Tucker Carlson 1/6 tapes

If you people think Jan 6 was an insurrection then you have no idea what one is or what that word even means. That was child's play. You better hope a real one doesn't pop off. It would make the Bosnia-Kosovo war look like recess.

Cops committing suicide after the fact does not mean it was related to the event. If that's even true they did. People who commit suicide have long held thoughts about it. I'm sure those thoughts predated jan 6.
But remember it was "armed" because they were carrying flags.
Tell that to the people that got injured on jan 6 or family members of the people that were killed

Nothing burger? Yeah right
Its overrated hick. I've sent my condolences and prayers to the only one that matters, Ashli Babbit and her family. Its not worth arguing anymore with you or yours. MK Ultra, by means of the msm, was obviously a success with a portion (you and some others) of the population.

I'd tell you to grab a beer but your ill enough without one.
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Dude go get a freaking beer. Make it a few double ipa's. January 6th...nobody gives a crap. The only reason it comes up amongst my crew is when the ridiculous left runs its clownshow on TV about it and we're like why??? It's BS Bowl. A nothing burger.

This is how people who can't condone it but won't condemn it respond.
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This is how people who can't condone it but won't condemn it respond.
Get over it Mark! It was a dem clown show. A political propaganda piece. WTF don't you get about it? Nancy not doing what she should have? The camera's surrounding her that day when she said this is my moment? That was normal...NOT

I could list item after item and have shown plenty of video a couple years back that you all dismissed. Now the video they want you to see is shown and you believe it?

How could YOU after watching the FTC a couple days ago to who is supposed to protect consumers, rather attack a couple of outstanding liberal journalists over the 1st amendment still believe this sh!t!!! This has gone on now for far to long! If the shoe was on the other foot I would be furious with pubs. When are you going to see through this facade!

I think I'm getting it though. It involved Trump. ANYTHING that involved Trump you guys hang on to for dear life hoping for something, ANYTHING. I've been the first one to say if he did something wrong politically get him for it. The msm painted him so horribly bad that you all just want him in jail. Jan 6th was NOT his fault period. Let it go!

No go get some damn beer and cheer on the Hoosiers!

Edit...Only Mark and Bowl get beer hick, not you! You go stand in a corner til we tell you to come out! hahahaha
Get over it Mark! It was a dem clown show. A political propaganda piece. WTF don't you get about it? Nancy not doing what she should have? The camera's surrounding her that day when she said this is my moment? That was normal...NOT

I could list item after item and have shown plenty of video a couple years back that you all dismissed. Now the video they want you to see is shown and you believe it?

How could YOU after watching the FTC a couple days ago to who is supposed to protect consumers, rather attack a couple of outstanding liberal journalists over the 1st amendment still believe this sh!t!!! This has gone on now for far to long! If the shoe was on the other foot I would be furious with pubs. When are you going to see through this facade!

I think I'm getting it though. It involved Trump. ANYTHING that involved Trump you guys hang on to for dear life hoping for something, ANYTHING. I've been the first one to say if he did something wrong politically get him for it. The msm painted him so horribly bad that you all just want him in jail. Jan 6th was NOT his fault period. Let it go!

No go get some damn beer and cheer on the Hoosiers!

Edit...Only Mark and Bowl get beer hick, not you! You go stand in a corner til we tell you to come out! hahahaha
Don't forget this minor little detail. I'm sure it was just a coincidence.

I don't know. Trespassed? Menaced? Beats me. What's it matter to my point? He was charged with whatever he was charged with, and footage of him at other times not doing those things he was charged with is irrelevant. You don't get to duck a bank-robbing charge by showing video of all the times you didn't rob a bank. You don't get to dodge a rape charge by showing evidence of women who slept with you consensually. The point is, this footage does nothing for him.
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If you people think Jan 6 was an insurrection then you have no idea what one is or what that word even means. That was child's play. You better hope a real one doesn't pop off. It would make the Bosnia-Kosovo war look like recess.
Lighten up, Francis
I don't know. Trespassed? Menaced? Beats me. What's it matter to my point? He was charged with whatever he was charged with, and footage of him at other times not doing those things he was charged with is irrelevant. You don't get to duck a bank-robbing charge by showing video of all the times you didn't rob a bank. You don't get to dodge a rape charge by showing evidence of women who slept with you consensually. The point is, this footage does nothing for him.
You posted like you knew. If you don't know about his case, maybe you shouldn't act like you know what you're talking about.

