Sen. Joe Manchin on Thursday dealt a devastating blow to Democrats' hopes for sweeping legislative action this year, telling Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and his staff "unequivocally" that he won't support the climate or tax provisions of a Democratic economic package, two sources...
Tax and spend defeated - again - for the failure it has always been.
November is still coming.
This nation needs common sense in the House, and compromise-requiring grid-lock or deliberation in the Senate.
1. Law and order requires well-paid, well-trained police.
2. Good jobs require good, stable, profitable employers.
3. Good primary school base-line education requires readin', 'ritin' and 'rithmetic - not sexual/social justice studies.
So let it be written - so let it be done - starting in November.
Hell, its 3 things - more than the average vote whore can handle anyway.
Start by stopping talking about Trump and abortion. Neither of those conversations is gonna help fix this nation.
Cops. Jobs. Schools.
Make 'em chuck it from the cheap seats.
Watch that purgatory they call a gym.
No drive, 12 foot in.
That'll do.