"You're the one setting this bomb off, not me. I have no control"...


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2009
(Disclaimer- If the content of this thread does NOT interest you, then please just ignore it.)

So this bit of convoluted logic was part of the live stream from Floyd Ray Roseberry the guy who drove and parked his truck in front of the Library of Congress and SCOTUS yesterday. Most of his comments seemed directed to Biden saying nonsense like "I want to go home on Sun to my wife, but if you shoot me it's on you," while sitting behind the wheel of a truck he claimed was filled with explosives... He's literally saying I DROVE this "bomb laden" truck here, but if you try to protect people by shooting me it's YOUR fault...

This guy is so lost in the outer limits that not only does he think Trump will be re-instated, but he believes that after Trump is POTUS again, that Trump will be pardoning his sorry ass...I don't agree with TYT on everything, but by playing this guy's own comments they point out the level of delusion some of these people have reached. What might be interesting is if this guy tries to use the "I was lied to" defense and in effect blame Trump when he actually comes to trial...We're starting to hear that from more than a few of the Jan 6 rioters...

Btw, not that ol' Floyd has any concept of irony, but while he's railing against "Socialism", he's contemporaneously arguing that he should get "free healthcare"...

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(Disclaimer- If the content of this thread does NOT interest you, then please just ignore it.)

So this bit of convoluted logic was part of the live stream from Floyd Ray Roseberry the guy who drove and parked his truck in front of the Library of Congress and SCOTUS yesterday. Most of his comments seemed directed to Biden saying nonsense like "I want to go home on Sun to my wife, but if you shoot me it's on you," while sitting behind the wheel of a truck he claimed was filled with explosives... He's literally saying I DROVE this "bomb laden" truck here, but if you try to protect people by shooting me it's YOUR fault...

This guy is so lost in the outer limits that not only does he think Trump will be re-instated, but he believes that after Trump is POTUS again, that Trump will be pardoning his sorry ass...I don't agree with TYT on everything, but by playing this guy's own comments they point out the level of delusion some of these people have reached. What might be interesting is if this guy tries to use the "I was lied to" defense and in effect blame Trump when he actually comes to trial...We're starting to hear that from more than a few of the Jan 6 rioters...

Btw, not that ol' Floyd has any concept of irony, but while he's railing against "Socialism", he's contemporaneously arguing that he should get "free healthcare"...

I don't think anyone seriously thought Trump or his allies were holding secret bunker meetings to overtake the Capitol. That said, I'm not sure this article absolves him in quite the way you think it does. This blurb from the end of the article you posted still stands:

...[T]he House of Representatives impeached Trump on the charge of "incitement of insurrection" after he spent weeks promoting conspiracy theories about the results of the 2020 election. On January 6, Trump gave a speech on The Ellipse where he urged supporters to march on the Capitol.

If someone yells 'fire!' in a crowded theater and people get trampled to death running toward the exits, they likely wouldn't have planned for that. Maybe they wouldn't have had the foresight to see that could've been a likely outcome. If you remove the person yelling 'fire!' from the equation, none of the subsequent events take place.
I don't think anyone seriously thought Trump or his allies were holding secret bunker meetings to overtake the Capitol. That said, I'm not sure this article absolves him in quite the way you think it does. This blurb from the end of the article you posted still stands:

...[T]he House of Representatives impeached Trump on the charge of "incitement of insurrection" after he spent weeks promoting conspiracy theories about the results of the 2020 election. On January 6, Trump gave a speech on The Ellipse where he urged supporters to march on the Capitol.

If someone yells 'fire!' in a crowded theater and people get trampled to death running toward the exits, they likely wouldn't have planned for that. Maybe they wouldn't have had the foresight to see that could've been a likely outcome. If you remove the person yelling 'fire!' from the equation, none of the subsequent events take place.
The FBI finds no evidence.
No sedition charges.
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(Disclaimer- If the content of this thread does NOT interest you, then please just ignore it.)

