these six battleground
states. ..."

Even if you disagree, or, as a lawyer, can pick things apart from experience with actual lawsuits and actual legal standards, its worth reading just to know the counter arguments. to your own positions. This is an "actual" "original source" non-media-redacted, non-media-edited piece of evidence for both sides.

It deserves more than what Cooler idiocy gave it.

while no doubt some out there believe the election was stolen, if they can't come up with any actual facts or evidence to support believing so, then this really isn't about the facts to them anyway.

thus no amount of facts supporting that it wasn't stolen is going to sway them, because again, this isn't about facts to them.

and some people lie, and have no problem doing so.

those who say they believe it was stolen, but actually realize it just as or more likely wasn't, are never going to recant either.

because it isn't about the facts or evidence to them either. or the truth.

so at this point, thinking you can argue this with facts or evidence to blind faith believers that don't rely on facts for their beliefs, and to those claiming they believe it for political leverage or just a show of solidarity, but realize good chance that isn't so, is not grasping what this is and isn't actually about.

and what it isn't about, are facts and evidence.

no amount of facts or evidence will convince someone who doesn't care about or need facts or evidence to support their beliefs.

or get someone who never was convinced in the first place, but said so anyway, to abandon that strategy.
I thought this wasn't allowed anymore?

A), i'll admit i probably used the term "stupid", when i actually should have said "dishonest".

it's often difficult to differentiate one from the other here, but probably shouldn't have been in this case.

ribbont's whole post was that there was no media coverage of Hunter, when obviously Pub media talks about Hunter all day every day, and ribbont knew it.

which it absolutely should be talked about all the time, by both sides media.

as should Trump's dishonesty, corruption, and danger to democracy, by both sides media..

B), i said a lot more in that post that was far more important and pertinent than just the throwaway line you focused solely on, while erasing everything else i said from the quote.

if you wish to debate or refute the main crux of my post, the important part you totally ignored, go for it.
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A), i'll admit i probably used the term "stupid", when i actually should have said "dishonest".

it's often difficult to differentiate one from the other here, but probably shouldn't have been in this case.

ribbont's whole post was that there was no media coverage of Hunter, when obviously Pub media talks about Hunter all day every day, and ribbont knew it.

which it absolutely should be talked about all the time, by both sides media.

as should Trump's dishonesty, corruption, and danger to democracy, by both sides media..

B), i said a lot more in that post that was far more important and pertinent than just the throwaway line you focused solely on, while erasing everything else i said from the quote.

if you wish to debate or refute the main crux of my post, the important part you totally ignored, go for it.

You can call me dishonest if you like, but show me any media coverage from 2020 from the MSM, such as ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WAPO, LAT, Chi-Trib, etc that gave any legitimacy to the Hunter Biden story.
You can call me dishonest if you like, but show me any media coverage from 2020 from the MSM, such as ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WAPO, LAT, Chi-Trib, etc that gave any legitimacy to the Hunter Biden story.

so you've now gone from MSM, to certain MSM only.

which just supports what i said when i first responded to you.

the right media exposes left wrongdoing and doesn't so much right wrong doing.

and vice versa with left media.

and all CORPORATE media is against economic progressives, and will do all they can to bury them. (it's not personal, it's just business).

and yes, all media, including Fox and hate radio, should have made a far bigger deal about Hunter prior to the 2020 election.

this wasn't an oversight. all media gives very little coverage to corruption, which our entire govt is now totally based in all day every day, on literally everything economic..

and all Corporate media on both sides are very active participants in said corruption.

that said, i personally made a very big deal about Hunter here, and posted articles here regarding the blatant corruption therein, in the winter and spring of 2020.

but i'm guessing you're only interested in how the lack of coverage affected the general, and not the primary.

should said Biden corruption have effectively disqualified Biden as a candidate?


it obviously gives China significant leverage over Biden.

just as big pharma, the major banks, big oil, big war, own enough of the senate to control it.

Comcast/NBC literally sponsored Biden's candidacy from day 1, again "literally", as Comcast/NBC held a huge fundraiser for Biden at the home of Comcast/NBC's top in house govt lobbyist, attended by Biden, immediately following Biden's press conference announcing his candidacy.

and AT&T/CNN was all in as well, on the Joe bandwagon.

but it never was about defeating Trump for them.

it was about taking down Bernie, who they were/are far more against than Trump.

just as all other corporate media, and all their major corporate advertisers, were kill Bernie at all costs, as well.

again, just business. not personal.

yes, you should absolutely be concerned about how the Hunter story has been handled.

but don't fixate on that, and lose sight of the far far bigger picture here.

