"You have to get out and vote. You won’t have to do it anymore."

I guess, if you insist. 😂


If I see a puppy, I’m kicking it!!!

Hey, that’s something Trump would do, amiright?
Hoops, if you're ever in South Bend around three in the morning how about stopping by and taking care of the neighbor's barking dog.
Bring Don along if he wants to help.
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I seem to recall, many MONTHS ago, widespread agreement from both sides that we had two very old candidates, that there should be age limitations for politicians, and that both should be replaced by younger people.

Now we just have one candidate that is too old. Older than any presidential candidate in HISTORY.

So you think we should just FORGET about what we have been saying for months, if not years? Why? Just because your cult finds it inconvenient for you diaper-wearing perpetually confused liar?
Who is we? Do you have a mouse in your pocket? It's absolutely disgusting what you are a part of. Lies,deceit,taking things put of do you feel good about lying constantly? Yes Trump is old. Trump is also still very capable. Comparing his current mental ability to that of Biden is nothing more than your latest pathetic attempt to discredit him. And as I said before,it will be the same shit 4 years from now. Will you feel stupid then,or still blindly put your support behind a party that is destroying the country right in front of your face,in the name of emotion? I can't with you anymore...too stupid. Also...who no reply if Reagan was a cult leader? He said MAGA too....and wasn't racist,wasn't in a cult. Yet you can't reply. Why? Because you now realize how stupid it is to say that? You are a pathetic little minnion,used to spread their hate,lies,deceit,and propaganda. fit the "useful idiot" criteria that they love. this time,I will save myself the risk at becoming less intelligent by reading what you say. Buh bye
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Who is we? Do you have a mouse in your pocket? It's absolutely disgusting what you are a part of. Lies,deceit,taking things put of do you feel good about lying constantly? Yes Trump is old. Trump is also still very capable. Comparing his current mental ability to that of Biden is nothing more than your latest pathetic attempt to discredit him. And as I said before,it will be the same shit 4 years from now. Will you feel stupid then,or still blindly put your support behind a party that is destroying the country right in front of your face,in the name of emotion? I can't with you anymore...too stupid. Also...who no reply if Reagan was a cult leader? He said MAGA too....and wasn't racist,wasn't in a cult. Yet you can't reply. Why? Because you now realize how stupid it is to say that? You are a pathetic little minnion,used to spread their hate,lies,deceit,and propaganda. fit the "useful idiot" criteria that they love. this time,I will save myself the risk at becoming less intelligent by reading what you say. Buh bye
You did not save yourself the risk of becoming less intelligent. Is that even possible?
Hoops, if you're ever in South Bend around three in the morning how about stopping by and taking care of the neighbor's barking dog.
Bring Don along if he wants to help.
I love dogs. Kill for dogs. But that’s a Fing nuisance. Call the city
It would also be a first for Dems to admit they have targeted Trump,in every way possible,to keep him out. The funny thing 4 years,they will say the exact same shit about the next republican candidate,and you dumbasses won't even notice. It has nothing to do with Trump. This is the dems playbook,regardless of warrant,or candidate. And you pathetic fools with still be throwing your emotional(and ignorant) support behind a party that does nothing but lie to you,and make it harder for your kids to live a good life. Congrats dumbasses.
Neither of the President Bush's, whom I voted for, were targeted by the Democrats. President Reagan who I also voted for was never targeted by the democrats. It was republicans, not democrats, led by Senator Goldwater who went to President Nixon (I did not vote for him) and told him he must resign.

The Bush presidents and Reagan did have something in common that should explain why they were not targeted. None of them were found guilty by a jury of sexual abuse. Nor were they found guilty by a jury of falsifying records after paying off a porn star to remain silent. They did not own a company whose CFO pled guilty to tax fraud. Neither they nor their children were found guilty of corporate financial fraud. None were indicted four times by grand juries on criminal charges.

But perhaps most of all neither they nor any of the other American presidents ever play any part in an attack on our capitol or attempt to overturn an election. None sat in the White house dining room watching the attack on TV for three hours without any action despite efforts of members of his administration, including his own daughter, urging him to fulfil his sworn duties as president of the United States. It was a gross dereliction of duty.
Neither of the President Bush's, whom I voted for, were targeted by the Democrats. President Reagan who I also voted for was never targeted by the democrats. It was republicans, not democrats, led by Senator Goldwater who went to President Nixon (I did not vote for him) and told him he must resign.

The Bush presidents and Reagan did have something in common that should explain why they were not targeted. None of them were found guilty by a jury of sexual abuse. Nor were they found guilty by a jury of falsifying records after paying off a porn star to remain silent. They did not own a company whose CFO pled guilty to tax fraud. Neither they nor their children were found guilty of corporate financial fraud. None were indicted four times by grand juries on criminal charges.