You think 41 months in prison - 18 months of it in solitary - is justified for trespass?

Remind me not to hire you for my defense.
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Hahahahaha OMG this is just great! THE BEST!!! Another in the long line of msm and dem lies to the American people that most on here swallow hook, line and sinker. Hey @DANC @Crayfish57 @dbmhoosier @Lucy01 I'm gonna be a hero like @Bowlmania and record The Tucker Tapes...LMAO. NOT

Bowl recorded the Jan 6th, staged for suckers, sh!tshow, presented by, NOBODY THAT TOOK THE VACCINE, that went on TV and took a fake vaccine shot, so people, like a large group on this board would be thoroughly convinced to do so as well, AND by the FBI and DOJ the same ones that screweded a US citizen running for president and a sitting president, AND by the DNC the gift that keeps on giving.

Ohhhh my this has gone past stupid. I listened to show after show today that was LMAO at Schumer and his crying charade BS on the floor. These complete reprobate, idiot, dumba$$es think people still believe the garbage they are trying to sell. I have news for them....THERE ARE SOME!!!!!, right here on the WC!!!!!!!! They should run vax, JAN 6th, we got him now commercials, 24/7 with a donate here link, It amazing!!!! There are people that really believe all this horsesh!t the government is shoving down our throats daily!!!!

Oh bless your heart. I’m pretty sure there are meds that can help.
Yes, Tucker is going to go through and pick out the bits to buttress his argument. He is a propagandist/spokesperson for the conservative side of the aisle. The problem though is this:

This wasn't treated correctly from jump. The Democrats in control of Congress brought in a TV executive to make their opening statement to people. The whole thing was a joke. People at the time said this was being handled like a joke. Aloha isn't a Trump fan by any means and I think he said that not truly allowing the GOP to have representation on the hearings was going to be problematic. And here we are. You don't convince people by lying...on either side.
As you know, there were two Republicans on the committee and most of the people who testified were Republicans. That seems like representation to me.
If you people think Jan 6 was an insurrection then you have no idea what one is or what that word even means. That was child's play. You better hope a real one doesn't pop off. It would make the Bosnia-Kosovo war look like recess.

Cops committing suicide after the fact does not mean it was related to the event. If that's even true they did. People who commit suicide have long held thoughts about it. I'm sure those thoughts predated jan 6.
Every suicide is different. You don’t know those officers or what they were thinking. I think most of us know what the word means.
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You posted like you knew. If you don't know about his case, maybe you shouldn't act like you know what you're talking about.

You think 41 months in prison - 18 months of it in solitary - is justified for trespass?

Remind me not to hire you for my defense.
I didn't say it was justified. All I said was video of him behaving isn't really exculpatory.
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It was a dem clown show
I do seriously wonder if people don't realize this. It was a show and I'd say the same thing if the Rs were doing it. I have a feeling we may have one with McCarthy in the leadership. The Trump impeachments were a show and so was the Clinton impeachment. Just about everything they do in Washington is a show if it's being broadcast to the public.
I don't know. Trespassed? Menaced? Beats me. What's it matter to my point? He was charged with whatever he was charged with, and footage of him at other times not doing those things he was charged with is irrelevant. You don't get to duck a bank-robbing charge by showing video of all the times you didn't rob a bank. You don't get to dodge a rape charge by showing evidence of women who slept with you consensually. The point is, this footage does nothing for him.
If you have video of me walking you around my property, what kind of argument do you think I have for "trespassing" after the fact? If the prosecutor has that video and refuses to share it, why would that not be exculpatory? (Hint: It would.) The government couldn't get these people on all of the things they told people like Zeke and Bowl because it wasn't an inusrrection. It was a violent protest. And most of the violent protesters they couldn't do much with, like videos of BLM "peaceful protesters" so they went after people who were prominent on video for things like "parading". And they refused to bring charges against them while keeping them locked in solitary confinement for "parading" because those people had to be shown their place. Lefties can destroy cities, harass people, take over state houses, assault people, murder people, steal from stores with impunity, and mostly walk away Scott free with probation and a slap on the wrist. Righties get to sit in solitary confinement and get 4 years for police guided trespassing or "parading".