So this bit of convoluted logic was part of the live stream from Floyd Ray Roseberry the guy who drove and parked his truck in front of the Library of Congress and SCOTUS yesterday. Most of his comments seemed directed to Biden saying nonsense like "I want to go home on Sun to my wife, but if you shoot me it's on you," while sitting behind the wheel of a truck he claimed was filled with explosives... He's literally saying I DROVE this "bomb laden" truck here, but if you try to protect people by shooting me it's YOUR fault...

This guy is so lost in the outer limits that not only does he think Trump will be re-instated, but he believes that after Trump is POTUS again, that Trump will be pardoning his sorry ass...I don't agree with TYT on everything, but by playing this guy's own comments they point out the level of delusion some of these people have reached. What might be interesting is if this guy tries to use the "I was lied to" defense and in effect blame Trump when he actually comes to trial...We're starting to hear that from more than a few of the Jan 6 rioters...

Btw, not that ol' Floyd has any concept of irony, but while he's railing against "Socialism", he's contemporaneously arguing that he should get "free healthcare"...

For years our intelligence agencies have warned that white supremacists and rouge militia groups were a top terror threat in the US. How many more times do they have to be proven right before people stop scoffing at that notion?
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(Disclaimer- If the content of this thread does NOT interest you, then please just ignore it.)

So this bit of convoluted logic was part of the live stream from Floyd Ray Roseberry the guy who drove and parked his truck in front of the Library of Congress and SCOTUS yesterday. Most of his comments seemed directed to Biden saying nonsense like "I want to go home on Sun to my wife, but if you shoot me it's on you," while sitting behind the wheel of a truck he claimed was filled with explosives... He's literally saying I DROVE this "bomb laden" truck here, but if you try to protect people by shooting me it's YOUR fault...

This guy is so lost in the outer limits that not only does he think Trump will be re-instated, but he believes that after Trump is POTUS again, that Trump will be pardoning his sorry ass...I don't agree with TYT on everything, but by playing this guy's own comments they point out the level of delusion some of these people have reached. What might be interesting is if this guy tries to use the "I was lied to" defense and in effect blame Trump when he actually comes to trial...We're starting to hear that from more than a few of the Jan 6 rioters...

Btw, not that ol' Floyd has any concept of irony, but while he's railing against "Socialism", he's contemporaneously arguing that he should get "free healthcare"...

What a depressing existence…Floyd too.
I didn't even realize that Mas-sa-suta lived in North Carolina.

He could use some dental coverage and a speech therapist, after the total derangement thing is all worked out.
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I agree with you for once.
Of course, you tried to be funny pretending to be coy by leaving the "too" part undefined. If one didn't know better, one may think you were too chicken to just come out and say it.

Chicken, nah, just trying to be funny. I have no problem stating Cosmic‘s lifetime spent finding people on the fringe he can attribute all of the country’s problems to through an ultra partisan prism a depressing, pathetic existence. As usual, total misread by you.😀😀
Chicken, nah, just trying to be funny. I have no problem stating Cosmic‘s lifetime spent finding people on the fringe he can attribute all of the country’s problems to through an ultra partisan prism a depressing, pathetic existence. As usual, total misread by you.😀😀
You're the one who misread.
I acknowledged your weak attempt at humor, and qualified the "chicken" part with "if one didn't know better".
Now, head on back to your miserable, humorless existence.
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Would you vote for Mike Parsons the next chance you get?
Is that even a question? Of course. The nanny Dems in this state would lock us down indefinitely based on "rising cases." Thank god for parsons. As long as Covid is lingering there is zero chance I'd vote for a dem. I am farther politically from this iteration of Dems than any in my lifetime.
The FBI finds no evidence.
No sedition charges.
Wow, you went to great lengths to exonerate Trump. This, which has nothing to do with the thread topic, and starting a separate thread with this lead. And I thought you didn’t even like Trump! Can’t figure out your motives here.
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Wow, you went to great lengths to exonerate Trump. This, which has nothing to do with the thread topic, and starting a separate thread with this lead. And I thought you didn’t even like Trump! Can’t figure out your motives here.
the thread topic is shit, per usual. who cares. it's a typical garbage thread trying to find some far right nut being a nut posted by a nut who lives on those sites: Republicans R Evil
Republicans R Evil
Please don't confuse the Trumper nutjobs, hillnazis, and incels as being Republican. They're not, it's just that one of their own was president. If and when we elect a incompetent racist conman POS like you guys did. They'll then be dem.

