
Colonel Oleksiy Mes, considered Ukraine's top pilot died Monday while piloting the first F-16 to be considered a combat loss. Known as 'Moonfish', Mes actively lobbied the west to escalate the conflict, by introducing the aircraft into the war theater. His compatriot, Andriy 'Juice' Pilshchkov. another of Ukraine's top pilots, did not survive training, along with two others involved in a mid-air collision.
Speculation is that Mes was shot by an American Patriot battery, during Monday's attack by Iskander, Kalibr, glide munitions and various drones, in 15 of Ukraine's 22 oblasts.

Charlotte 49rs at Indiana Hoosiers - I.U. Radio Network Online . . .

Don Fischer, Buck Suhr and John Herrick:

TV: Big Ten Network

My never will happen ideal conferences

Based mostly on geography, rivalries, tradition , like-minded institutions, with one exception keeping schools in the same state in the same conference, keeping the current 68 power 4 schools and adding a basically fan's conferences. without $$$ considerations.....

Big 16 (Formerly known as the Big 10)

--Iowa St.

So......16 teams, dumping RU, Maryland, Nebraska, and the Pac 4...adding Cincy, Pitt, Missouri, ND, ISU


--U Conn
--W. Virginia
--NS State
--S. Carolina
--Virginia Tech

15.....Hate to force Temple on them. Maybe somebody else would be better....already too many NC schools to add App St or E. Carolina. Maybe Marshall? U Mass? Anyway, dropping FSU, Stan, Cal, SMU, GT, UL, , Miami, , ND, , Pitt, ; adding U Conn, Temple, RU, Maryland, WVU, and S. Carolina.


--Ole Miss
--Miss St.

16 teams....Florida-heavy, but that's within the rules. Dropping Arkansas, TX, A&M, Missouri, Oklahoma & S. Carolina. Picking up GT, UL, Miami, FSU, USF, UCF.....USF & UCF both schools with 50000+ students.

The Plains (Formerly the Big 12)

--Colorado St.
--Kansas St.
--OK St
--TX A& M
--TX Tech

16 teams...Texas and Texas North, but why not. I'm thinking Houston & SMU were on the outside looking in. The old Big 8 schools could never get along with the Texas schools, so add a couple more. Switching Nebraska for Iowa St to keep in-state schools together and for tighter geography.

The PAC 15

--Wash St.
--Utah St.
--Boise St.
--SD State

15 teams.....I violated one of my rules by putting BYU in the Big 12. Adding Utah St. (about 28000 students), SD State (37000), UNLV (31000) & Boise St (26000) to get to 15.

All-in-all I think you end up with 5 pretty competitive conferences with reasonable geography and most rivalries preserved.

EDIT: Adding Colorado St, a school with 34000 students and a great location, to the new Big 12.

Wish granted

Many IU fb fans set the bar for success as a bowl game season. Even the AD apparently was willing to accept a bowl game appearance as the mark of success.
My expectations of an IU fb team is first to be competitive. Second is to be aggressive on both sides of the ball and hard hitting on defense. If we can stay mid pack in the B1G every year and occasionally in the top 5 that is my minimum. If we do all of the above we should hover around the top 25 every season which is my goal.
It’s too early to say we’re there after only 3 games but it LOOKS LIKE we’re on the right track to be where I want IU football to be.

Summer ball wrap-up for returning IU players...

Here's an article posted today at the IU site which recaps the summer season for those players that are returning to IU.

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