And why? Because Donald Trump. That is what this is all really about. They have failed time and again to get him for all the things he has supposedly done, so they went to the next best thing, punishing his supporters. All Donald, all the time because they built him into the boogeyman. Except he is more like the Candyman. Keep saying his name and he keeps appearing.

The Shaman guy is off his meds. He went somewhere he shouldn't and now he gets to spend more time in jail than we give people for shooting someone in inner cities.
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If you have video of me walking you around my property, what kind of argument do you think I have for "trespassing" after the fact? And solitary confinement for a year (or more) waiting for trial and 4 years for trespassing? Get outta here.

These were his charges:

Civil Disorder; Obsrtuction of an Official Proceeding; Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building; Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building; Violent Entry and Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building; Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in a Capitol Building

Was he made a example of? Probably. He chose to plead guilty and forgo a trial. It's pretty safe to say the capital was closed to the general public so that argument is out the window that day because of what was going on. He tried and successfully, along with everyone else, slowed the ratification (may be using the wrong word) of putting in place the next president.

He chose to not fight those charges.
These were his charges:

Civil Disorder; Obsrtuction of an Official Proceeding; Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building; Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building; Violent Entry and Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building; Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in a Capitol Building

Was he made a example of? Probably. He chose to plead guilty and forgo a trial. It's pretty safe to say the capital was closed to the general public so that argument is out the window that day because of what was going on. He tried and successfully, along with everyone else, slowed the ratification (may be using the wrong word) of putting in place the next president.

He chose to not fight those charges.
All I ask is that the next time some Code Pink or abortion rights protester types find their way to protest in the building that we drag them out, lock them in solitary confinement for over a year, and then give them 4 years for the same.

Everything in the Shaman charges except violent maybe just 3 years.
All I ask is that the next time some Code Pink or abortion rights protester types find their way to protest in the building that we drag them out, lock them in solitary confinement for over a year, and then give them 4 years for the same.

Everything in the Shaman charges except violent maybe just 3 years.

Does anyone know if DC has a law that if you are in the imminent presence of a group that breaks into a building with force, you can be charged?

There's video of him with said group.

As far as your comparison, if the building and hearing is closed to the public, I'm all for it.
If you have video of me walking you around my property, what kind of argument do you think I have for "trespassing" after the fact? If the prosecutor has that video and refuses to share it, why would that not be exculpatory? (Hint: It would.) The government couldn't get these people on all of the things they told people like Zeke and Bowl because it wasn't an inusrrection. It was a violent protest. And most of the violent protesters they couldn't do much with, like videos of BLM "peaceful protesters" so they went after people who were prominent on video for things like "parading". And they refused to bring charges against them while keeping them locked in solitary confinement for "parading" because those people had to be shown their place. Lefties can destroy cities, harass people, take over state houses, assault people, murder people, steal from stores with impunity, and mostly walk away Scott free with probation and a slap on the wrist. Righties get to sit in solitary confinement and get 4 years for police guided trespassing or "parading".

And why? Because Donald Trump. That is what this is all really about. They have failed time and again to get him for all the things he has supposedly done, so they went to the next best thing, punishing his supporters. All Donald, all the time because they built him into the boogeyman. Except he is more like the Candyman. Keep saying his name and he keeps appearing.