Trumpers have no real political ideology beyond being scared of anything different, sharing misplaced anger and keeping whatever fake status quo they are holding on to. They long for a time when fat old hillbilly white men could say and do whatever they wished. That time is over.
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Please don't confuse the Trumper nutjobs, hillnazis, and incels as being Republican. They're not, it's just that one of their own was president. If and when we elect a incompetent racist conman POS like you guys did. They'll then be dem.

Trumpers have no real political ideology beyond being scared of anything different, sharing misplaced anger and keeping whatever fake status quo they are holding on to. They long for a time when fat old hillbilly white men could say and do whatever they wished. That time is over.
Is being a stupid POS a reflex action for you or do you put some actual time in to being a senseless prick?
i've been out of touch all day..

what is this guy's financial situation, and his family's healthcare situation?

while i could be wrong, i'm not buying he did this to bring back slavery.
(Disclaimer- If the content of this thread does NOT interest you, then please just ignore it.)

So this bit of convoluted logic was part of the live stream from Floyd Ray Roseberry the guy who drove and parked his truck in front of the Library of Congress and SCOTUS yesterday. Most of his comments seemed directed to Biden saying nonsense like "I want to go home on Sun to my wife, but if you shoot me it's on you," while sitting behind the wheel of a truck he claimed was filled with explosives... He's literally saying I DROVE this "bomb laden" truck here, but if you try to protect people by shooting me it's YOUR fault...

This guy is so lost in the outer limits that not only does he think Trump will be re-instated, but he believes that after Trump is POTUS again, that Trump will be pardoning his sorry ass...I don't agree with TYT on everything, but by playing this guy's own comments they point out the level of delusion some of these people have reached. What might be interesting is if this guy tries to use the "I was lied to" defense and in effect blame Trump when he actually comes to trial...We're starting to hear that from more than a few of the Jan 6 rioters...

Btw, not that ol' Floyd has any concept of irony, but while he's railing against "Socialism", he's contemporaneously arguing that he should get "free healthcare"...

Sorta like railing on people who don't want the vaccine or wear a mask and then support "My body, my choice".

Irony, huh?
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Please don't confuse the Trumper nutjobs, hillnazis, and incels as being Republican. They're not, it's just that one of their own was president. If and when we elect a incompetent racist conman POS like you guys did. They'll then be dem

Trumpers have no real political ideology beyond being scared of anything different, sharing misplaced anger and keeping whatever fake status quo they are holding on to. They long for a time when fat old hillbilly white men could say and do whatever they wished. That time is over.
"They long for a time when fat old hillbilly white men could say and do whatever they wished."

Huh, I thought, in America, you could say and do whatever you want, even if you're an Asian doper.
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For years our intelligence agencies have warned that white supremacists and rouge militia groups were a top terror threat in the US. How many more times do they have to be proven right before people stop scoffing at that notion?
The rouge militia is looking for boys just like you.
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"They long for a time when fat old hillbilly white men could say and do whatever they wished."

Huh, I thought, in America, you could say and do whatever you want, even if you're an Asian doper.
Mixed Asian dope!

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He's always talking up his Asian ancestry - I figure that's how he self-identifies.

I've heard he likes she/her for prefered pronouns.
TMP is an incel too. He gave himself away a while back. He used incel language. He quickly edited his comment but he was too late. I replied to his comment before his edit. He’s an incel.
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TMP is an incel too. He gave himself away a while back. He used incel language. He quickly edited his comment but he was too late. I replied to his comment before his edit. He’s an incel.
You definitely outed him. The fact he edited it shows he knew he was busted.

Good catch! I had no idea what an incel is. lol
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You definitely outed him. The fact he edited it shows he knew he was busted.

Good catch! I had no idea what an incel is. lol
I no didn’t know either. He called me a “Chad”. I googled it and all be darn. It said a term used by incels. And Google is never wrong. Bam he edited his post. He was nailed. 😂

I always thought he was just a Butthurt Asian racist that hates white people.
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