I looked on IUBase website...

and it lists 38 players that are currently on IU tentative roster. It did not have Conner Foley, Nick Mitchell, Josh Pyne, Brock Tibbitts, Luke Sinnard and of course the Portal Guys. I guess all these guys could come back but it sounds unlikely. I was surprised Josh Pyne's name not on that roster. I guess Mitchell must think he will be in Minor Leagues or elsewhere thus we picked up a couple of OF's to take his place.

Largest study to date on Long Covid risk factors

This is a JAMA just-published study from Columbia University.

Almost 5,000 patients were followed. While the median time for recovery was 20 days, 1 in 5 took more than 90 days to be free of COVID symptoms. Several factors were found to be associated with prolonged COVID recovery time. There was a longer time to recovery if you are…

-unvaccinated (the affect of boosters was less clear; the authors state that the boosted patient population was underpowered)
-a woman (Curiously, women report on average less severe illness but more prolonged / lingering symptoms)
-an American Indian or Alaska Native
-a person with pre-existing cardiovascular disease (CVD)
-a person who was infected earlier in the pandemic, pre-omicron

There were other categories with no statistical difference upon time to recovery, including if you are…
-a diabetic (somewhat surprising)
-a person with chronic lung disease (also surprising)
-a person with diagnosed mental health disorders

The paper's conclusions paragraph, verbatim: This cohort study found that 1 in 5 adults infected with SARS-CoV-2 did not fully recover by 3 months post infection in a racially and ethnically diverse US population-based sample. Recovery by 90 days was less likely in women and participants with prepandemic clinical CVD. Vaccination prior to infection and infection during the Omicron variant wave were associated with greater recovery, which was partially mediated by reduced acute infection severity. Results were similar for reinfections. Further investigation on the longer-term prognosis and mechanisms of PCC, including comparisons of multiorgan structure and function before and after infection, is critical to inform treatment and prevention.

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The Cult

The cult and its "reign of terror" brought terrible policies from local policing to inflation to cancel culture to the border. I think more and more people realize they are not what's good for the country. Biden recently promised to get progressives on teh S. Ct. I will be interested to hear his debate answers and plans going forward or whether we're going to relive the disaster of 2020 if he has congress. Pretty interesting take below in the MSN Newsweek link with the French. With respect to trump’s tainted blood offensive border rhetoric I think this author better captures what trump was inarticulate about

Can government policy end, or significantly decrease, childhood trauma?

I agree with a lot of this article. I think significantly reducing childhood trauma would lead to a host of better societal outcomes. I just don't know how, or if, it can be done, or if it could be, whether enough people would buy in.

From the article:

**the CDC study concluded that childhood violence is the most costly public health issue in the US, calculating that the overall costs exceeded those of cancer or heart disease. It estimated that eradicating childhood violence in the US would reduce the overall rate of depression by more than half, alcoholism by two-thirds, and suicide, serious drug abuse, and domestic violence by three-quarters. Moreover, preventing exposure to violence and abuse would significantly affect job performance, and vastly decrease the need for incarceration. In fact, about 95 percent of violent inmates suffer from childhood experiences with violence and abuse. That, of course, is not limited to the US, but is relevant to children around the world.

**Compared with girls of the same age, race and social conditions, sexually abused girls suffer from a range of profoundly negative effects: difficulties learning, depression, troubled sexual development, high rates of obesity and self-mutilation. They dropped out of school at much higher rates and had more serious medical illnesses. This study, and numerous others like it, underscore the reality that supporting high-quality early caregiving is critically important in preventing physical, social and mental health problems, regardless of traumas that occur outside the family.

**John Heckman, winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize in Economics, has shown that quality early childhood programmes that involve parents and promote basic skills in disadvantaged children more than pay for themselves in improved outcomes. Economists have calculated that every dollar invested in high-quality home visiting, daycare, and preschool programmes results in $7 in savings on welfare payments, healthcare costs, substance abuse treatment, and incarceration, plus higher tax revenues due to better-paying jobs.

S.Ct. blocks opioid settlement

I get it but that’s a bummer. States, counties, and munis all over the country were counting on it and it took moving mountains to get the settlement in the first place

Portal news - 2024...

Now that the season is over for us, I thought I would start a thread where all of the portal news coming out would be under one thread and not spread out. The portal opened for baseball on the date the tournament field was announced which would be May 27th and it's open for 45 days. That would put the window closing around July 10 or 11 for players to enter the portal and be eligible for next season. There are exceptions to the eligibility rules with players being able to transfer whenever there is a head coaching change or there are changes in financial aid from previous years. There might be some other exceptions that I'm unaware of. Hopefully, I've got all of that right.

Right now, the only name in the portal that's listed for IU is Brooks Ey and I don't remember him being on the opening day roster. He's listed as entering the portal on 05-25-2024 which is a couple of days before the portal opened on selection Monday, and I don't know the situation on that, but that date may be for players that were officially on the roster ending May 27th.

Keishaun Calhoun commits to Indiana

Hoosier fans, let's discuss the latest verbal!


I was blessed to get an in-person look at the Groveport Madison defensive lineman during his college day. He is a good prospect and good person!

Remote work

Dell told workers to classify themselves as hybrid workers or remote. If hybrid, they have to work out of an office 40 days per quarter. If remote, they forfeit promotions and getting hired into other Dell jobs.

1/2 chose remote.

It was believed Dell did this to trim their workforce without paying any severance. Dell really only has one set of offices, in Austin. Others are too small or don't exist. I know people that moved back to Austin because it really was the only choice.

Half forgoing promotion is a lot. I suspect many will go elsewhere over time. Apple is having similar issues with workers. It appears workers are still demanding more flexibility.

