Tucker Carlson 1/6 tapes

The real tragedy that day is the pathetically low body count overall. With the number of geriatrics in government I can't believe there weren't a few heart attacks or strokes. We could stand to lose a few.

If you have to renew your driver's license every couple years you are to old to hold public office.
If you had left the part out about hoping for a higher body count, then you might actually have reasonable people agree with you. As is, that is just a pathetic post
No more pathetic than some people saying a woman who was shot and killed deserved what she got.
She was at fault. It is called cause and effect. I wasn't rooting for her to get killed like you did so no it is not the same.

Maybe come up with a better yabbut for your shit post.
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Have you seen the video of her being shot? It wasn't a lethal force situation.

Im not defending her actions but whatever crime she was committing didn't deserve a death penalty which is what the officer gave her.

Yes it was. It was barricaded, he had his gun drawn and the people he was protecting were in that direction. Everyone else but her were aware that was not a line to cross.

If he didn't shoot then more people would have followed her lead and he would have just put in danger the very people he was supposed to protect.

She was an idiot and responsible for her own death.

Understanding the kill was justified is a lot different from rooting/hoping for it
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"January 6 was a tragic day. I was there at the Capitol. And let me assure you. It was not, as some would have us believe, a matter of tourists peacefully enjoying themselves. Tourists don’t injure 140 police officers by sightseeing. Tourists don’t break down doors to get to the speaker of the House or voice threats against public officials.

"And make no mistake about it: What happened that day was a disgrace, and it mocks decency to portray it in any other way.

“And to my fellow Americans who are gathered here: For as long as I live, I will never, ever diminish the injuries sustained, the lives lost or the heroism of law enforcement on that tragic day. So help me God.

“President Trump was wrong. I had no right to overturn the election, and his reckless words endangered my family and everyone at the Capitol that day. And I know that history will hold Donald Trump accountable for his actions.

-Mike Pence, March 11, 2023

Now he needs to follow through on those words and cooperate with Jack Smith. But will he?
"January 6 was a tragic day. I was there at the Capitol. And let me assure you. It was not, as some would have us believe, a matter of tourists peacefully enjoying themselves. Tourists don’t injure 140 police officers by sightseeing. Tourists don’t break down doors to get to the speaker of the House or voice threats against public officials.

"And make no mistake about it: What happened that day was a disgrace, and it mocks decency to portray it in any other way.

“And to my fellow Americans who are gathered here: For as long as I live, I will never, ever diminish the injuries sustained, the lives lost or the heroism of law enforcement on that tragic day. So help me God.

“President Trump was wrong. I had no right to overturn the election, and his reckless words endangered my family and everyone at the Capitol that day. And I know that history will hold Donald Trump accountable for his actions.

-Mike Pence, March 11, 2023

Now he needs to follow through on those words and cooperate with Jack Smith. But will he?
Said the guy who received the judas coin and elbow bumped Nancy Pelosi. SMH lmao. Stop already
"January 6 was a tragic day. I was there at the Capitol. And let me assure you. It was not, as some would have us believe, a matter of tourists peacefully enjoying themselves. Tourists don’t injure 140 police officers by sightseeing. Tourists don’t break down doors to get to the speaker of the House or voice threats against public officials.

"And make no mistake about it: What happened that day was a disgrace, and it mocks decency to portray it in any other way.

“And to my fellow Americans who are gathered here: For as long as I live, I will never, ever diminish the injuries sustained, the lives lost or the heroism of law enforcement on that tragic day. So help me God.

“President Trump was wrong. I had no right to overturn the election, and his reckless words endangered my family and everyone at the Capitol that day. And I know that history will hold Donald Trump accountable for his actions.

-Mike Pence, March 11, 2023

Now he needs to follow through on those words and cooperate with Jack Smith. But will he?
Mike Pence is just a rino now lol
Did you even read the article? Are Elizabeth Warren and Dick Durbin all in on the bullshit too?

One of the ladies in the article was in solitary confinement and her charges were completely thrown out on appeal. There are murderers who get out on bail in this country.

And you have me confused with someone who gives a hot damn about Donald Trump. I don't want him to run in 2024. I don't think he was as effective as someone else could have been from 2016-2020. I think all sorts of negative things about Trump. What burns you guys up is that I am not wholly, 100% bought in to the "Trump is the most high evil!!!!" that so many of you are. He is a mixed bag. Mostly negative on personality. Slightly positive on expressed ideas. Slightly negative on actual governance. And all of that means jack squat when discussing the videos and the treatment of the detained.

