364 million verdict against the trumpster

Oh you mean Kathy Hochul Jin Ping?

What is it with Democrats and Chinese?

Eric Swallwell bangs a Chinese Spy.

A spy was on Feinstein's staff.

The Chinese give tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars for a 'Biden' Center at UPenn. 'Loan' payments to him from the Chinese.

Walz, the Manchurian Candidate, goes to China 30 times - paid by China - and no one in the media bats an eye. Meanwhile, Donald Trump's son meets with a Russian rep for 20 minutes and suddenly Trump is in Collusion' with Russia.

Quite the head scratcher......
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What is it with Democrats and Chinese?

Adam Kinzenger bangs a Chinese Spy.

A spy was on Feinstein's staff.

The Chinese give tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars for a 'Biden' Center at UPenn. 'Loan' payments to him from the Chinese.

Walz, the Manchurian Candidate, goes to China 30 times - paid by China - and no one in the media bats an eye. Meanwhile, Donald Trump's son meets with a Russian rep for 20 minutes and suddenly Trump is in Collusion' with Russia.

Quite the head scratcher......
Some Democrats marvel at or even yearn for Chinese style censorship. It's why Harris/ Biden have been radio silent on what's happening to Twitter/ X in Brazil. Why they had nothing to say when U.K. authorities started talking about extradition of those who post stuff online they deemed illegal under U.K. law. Any President worth their salt would have said:

"Let me be clear, the U.S. Federal government will not be assisting in the extradition of U.S. citizens for violations of U.K. online speech law. If the U.K. would like to arrest U.S. citizens for such offenses, they are welcome to come to the land of firearms and castle doctrine and try to take them"

Some Democrats even go as far as to celebrate or advocate said censorship:

We saw Zuckerberg come out last week and essentially lay bare that the Federal government was harassing Meta throughout Covid. Vote wisely people. These progressives are not hiding the ball when it comes to suppressing speech.
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Some Democrats marvel at or even yearn for Chinese style censorship. It's why Harris/ Biden have been radio silent on what's happening to Twitter/ X in Brazil. Why they had nothing to say when U.K. authorities started talking about extradition of those who post stuff online they deemed illegal under U.K. law. Any President worth their salt would have said:

"Let me be clear, the U.S. Federal government will not be assisting in the extradition of U.S. citizens for violations of U.K. online speech law. If the U.K. would like to arrest U.S. citizens for such offenses, they are welcome to come to the land of firearms and castle doctrine and try to take them"

Some Democrats even go as far as to celebrate advocate said censorship:

We saw Zuckerberg come out last week and essentially lay bare that the Federal government was harassing Meta throughout Covid. Vote wisely people. These progressives are not hiding the ball when it comes to suppressing speech.
i'm just amazed that we went from biden being a nice bridge to sanity from the drama of trump to well we have the squad but htey really have little influence to biden promising to be transformative to now a ticket of harris/walz. the squad runs the show
i'm just amazed that we went from biden being a nice bridge to sanity from the drama of trump to well we have the squad but htey really have little influence to biden promising to be transformative to now a ticket of harris/walz. the squad runs the show
Dems will say anything to win an election. When they get in office, all that goes out the window.

What's amazing is that 81 million voters supposedly bought it.
Dems will say anything to win an election. When they get in office, all that goes out the window.

What's amazing is that 81 million voters supposedly bought it.
listen to me. it's a bait and switch. they're relying on people forgetting that harris was the vp during all of this insanity when they took office. but with walz it's deeper. it's so much deeper. it's handsmaid's tale come to life. he's commander walz!!!!!!!!!!! he doesn't care about inflation, the border, gas and house prices, he's OBSESSED WITH COVID AND BALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!! he wants to line us all up like we're in internment camps and GIVE US THE JAB and then castrate us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but guess what commander walz doesn't know about? that fighting spirit. modelo is now the number one beer in america. he doesn't know about pioneers and cowboys AND the ARMY!!!!!!!! not the national guard bullshit. THE ARMY!!!!!!!!! so his plan is destined to fail. why? because he also doesn't know about danc, about Hoopsdoc and Spartans and jet, and mas, and snarl and mattndallas and joehoopsier and stoll and ddt and ranger and hooky and so many other HEROES who are literally armed to the teeth - with munitions and land, champing at the bit for someone to try to replace our guns with needles.

as pose says, for now, hold the line....
Dems will say anything to win an election. When they get in office, all that goes out the window.