CORPORATE media are going to shade coverage of all big races as much as they think they need to, because they all have BILLION$, to TENS OF BILLION$, to HUNDREDS OF BILLION$, riding on the outcomes of certain elections, as do many of their CORPORATE advertisers.

which they all conveniently totally omit disclosing that very pertinent fact, in all their coverage of politics.

which pretty much completely disqualifies them from ever classifying themselves as "journalistic", or their talking heads as "journalists".

when doing election coverage, you can't just conveniently leave out that you literally have tens/hundreds of BILLION$ riding on the outcome of said elections, and claim any credibility what so ever as to your coverage. (which at that point is blatant propaganda)

on a side note, fun fact,

Gingrich while speaker of the house, greased the skids for Rupert Murdoch, a foreigner, to enter the US media market, and eliminate or relax media ownership caps, in exchange for Fox establishing a GOP right wing propaganda media empire. (and a $6 mil book deal for Gingrich with a Murdoch owned publisher, as the cherry on top).

of course that wasn't personal either.

just business.


and own and have ongoing quid pro quos with both sides.

Bob and Shirley Media Viewer/Reader, just never really grasp that.
so you've now gone from MSM, to certain MSM only.

which just supports what i said when i first responded to you.

the right media exposes left wrongdoing and doesn't so much right wrong doing.

and vice versa with left media.

and all CORPORATE media is against economic progressives, and will do all they can to bury them. (it's not personal, it's just business).

and yes, all media, including Fox and hate radio, should have made a far bigger deal about Hunter prior to the 2020 election.

this wasn't an oversight. all media gives very little coverage to corruption, which our entire govt is now totally based in all day every day, on literally everything economic..

and all Corporate media on both sides are very active participants in said corruption.

that said, i personally made a very big deal about Hunter here, and posted articles here regarding the blatant corruption therein, in the winter and spring of 2020.

but i'm guessing you're only interested in how the lack of coverage affected the general, and not the primary.

should said Biden corruption have effectively disqualified Biden as a candidate?


it obviously gives China significant leverage over Biden.

just as big pharma, the major banks, big oil, big war, own enough of the senate to control it.

Comcast/NBC literally sponsored Biden's candidacy from day 1, again "literally", as Comcast/NBC held a huge fundraiser for Biden at the home of Comcast/NBC's top in house govt lobbyist, attended by Biden, immediately following Biden's press conference announcing his candidacy.

and AT&T/CNN was all in as well, on the Joe bandwagon.

but it never was about defeating Trump for them.

it was about taking down Bernie, who they were/are far more against than Trump.

just as all other corporate media, and all their major corporate advertisers, were kill Bernie at all costs, as well.

again, just business. not personal.

yes, you should absolutely be concerned about how the Hunter story has been handled.

but don't fixate on that, and lose sight of the far far bigger picture here.

CORPORATE media are going to shade coverage of all big races as much as they think they need to, because they all have BILLION$, to TENS OF BILLION$, to HUNDREDS OF BILLION$, riding on the outcomes of certain elections, as do many of their CORPORATE advertisers.

which they all conveniently totally omit disclosing that very pertinent fact, in all their coverage of politics.

which pretty much completely disqualifies them from ever classifying themselves as "journalistic", or their talking heads as "journalists".

when doing election coverage, you can't just conveniently leave out that you literally have tens/hundreds of BILLION$ riding on the outcome of said elections, and claim any credibility what so ever as to your coverage. (which at that point is blatant propaganda)

on a side note, fun fact,

Gingrich while speaker of the house, greased the skids for Rupert Murdoch, a foreigner, to enter the US media market, and eliminate or relax media ownership caps, in exchange for Fox establishing a GOP right wing propaganda media empire. (and a $6 mil book deal for Gingrich with a Murdoch owned publisher, as the cherry on top).

of course that wasn't personal either.

just business.


and own and have ongoing quid pro quos with both sides.

Bob and Shirley Media Viewer/Reader, just never really grasp that.
I started this thread and it appears, based on what little I bothered skimming from your nonsensical post, that you’re off on your usual screed about corporations and other nonsense. If you’re not interested in the subject of this thread, don’t post here and go pollute another one instead.

I’d ask the same of anyone else engaging with igw.
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so you've now gone from MSM, to certain MSM only.

which just supports what i said when i first responded to you.

the right media exposes left wrongdoing and doesn't so much right wrong doing.

and vice versa with left media.

and all CORPORATE media is against economic progressives, and will do all they can to bury them. (it's not personal, it's just business).

and yes, all media, including Fox and hate radio, should have made a far bigger deal about Hunter prior to the 2020 election.

this wasn't an oversight. all media gives very little coverage to corruption, which our entire govt is now totally based in all day every day, on literally everything economic..

and all Corporate media on both sides are very active participants in said corruption.

that said, i personally made a very big deal about Hunter here, and posted articles here regarding the blatant corruption therein, in the winter and spring of 2020.

but i'm guessing you're only interested in how the lack of coverage affected the general, and not the primary.

should said Biden corruption have effectively disqualified Biden as a candidate?


it obviously gives China significant leverage over Biden.

just as big pharma, the major banks, big oil, big war, own enough of the senate to control it.