We got the very up front and clear look at the very negative that went on that day. We should have been having a holistic approach to the discussion though. Having real GOP involvement in the panel would have allowed for some questions to be asked that would not have fed the whole narrative that this was mostly political theater to get Trump. How the police acted that day is important. How we planned for that crowd is important. How we deal with rioters is important. The most important thing to that J6 committee was to frame things as negatively as they could on one person. And after their dog and pony show they managed to not even be able to get him. Their committee was a ****ing failure.
Dude you're being a tad disengenuous with pretending this is a current criticism from either Elizabeth Warren or Durbin. The article is from April 2021, basically 3 months after the riot, and long before sedition convictions and the revelations of the Jan 6 Committee.

And whining about the "lack of real GOP involvement" is a red herring. There is no way in the world refusing to have an idiot like Jordan and whatever Banks is on the Committee to disrupt the proceedings equates to a lack of "real GOP involvement". McCarthy chose to play his games, when the reality is he had at least 150+ reasonable Republicans that would have been acceptable to everyone and that the entire populace would have viewed as legitimate and normal participants in a fact finding mission.

I still don't understand why some of the people on this board who should probably know better would somehow think they are "better" Republicans than people such as Cheney and Kizinger who are able to put the proper perspective on weighing country over Party.

This fake narrative that Tucker is trying to sell will only play with the already convinced cultists because the event played out live in front of millions of us. And beyond that, the social media posts from the participants themselves demonstrated that they were both guilty and incredibly stupid.

A number of people sent incriminating videos and pics to friends/family/co-workers who turned them in. One idiot was thrown off a plane leaving DC 2 days after the riot for yelling "Trump 2020" and generally being a PIA.The guy continued to be obnoxious and attrct attention back inside the airport and an airport cop watching a video of Jan 6 rioters suddenly realized that one of the culprits in the video was the guy causing trouble in the airport. He was even wearing the same shirt that he wore in the video...

And a number of people involved were convicted criminals already. One guy who was wearing an ankle monitor after a burglary conviction was actually wearing the monitor when he entered the Capitol. They were able to track all of his movements from the moment they realized he had illegally entered the Capitol...

You know it's weird... The same bunch of people who promote the idea that a vaccine somehow resulted in the illness/ deaths of countless people days or even weeks after the fact manage to somehow completely dismiss the fact that a police officer suffered a fatal stroke the day after he was repeatedly sprayed in the face with bear spray.

The National backpacking association warns against the danger to humans posed by bear spray and says it can even cause permanent eye damage, but here you are intent on making a meaningless distinction between an officer being exposed to a potentially lethal chemical and dying a day later...

You have no qualms about claiming a heart attack in someone in their 30s/40s is due to their vaccination status, but insist that thugs spraying Sicknick in the face with harmful chemicals in no way could contribute to him suffering a stroke (a narrowing of the arteries in the brain) within hours of the incident...

Care to explain the distinction? Do you believe in "shedding" as well? No chance her unvaxed ass had Covid...

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Now he needs to follow through on those words and cooperate with Jack Smith. But will he?

Truth be told, I think he does need to resist the subpoena on executive privilege grounds until such time as the courts tell him he must testify. Then, if he refuses, they need to charge his ass and prosecute the shit out of him.
Truth be told, I think he does need to resist the subpoena on executive privilege grounds until such time as the courts tell him he must testify. Then, if he refuses, they need to charge his ass and prosecute the shit out of him.
I wish you (and Aloha and a few others) posted more often. You provide the relatively rare opportunity to respond to a thoughtful, informed post.

I'm not going to substantively engage with the idiots anymore. It's just a colossal waste of time. I would love to see their browsing histories, though. I bet that's something to behold.

I don't think executive privilege is for Pence to assert. Trump seems to be the one who thinks he can invoke it. But it's not clear a former president can assert the privilege, if he can it would only apply to statements and conduct within his official capacity as president, and United States v. Nixon does him no favors.

Pence appears to be trying to avoid testifying based on the speech or debate clause. He claims that, as president of the Senate, speech or debate would apply to him in addition to the legislators.