The Shaman guy is off his meds. He went somewhere he shouldn't and now he gets to spend more time in jail than we give people for shooting someone in inner cities.
Ok. Try to stay focused for a second. Seems you're commenting on Jan 6 and the QAnon Shaman. Try to avoid references to BLM, TDS, antifa, Code Pink or anything else that's wholly irrelevant. Challenge my facts if they're wrong, but don't veer off into the Land of Fallacy and False Equivalence:

  • The Shaman was one of the first to illegally enter the United States Capitol while Congress was certifying the election of a new president.
  • He carried a spear.
  • He used a bullhorn, was inciting the crowd and was acting as a leader.
  • He left a threatening note for Mike Pence.
  • He was shirtless on a cold January day. He dressed, looked and talked like someone who was unstable and was understandably perceived by cops as a threat.
  • Tom Manger, Chief of the Capitol Police, said that law enforcement, who were badly outnumbered by the mob, engaged him in an effort to de-escalate a dangerous situation that was quickly spiraling out of control.
  • He was subsequently arrested.
  • He was represented by counsel.
  • He entered a guilty plea.
  • He said his conduct that day was "indefensible." "I have no excuse. No excuse whatsoever."
  • He was sentenced to 41 months, the low end of the 41 to 51 months suggested by the federal sentencing guidelines for the crime.
  • You want to whitewash what he did and make him a martyr.
Every suicide is different. You don’t know those officers or what they were thinking. I think most of us know what the word means.
These suicides were Trumps fault and a direct result of the 6th. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Get a Life. Prolly a direct result of threatening to come clean and out Pelosi, sounds about right with the dem party. There is quite a bit of history to go off of.

Supercross was EPIC last night, EPIC zeke did you tune in??? ROCZEN FTW on the Suzuki. The place was packed and everyone was standing. Great Race!
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Ok. Try to stay focused for a second. Seems you're commenting on Jan 6 and the QAnon Shaman. Try to avoid references to BLM, TDS, antifa, Code Pink or anything else that's wholly irrelevant. Challenge my facts if they're wrong, but don't veer off into the Land of Fallacy and False Equivalence:

  • The Shaman was one of the first to illegally enter the United States Capitol while Congress was certifying the election of a new president.
  • He carried a spear.
  • He used a bullhorn, was inciting the crowd and was acting as a leader.
  • He left a threatening note for Mike Pence.
  • He was shirtless on a cold January day. He dressed, looked and talked like someone who was unstable and was understandably perceived by cops as a threat.
  • Tom Manger, Chief of the Capitol Police, said that law enforcement, who were badly outnumbered by the mob, engaged him in an effort to de-escalate a dangerous situation that was quickly spiraling out of control.
  • He was subsequently arrested.
  • He was represented by counsel.
  • He entered a guilty plea.
  • He said his conduct that day was "indefensible." "I have no excuse. No excuse whatsoever."
  • He was sentenced to 41 months, the low end of the 41 to 51 months suggested by the federal sentencing guidelines for the crime.
  • You want to whitewash what he did and make him a martyr.
I can name that tune in one tweet FTW Bowl

And why? Because Donald Trump. That is what this is all really about. They have failed time and again to get him for all the things he has supposedly done, so they went to the next best thing, punishing his supporters. All Donald, all the time because they built him into the boogeyman. Except he is more like the Candyman. Keep saying his name and he keeps appearing.

The Shaman guy is off his meds. He went somewhere he shouldn't and now he gets to spend more time in jail than we give people for shooting someone in inner cities.
Ding Ding Ding Ding! And they WANT to be convinced. They are hanging on to ANYTHING that is a possibility. Pretty sad IYAM. Now New York is coming after him again. New York at this point is another joke all unto itself from Hochul on down.
You're not equipped to participate in a meaningful discussion.
Tomaytoe Tumahtoe. Its only, not meaningful to you, when someone challenges all your horse shit. Then you ban me because of it while you're allowed to continue on spewing your agenda making it truly NOT meaningful. The whole idea is to debate.