Comcast/NBC literally sponsored Biden's candidacy from day 1, again "literally", as Comcast/NBC held a huge fundraiser for Biden at the home of Comcast/NBC's top in house govt lobbyist, attended by Biden, immediately following Biden's press conference announcing his candidacy.

and AT&T/CNN was all in as well, on the Joe bandwagon.

but it never was about defeating Trump for them.

it was about taking down Bernie, who they were/are far more against than Trump.

just as all other corporate media, and all their major corporate advertisers, were kill Bernie at all costs, as well.

again, just business. not personal.

yes, you should absolutely be concerned about how the Hunter story has been handled.

but don't fixate on that, and lose sight of the far far bigger picture here.

CORPORATE media are going to shade coverage of all big races as much as they think they need to, because they all have BILLION$, to TENS OF BILLION$, to HUNDREDS OF BILLION$, riding on the outcomes of certain elections, as do many of their CORPORATE advertisers.

which they all conveniently totally omit disclosing that very pertinent fact, in all their coverage of politics.

which pretty much completely disqualifies them from ever classifying themselves as "journalistic", or their talking heads as "journalists".

when doing election coverage, you can't just conveniently leave out that you literally have tens/hundreds of BILLION$ riding on the outcome of said elections, and claim any credibility what so ever as to your coverage. (which at that point is blatant propaganda)

on a side note, fun fact,

Gingrich while speaker of the house, greased the skids for Rupert Murdoch, a foreigner, to enter the US media market, and eliminate or relax media ownership caps, in exchange for Fox establishing a GOP right wing propaganda media empire. (and a $6 mil book deal for Gingrich with a Murdoch owned publisher, as the cherry on top).

of course that wasn't personal either.

just business.


and own and have ongoing quid pro quos with both sides.

Bob and Shirley Media Viewer/Reader, just never really grasp that.

Sigh. You really don't understand the English language, do you? It's about as good as your understandingof profit margins? "Such as" allows me give examples of MSM. Not a complete list, just examples. If you have linked articles from other MSM sources, go for it!

You rant about corporations, but I will ask a second time, how would you like them to be structured? My chiropractor is a corporation. The bookstore next to my office is a corporation. My CPA is an LLC filing as an S corporation. Big Red Liquors is a corporation.

So you endlessly rant about corporations but I have yet to see your solutions. Do we end all corporations? How should the corporate world look to you? Should all corporations be destroyed and only have partnerships and sole proprietorships?
I started this thread and it appears, based on what little I bothered skimming from your nonsensical post, that you’re off on your usual screed about corporations and other nonsense. If you’re not interested in the subject of this thread, don’t post here and go pollute another one instead.

I’d ask the same of anyone else engproprietorship?
I am trying to keep on topic. You wanted a discussion on the report from a conservative. I didn't disagree with the report, nor any report about Trump losing.

I replied the one area in the report, nor any report that has nor cannot be quantified, is the Hunter Biden story and the media's lack of coverage. Heck, for most MSM, it was labeled Russian disinformation.

So I keep trying to steer igw back to that topic but apparently he doesn't want to go there. I just posted a reply to him but I will stop there. He's insufferable and does not want to have a discussion. Only name call and bash corporations.
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I am trying to keep on topic. You wanted a discussion on the report from a conservative. I didn't disagree with the report, nor any report about Trump losing.

I replied the one area in the report, nor any report that has nor cannot be quantified, is the Hunter Biden story and the media's lack of coverage. Heck, for most MSM, it was labeled Russian disinformation.

So I keep trying to steer igw back to that topic but apparently he doesn't want to go there. I just posted a reply to him but I will stop there. He's insufferable and does not want to have a discussion. Only name call and bash corporations.
Thanks. I only read your side of it because it gives me a headache to read his stuff the way he posts in that nonsensical style. I assume he blamed corporations, "moneyed interests" and "sock puppets" for all the country's problems because that's what he does.
I started this thread and it appears, based on what little I bothered skimming from your nonsensical post, that you’re off on your usual screed about corporations and other nonsense. If you’re not interested in the subject of this thread, don’t post here and go pollute another one instead.

I’d ask the same of anyone else engaging with igw.


i can't credibly disagree with or debate anything you said.

i just didn't like your saying it, no matter how true it was.

my whole purpose for being here, is to shout down and try to bury such truths.
Sigh. You really don't understand the English language, do you? It's about as good as your understandingof profit margins? "Such as" allows me give examples of MSM. Not a complete list, just examples. If you have linked articles from other MSM sources, go for it!

You rant about corporations, but I will ask a second time, how would you like them to be structured? My chiropractor is a corporation. The bookstore next to my office is a corporation. My CPA is an LLC filing as an S corporation. Big Red Liquors is a corporation.

So you endlessly rant about corporations but I have yet to see your solutions. Do we end all corporations? How should the corporate world look to you? Should all corporations be destroyed and only have partnerships and sole proprietorships?

the RNC and DNC party controlled censors here won't allow me to honestly reply to that, no matter how true, and how relevant, my reply was.

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