I think both claims are long shots but you're right, Pence is no doubt waiting for the issues to be decided in court. Hopefully it can be fast-tracked. In any event, I don't think his failure to testify would be fatal to any of these investigations. Smith would love to have him testify before his grand jury as icing on the cake, but Willis doesn't need him in Georgia and the Manhattan DA doesn't need him for the hush money case that Michael Cohen went to prison for while taking the fall for Trump.
The Shaman got 4 years for trespass and ridiculing Nancy Pelosi, which is considered a crime by the deep staters and their lackies in the press. The Lefties on here for the most part support the bastardization of the federal criminal justice system that has occurred under the Liar in Chief. They're all over it, which is despicable.
"The Shaman got 4 years for trespass and ridiculing Nancy Pelosi, which is considered a crime by the deep staters and their lackies in the press. "

So that's what he was charged with, misdemeanor trespassing? Silly me I thought he pleaded guilty to a FELONY charge of obstructing the electoral college.

"Chansley was originally charged with six federal crimes. He pleaded guilty to one of the most serious charges and could face a maximum of 20 years in prison, though his lack of a criminal record means he’ll likely receive much less. As part of the plea agreement, Chansley agreed to pay $2,000 in restitution for damage to the Capitol. He could also face a fine of up to $250,000."

I thought you were a law and order guy? Federal Crimes in all likelihood means that members of both parties and POTUS's of both parties signed them into law. IIRC the Shaman left a note for Pence in which he warned him that "justice is coming". He told the FBI that it wasn't a threat,but he also told them Pence was a "child- trafficing traitor"...

You do know that Wray was appointed by Trump, right? Here is what the FBI discovered about two of those wonderful citizens that Tucker wants to characterize as "tourists"...

"One man from Alabama faces 17 criminal counts, largely for possession of multiple weapons, including a shotgun, a rifle, three pistols and 11 Molotov cocktails, as well as ammunition and shotgun shells without registration, according to an indictment.

After living in his truck in DC for about a week, the man parked it about a block from the Capitol on January 6, according to court documents. Police started searching the truck after spotting a firearm handle and found the weapons, as well as a stun gun, several machetes, a crossbow; several large-capacity ammunition-feeding devices; and hundreds of rounds of ammunition, according to a memorandum that prosecutors filed January 12 in support of his detention.

Also in the truck: the handwritten note with Indiana Rep. Andre Carson’s name and an added observation that he is “one of two Muslims in House of Reps.”

The second man is alleged to have driven from Colorado to Washington, DC, a day before Trump’s rally with more than 2,500 rounds of ammunition and an assault rifle. He is said to have texted acquaintances that he wanted to shoot or run over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and shoot DC Mayor Muriel Bowser, according to court records."

That’s BS. The committee is not a criminal justice agency. If relevant footage was concealed from the defense in the prosecution of crimes, that’s a different question, in a different forum, with different standards.

The congressional committee is a political body. The committee hired a pro to curate and choreograph the video. What the committee didn’t use is still public information and there was no legit reason to hide it.
But unless you think the DOJ is lying, your made up claims about video evidence being withheld from defendants is not true. You seem to do that a lot lately, just create fake scenarios. Must be a component of your avowed desire to troll even if it means ignoring facts in the process...

Have you seen the video of her being shot? It wasn't a lethal force situation.

Im not defending her actions but whatever crime she was committing didn't deserve a death penalty which is what the officer gave her.
"whatever crime she was committing didn't deserve a death penalty which is what the officer gave her."

She was warned not to attempt to broach the barricade, All of the other rioters complied, but she chose not to. The officer fired one shot...

On the other hand, Jacob Blake was attempting to get in his car and drive away in Kenosha when the officer shot him in the back and side 7 times. Even if the officer feared that Blake was going to grab a knife and attack him, 7 shots into an unarmed man is sort of overkill.

Blake survived, but the officer clearly applied deadly force. Since you feel that Babbit's crimes didn't deserve a death penalty, would you extend the same compassion to Blake? If not, I'm curious as to why you'd make the distinction...
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It doesn't matter one iota what you 'think'.

It's basic rights for a defendant to have access to any pertinent information.

Who gives a shit what you 'think' - that's not what the justice system is based on, thank God.
Well you believe liars and are arguing false claims, so who gives a shit what you think. The Shaman pleaded guilty to a charge that carried a possible 20 yrs prison sentence- why do you think he did that?

Court filings which include the video some of the rioters claim they never received prove they are lying. Tucker is lying, and would have you believe that Dominick Pezzola and his fellow rioters were "tourists" by showing you edited video from a singular peaceful period within all the chaos. Apparently you're gullible enough to fall for it...

