The Cult

The cult and its "reign of terror" brought terrible policies from local policing to inflation to cancel culture to the border. I think more and more people realize they are not what's good for the country. Biden recently promised to get progressives on teh S. Ct. I will be interested to hear his debate answers and plans going forward or whether we're going to relive the disaster of 2020 if he has congress. Pretty interesting take below in the MSN Newsweek link with the French. With respect to trump’s tainted blood offensive border rhetoric I think this author better captures what trump was inarticulate about

Intelligent discussion of what's going on with young men in the U.S.

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Long, but good discussion on the issues facing young men and boys today.

One of the crazy stats from the beginning that sounds superficial but kinda blew me away: on dating apps, women spend most of their time just interested in the top guys. So if you have an app with 50 men and 50 women, all 50 women are going to be focused on the top 4 or 5 guys, with the other 90% of men getting no attention. Women are the anti- @larsIU

IU's 2024 Future Total - +5.5 Wins

I know that IU is a big unknown this year, but Vegas seems to think that we can win 3 games outside the non-conference.

While Lindy's & Alton's have us at the bottom - 4-5 win level.

What are the top 3 candidates for a win in conference?

Maryland could take a step backwards losing their QB. Plus, we owe them.

Is Washington going to be vulnerable after losing players & coaches

Purdue is at home, so there is always chance

Nebraska is probably the best of the 4 & would be a tough home win.

@ Michigan State

Do we need more money in K-12 schools? DeBoer says no.

This is all bound up in conventional wisdom that was developed decades ago and is now well out of date. For example, that we’ve somehow “defunded” K-12 education. Just flatly wrong, and yet I hear it all the time.

U.S. Public Education Spending Statistics [2023]: per Pupil + Total

Education expenditure as share of GDP in the United States

On the scale of a decade and expressed in dollars, or on the scale of three-quarters of a century and expressed as a percentage of GDP, we’ve spent more and more and more on education. No miracles in academic performance. You want funds earmarked for poor kids specifically? Here you go, here’s Title I spending:

But the money gets concentrated in the wealthiest schools, right? No, it does not. The opposite is true. Poorer and Blacker schools get more public funding than richer and whiter, for the obvious reason that we’ve been throwing money at the achievement gap for ages. This is a consistent finding and can’t be ignored. For the micro, let’s take a look at some schools in Brooklyn, a borough in the highest-spending state and the site of a great deal of racial and economic diversity.


So the Supreme Court has struck down a Portage, IN bribery conviction of the mayor. The defendant's team had argued he received a gratuity, not a bribe. That seems an incredibly fine hair to split. How on earth could anyone know the difference between a gratuity and a bribe? Is anything paid after the fact now legal?

lol @ MAGA

Take a step back and appreciate what you're doing: you're asking Americans to turn their arms on their fellow Americans, and abandon our legal system, all over a guy who was too stupid to just pay Stormy Daniels himself. Does it not bother you, MAGA, that Trump's defense to all these things is always "I never knew the crazy broad!"?

Sure, Don. You never knew any of these women. dws

Let's set the country on fire, though. That's the most important thing.

Equating Trump's self-inflicted "struggles" to the cause of liberty is obscene.

All you staunch intellectual conservatives sure love spending time in bed w sub 90 IQ types. Of course, you trick them with promises of eternal life, money they never get, etc. But show them a cross and a flag! Hooked for life!