What's amazing is that 81 million voters supposedly bought it.
And they’re buying it again. Harris/Walz will lean as close to socialism as we’ve ever been in the US. If elected their true colors will come out quickly. Just as quickly as Harris went from I’ll ban fracking day one to I won’t ban fracking day one. Anyone who believes her bullshit flip flops is a moron.
And they’re buying it again. Harris/Walz will lean as close to socialism as we’ve ever been in the US. If elected their true colors will come out quickly. Just as quickly as Harris went from I’ll ban fracking day one to I won’t ban fracking day one. Anyone who believes her bullshit flip flops is a moron.
Yea Right GIF
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Some Democrats marvel at or even yearn for Chinese style censorship. It's why Harris/ Biden have been radio silent on what's happening to Twitter/ X in Brazil. Why they had nothing to say when U.K. authorities started talking about extradition of those who post stuff online they deemed illegal under U.K. law. Any President worth their salt would have said:

"Let me be clear, the U.S. Federal government will not be assisting in the extradition of U.S. citizens for violations of U.K. online speech law. If the U.K. would like to arrest U.S. citizens for such offenses, they are welcome to come to the land of firearms and castle doctrine and try to take them"

Some Democrats even go as far as to celebrate or advocate said censorship:

We saw Zuckerberg come out last week and essentially lay bare that the Federal government was harassing Meta throughout Covid. Vote wisely people. These progressives are not hiding the ball when it comes to suppressing speech.
Woah boy.

Democrats are going to play the hits “Russia, Russia, Russia”
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Glad you agree.
sarcasm, you should look it up in the dictionary.

Using the socialism attack is lazy and inaccurate. And anyone looking at the alternative to Harris/Walz and thinking that's any better is clueless.
What is it with Democrats and Chinese?

Eric Swallwell bangs a Chinese Spy.

A spy was on Feinstein's staff.

The Chinese give tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars for a 'Biden' Center at UPenn. 'Loan' payments to him from the Chinese.

Walz, the Manchurian Candidate, goes to China 30 times - paid by China - and no one in the media bats an eye. Meanwhile, Donald Trump's son meets with a Russian rep for 20 minutes and suddenly Trump is in Collusion' with Russia.

Quite the head scratcher......
It also is a piece of evidence of why MAGA's think that the DNC (and some rinos's) policies and actions align with CCCP ideology.
You know something is true when, Both of the above scream Conspiracy Theory from the MSM mountain top.
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What job do you have or did you have that you use all your intelligence on?
you must have sat beside the right person to get your cpa. no way you could accomplish that on your own. Either that or you are dealing with late stage dementia.
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you must have sat beside the right person to get your cpa. no way you could accomplish that on your own. Either that or you are dealing with late stage dementia.
You didn’t answer my question. Do you pump gas?
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Dems will say anything to win an election. When they get in office, all that goes out the window.

What's amazing is that 81 million voters supposedly bought it.
There is no "supposedly" about it. That's how many voted for him in his defeat of Mr. T.
They haven’t taken any is the answer. But don’t let me distract you. You have “Russia, Russia, Russia” to get back to.
So, you haven't bothered to look it up. The FBI and CIA are investigating it. Exactly what is supposed to happen when they suspect this sort of activity.
What actions have been taken against Iran for their most recent hack and leak, online disinformation and discovered assassination plot. All I hear is “Russia, Russia, Russia”
In the actual video report, they mentioned that China and also Iran were trying to influence the election. On Iran they said that they had successfully hacked the Trump Campaign and had made attempts to also hack into Harris/Walz...
They haven’t taken any is the answer. But don’t let me distract you. You have “Russia, Russia, Russia” to get back to.
Remember this is the star witness for Comer's attempt to impeach Biden...

"The former FBI informant charged with lying about the Bidens’ dealings in Ukraine told investigators after his arrest that Russian intelligence officials were involved in passing information to him about Hunter Biden, prosecutors said Tuesday in a new court filing, noting that the information was false.

Prosecutors also said Alexander Smirnov has been “actively peddling new lies that could impact US elections” after meeting with Russian spies late last year and that the fallout from his previous false bribery accusations about the Bidens “continue to be felt to this day.”
  • Haha
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I hope their "investigation" is fruitful. In the meantime "Russia, Russia, Russia".
What exactly do you think "Russia, Russia, Russia" means? Did you bother to read the Mueller report to see what it actually said, or are you just going by what you've been told that it said? I linked it if you want to inform yourself.