"Federal prosecutors noted that Carlson’s chosen footage “lacks the context of what occurred before and after,” as the host skipped over the violence perpetrated that day. What’s more, the evidence in Pezzola’s own case undercuts Carlson’s narrative that Jan. 6 was essentially peaceful. Prosecutors wrote in their filing:

The trial record is replete with video, audio, and testimony proving Pezzola’s egregious conduct on January 6, which included viciously assaulting a Capitol Police officer, forcibly taking that officer’s riot shield, threatening other officers, using the shield to shatter a window, and then ... engaging in a standoff with a Capitol Police Inspector mere steps from the Senate Chamber."
And Pezzola is an associate of the Shaman, and video shows the two of them breaking into the Capitol together. I wonder if that's why the Shaman was content to plead guilty for a 4 yr sentence instead of risking a trial? ;)

Don't forget this minor little detail. I'm sure it was just a coincidence.

Dude this was debunked by the AP on Jan 7, and you're still bringing it up? Don't you even fact check your own posts, to make sure you're not posting something that makes you look foolish? I mean the AP even reports on the station and live show his interview with the rioters was airing live on...

"A photo of Vos outside of the Capitol with one of the rioters behind him was featured in several false posts claiming Vos was part of an inside job: “Antifa capitol stormer allegedly with Nancy pelosi’s son in law. .Vos. Is that how they got in?” a Facebook user stated. The post had hundreds of shares.

In reality, Vos was reporting on the insurrection for the Dutch television channel RTL 4’s talk show Jinek. During the phone interview, Vos said that Pelosi, his wife and son had to take shelter inside the building, while he reported from outside the building. He said he lost contact with his family for a few hours.

The rioter captured in the photograph with Vos has been identified as Jake Angeli, who also appeared in images of rioters inside the Capitol building wearing a furry hat with horns. He is a regular at pro-Trump events and a known follower of QAnon, a baseless conspiracy theory that claims that Trump is secretly fighting deep state enemies and a cabal of child sex traffickers.

The AP has debunked false claims that Angeli is part of antifa, rather than a Trump supporter."

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All I ask is that the next time some Code Pink or abortion rights protester types find their way to protest in the building that we drag them out, lock them in solitary confinement for over a year, and then give them 4 years for the same.

Everything in the Shaman charges except violent maybe just 3 years.
You really hate women, don’t you?

Dude this was debunked by the AP on Jan 7, and you're still bringing it up? Don't you even fact check your own posts, to make sure you're not posting something that makes you look foolish? I mean the AP even reports on the station and live show his interview with the rioters was airing live on...

"A photo of Vos outside of the Capitol with one of the rioters behind him was featured in several false posts claiming Vos was part of an inside job: “Antifa capitol stormer allegedly with Nancy pelosi’s son in law. .Vos. Is that how they got in?” a Facebook user stated. The post had hundreds of shares.

In reality, Vos was reporting on the insurrection for the Dutch television channel RTL 4’s talk show Jinek. During the phone interview, Vos said that Pelosi, his wife and son had to take shelter inside the building, while he reported from outside the building. He said he lost contact with his family for a few hours.

The rioter captured in the photograph with Vos has been identified as Jake Angeli, who also appeared in images of rioters inside the Capitol building wearing a furry hat with horns. He is a regular at pro-Trump events and a known follower of QAnon, a baseless conspiracy theory that claims that Trump is secretly fighting deep state enemies and a cabal of child sex traffickers.

The AP has debunked false claims that Angeli is part of antifa, rather than a Trump supporter."

Wait…you think the guy that retweets Catturd, Kevin Sorbo, Dakich , etc fact checks?
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Dude this was debunked by the AP on Jan 7, and you're still bringing it up? Don't you even fact check your own posts, to make sure you're not posting something that makes you look foolish? I mean the AP even reports on the station and live show his interview with the rioters was airing live on...

"A photo of Vos outside of the Capitol with one of the rioters behind him was featured in several false posts claiming Vos was part of an inside job: “Antifa capitol stormer allegedly with Nancy pelosi’s son in law. .Vos. Is that how they got in?” a Facebook user stated. The post had hundreds of shares.

In reality, Vos was reporting on the insurrection for the Dutch television channel RTL 4’s talk show Jinek. During the phone interview, Vos said that Pelosi, his wife and son had to take shelter inside the building, while he reported from outside the building. He said he lost contact with his family for a few hours.

