Can’t anybody here play this game?

So said Casey Stengel manager of the ‘62 Mets, one of the worst teams ever.

Wars rage in Ukraine and Gaza. But there is another war a Naval Battle in the Red Sea. This is draining Naval resources. According to one source, the Navy shot in a day all the Tomahawks we bought in a year. The targets are rag tag Yemeni terrorists who don’t have two nickels to rub together, but they are funded by Iran.

Iran is kicking our butt in the Red Sea, in Gaza, In Northern Israel with Hezbollah, and is supplying weapons to Russia in Ukraine.

What is our hapless president doing about Iran? Releasing billions in withheld sanction money for nothing in return. Nothing else.

Biden has not only helped Iran make a train-wreck of the entire Middle East, he is stuck in another Iranian war of attrition in the Red Sea and he gets a pass from media and congress. I don’t get it!

Oh, did you hear about the Gaza pier that costs millions for nothing all to collect a few votes in Michigan?

@Aloha Hoosier, The U.S. navy is taking it in the shorts with these blunders. This is not sustainable.

Biden is the ‘62 Mets of presidents.


Just now, I stopped by my local Starbucks to grab a pick me up espresso for the afternoon.

As I’m walking into the store, there’s a panhandler, dirty, kid about 20. Little cardboard sign, ratty clothes. He quietly asks if I can buy him “a coffee.”

Normally I say no or ignore, but a coffee? Why not. I say “you want a coffee? Sure kid. What size?”

His response: “ just a small mocha cookie crumble”.


He repeats it.

I just started laughing out loud. “You’re kidding me?”

“No sir.”

“You really want some sugar, huh. Ok. Give me a minute.”

I’m sitting here waiting for it to be made. Anyone want to guess what it cost me?
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Caitlin Clark Snubbed

This DEI crap has gone too far. IDK why she got left off the team. Politics? I wonder how many of these girls on the roster actually give a crap about the USA. Also, growing up the Olympics were a big deal, has that luster completely worn off?

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