Guess what I DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING THIS GOVERNMENT PARADES OUT ON THE MSM TO ME! Actually when they say it, the OPPOSITE is taking place. Why you ask? Because All of it has been proven wrong. You can't con a con man Bowl. I made my living on that telephone for 14 years a long time ago and learned from the best. I'm trying to teach you, but you and some others here have been MK Ultra-ed. You're truly lost and past the point of return. Its sad. However, for the sake of the WC lets keep this up.
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Tomaytoe Tumahtoe. Its only, not meaningful to you, when someone challenges all your horse shit. Then you ban me because of it while you're allowed to continue on spewing your agenda making it truly NOT meaningful. The whole idea is to debate.

Guess what I DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING THIS GOVERNMENT PARADES OUT ON THE MSM TO ME! Actually when they say it, the OPPOSITE is taking place. Why you ask? Because All of it has been proven wrong. You can't con a con man Bowl. I made my living on that telephone for 14 years a long time ago and learned from the best. I'm trying to teach you, but you and some others here have been MK Ultra-ed. You're truly lost and past the point of return. Its sad. However, for the sake of the WC lets keep this up.
Well, I can believe that. Anyone that has believed trump's shit obviously isn't capable of determining truth from lie.
Ok. Try to stay focused for a second. Seems you're commenting on Jan 6 and the QAnon Shaman. Try to avoid references to BLM, TDS, antifa, Code Pink or anything else that's wholly irrelevant. Challenge my facts if they're wrong, but don't veer off into the Land of Fallacy and False Equivalence:

  • The Shaman was one of the first to illegally enter the United States Capitol while Congress was certifying the election of a new president.
  • He carried a spear.
  • He used a bullhorn, was inciting the crowd and was acting as a leader.
  • He left a threatening note for Mike Pence.
  • He was shirtless on a cold January day. He dressed, looked and talked like someone who was unstable and was understandably perceived by cops as a threat.
  • Tom Manger, Chief of the Capitol Police, said that law enforcement, who were badly outnumbered by the mob, engaged him in an effort to de-escalate a dangerous situation that was quickly spiraling out of control.
  • He was subsequently arrested.
  • He was represented by counsel.
  • He entered a guilty plea.
  • He said his conduct that day was "indefensible." "I have no excuse. No excuse whatsoever."
  • He was sentenced to 41 months, the low end of the 41 to 51 months suggested by the federal sentencing guidelines for the crime.
  • You want to whitewash what he did and make him a martyr.
Don’t forget, the Shaman wasn’t under Trumps direction! Buckoo
It matters for sentencing. It’s my understanding he will move for a rehearing on sentencing in light of the concealed video of him urging the crowd to remain peaceful and leave.. “We are not ANTIFA“ is what he kept saying.
Are you talking about Chansley? Link?

Prosecutors said Chansley used a bullhorn to "rile up the crowd and demand that lawmakers be brought out" and "screamed obscenities from the Senate viewing gallery while other rioters flooded the Senate chamber below."

After leaving the gallery, he encountered Capitol Police Officer Keith Robishaw. Robishaw is seen on video walking with Chansley in a hallway. Robishaw said: "The sheer number of them compared to us, I knew ahead there was no way we could all get physical with them, so I took it upon myself to try to talk to them.” That's called de-escalation. It's a key component of law enforcement training.

Chansley pled guilty to obstructing an official proceeding. He has described his conduct that day as "indefensible." Why are you defending him?
That law breaker got what she deserved. Cop was a hero and probably prevented further death and injuries.
The courage and restraint exhibited by law enforcement that day was extraordinary. It's a testament to their professionalism, training and discipline that additional rioters weren't shot.
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The real tragedy that day is the pathetically low body count overall. With the number of geriatrics in government I can't believe there weren't a few heart attacks or strokes. We could stand to lose a few.

If you have to renew your driver's license every couple years you are to old to hold public office.
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