The rioter captured in the photograph with Vos has been identified as Jake Angeli, who also appeared in images of rioters inside the Capitol building wearing a furry hat with horns. He is a regular at pro-Trump events and a known follower of QAnon, a baseless conspiracy theory that claims that Trump is secretly fighting deep state enemies and a cabal of child sex traffickers.

The AP has debunked false claims that Angeli is part of antifa, rather than a Trump supporter."

Dmbhoosier's entire story is bullshit. As the AP story reflects, the guy ("Jake Angeli") standing next to Pelosi's reporter son-in-law was initially identified by Trump supporters as an antifa infiltrator. He is, in fact, Jacob "Time's up, you motherfvckers!" Chansley, the QAnon Shaman.
I don't think executive privilege is for Pence to assert. Trump seems to be the one who thinks he can invoke it. But it's not clear a former president can assert the privilege, if he can it would only apply to statements and conduct within his official capacity as president, and United States v. Nixon does him no favors.

I think there's an argument to be made that communications between a President and Vice President should be privileged except in the most extreme circumstances. Since Biden won't assert it, it's left to Pence and/or Trump.

Pence appears to be trying to avoid testifying based on the speech or debate clause. He claims that, as president of the Senate, speech or debate would apply to him in addition to the legislators.

The speech and debate clause assertion is idiotic. Lindsay has found that out and so will Pence.

I think both claims are long shots but you're right, Pence is no doubt waiting for the issues to be decided in court.

This is akin to a cooperating witness requiring a "friendly subpoena" before testifying; Pence needs the courts to "force" him to testify.
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I think there's an argument to be made that communications between a President and Vice President should be privileged except in the most extreme circumstances. Since Biden won't assert it, it's left to Pence and/or Trump.

The speech and debate clause assertion is idiotic. Lindsay has found that out and so will Pence.

This is akin to a cooperating witness requiring a "friendly subpoena" before testifying; Pence needs the courts to "force" him to testify.
Yeah, the "I'll testify if you serve me with a subpoena" CYA approach. Here, though, Pence already has the subpoena.

Every time I think Pence has finally grown a pair, he lets me down.
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The best response to the idiots is no response at all. I learned that the hard way.
Here's my primary issue. I'll respectfully engage with and/or debate anyone, no matter their political bent or ideology, if they're honest with the facts. These guys, though, take what they read from social media morons and/or propagandists (e.g. catturd, Baris), or what they hear from Tucker Carlson (his own lawyers have said you can't believe him) or what they read at The Gateway Pundit and fringe websites as factual. And, when that clearly fails, an absurd false equivalence is their go-to. It's completely bogus, disingenuous and, as one poster likes to call it, posting in bad faith. I won't waste my time with it anymore.
@DANC smoked a couple more out!!!! #dreamteam
Smoke them out? Ha. Poor little guy is very sensitive and easily triggered. He claims to have me and others on ignore. The irony is I think half the board has him on ignore. Not the biggest dope, but the biggest shitposter here.
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Smoke them out? Ha. Poor little guy is very sensitive and easily triggered. He claims to have me and others on ignore. The irony is I think half the board has him on ignore. Not the biggest dope, but the biggest shitposter here.
The dream team is more than one player deep son.
Imagine that starting five on your debate team!!! 🔥 FIRE!!!!
The dream team is more than one player deep son.
Imagine that starting five on your debate team!!! 🔥 FIRE!!!!
Great lineup. Dominion has released text that prove beyond any doubt that Those nice folks at Fox lied to them but all five continues to base their convictIons on what Tucker and company tell them. Any effort to debate with these five is doomed from the star
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Great lineup. Dominion has released text that prove beyond any doubt that Those nice folks at Fox lied to them but all five continues to base their convictIons on what Tucker and company tell them. Any effort to debate with these five is doomed from the star
You’ve got to bring your A game that’s for sure. Otherwise you’ll get smoked out pretty quickly. Politics, business, LIFE, the OLD TESTAMENT. You’ll be found out with this team. They don’t suffer fools….
Great lineup. Dominion has released text that prove beyond any doubt that Those nice folks at Fox lied to them but all five continues to base their convictIons on what Tucker and company tell them. Any effort to debate with these five is doomed from the star
Lied to them about what? The machine stuff was always nonsense as we said from November 2020. It was always about the signature match which was never allowed but for once in Arizona where the handwriting expert picked by the Democratic party of Arizona found that the number of Biden ballots where the signature didn't match far exceeded his margin of victory.
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