But perhaps most of all neither they nor any of the other American presidents ever play any part in an attack on our capitol or attempt to overturn an election. None sat in the White house dining room watching the attack on TV for three hours without any action despite efforts of members of his administration, including his own daughter, urging him to fulfil his sworn duties as president of the United States. It was a gross dereliction of duty.
Nor did any of them ask his defense secretary if it was possible to shoot protesters who were peacefully marching past the WH. Nor did any of them lie about a stolen election. The list goes on.
Thought we already covered this... 🙄

Here's what Trump actually said:

Not particularly articlulate given that he has to know everything he says will be taken out of context and used against him if possible but it's clear to most normal types that he isn't saying he's hoping to become dictator in Chief as the left wing wackos would have us believe...

Next I suppose they'll try to tell us that NPR is pro-Trump 😂...
Neither of the President Bush's, whom I voted for, were targeted by the Democrats. President Reagan who I also voted for was never targeted by the democrats. It was republicans, not democrats, led by Senator Goldwater who went to President Nixon (I did not vote for him) and told him he must resign.

The Bush presidents and Reagan did have something in common that should explain why they were not targeted. None of them were found guilty by a jury of sexual abuse. Nor were they found guilty by a jury of falsifying records after paying off a porn star to remain silent. They did not own a company whose CFO pled guilty to tax fraud. Neither they nor their children were found guilty of corporate financial fraud. None were indicted four times by grand juries on criminal charges.

But perhaps most of all neither they nor any of the other American presidents ever play any part in an attack on our capitol or attempt to overturn an election. None sat in the White house dining room watching the attack on TV for three hours without any action despite efforts of members of his administration, including his own daughter, urging him to fulfil his sworn duties as president of the United States. It was a gross dereliction of duty.
How short memories are. GWB was constantly attacked. BDS was a thing. He was burned in effigy, constantly depicted as Hitler or a monkey and on and on. I had tons of anti-Bush protest pictures of idiotic and despicable attacks of him.
Neither of the President Bush's, whom I voted for, were targeted by the Democrats. President Reagan who I also voted for was never targeted by the democrats. It was republicans, not democrats, led by Senator Goldwater who went to President Nixon (I did not vote for him) and told him he must resign.

The Bush presidents and Reagan did have something in common that should explain why they were not targeted. None of them were found guilty by a jury of sexual abuse. Nor were they found guilty by a jury of falsifying records after paying off a porn star to remain silent. They did not own a company whose CFO pled guilty to tax fraud. Neither they nor their children were found guilty of corporate financial fraud. None were indicted four times by grand juries on criminal charges.

But perhaps most of all neither they nor any of the other American presidents ever play any part in an attack on our capitol or attempt to overturn an election. None sat in the White house dining room watching the attack on TV for three hours without any action despite efforts of members of his administration, including his own daughter, urging him to fulfil his sworn duties as president of the United States. It was a gross dereliction of duty.
Blah blah was the show libby? You realize it was fiction right? Moron
Thought we already covered this... 🙄

Here's what Trump actually said:

Not particularly articlulate given that he has to know everything he says will be taken out of context and used against him if possible but it's clear to most normal types that he isn't saying he's hoping to become dictator in Chief as the left wing wackos would have us believe...

Next I suppose they'll try to tell us that NPR is pro-Trump 😂...
accusing dems of using the pub playbook?
Hyperbolic exclamations aside, I do think a second Trump presidency will cross some rubicons Americans aren’t ready to cross and will have trouble reconciling.

It sounds nice to reign in the federal government - both parties have promised that for decades - but cutting it the way Trump talks about would be a net negative for decades to come. Making civil servants at will employees reporting to the executive branch is such a bad idea. And similar to the Patriot Act will never be reversed by either party and will have horrible and long ranging impacts as future presidents sidestep Congress by doing things like working with the FDA to go reverse approvals for certain drugs/medications or relaxing standards so megadonors from corporations can push a product to market.

And just wait until the feds are enforcing mass deportation and going into neighborhoods knocking on doors demanding to see people’s papers and arresting them.

I don’t think most Americans really want any part of all that.
The only people that think he's a "dictator wannabe" are people who are blindly putting their support behind a party,and candidate,who just spent 3 years lying and deceiving you. Trump didn't force people inside. Trump didn't force 5 year olds to wear masks that caused them harm. Inflation was not like this under Trump (and don't tell me it was because of Covid,when all democrats told us the inflation was "transitory" for the first 6 months. If it was Trump's fault they would have been saying it,instead of it's "transitory"). Dems are the dictators. They are who wants the American people to rely on the government,rather than themselves. Dems live in a make believe world,where everyone and everything is the same,when we all know that is not possible. It's funny that you say "cult",but fail to realize the media has included you in their "cult" of lies,and you fell for it. For anyone who hasn't figured it out yet,let me help. The media is controlled by the left. They tell you want they want you to hear. They have been lying to you,to keep Trump out so they can keep power. Biden is "sharp,vibrant,"hard to keep up with". ...all the way up until the debate. And then his own party forces him out? How do you not conclude that they were lying? How do you support that? Why do none of you see that they took your right to vote away from you,and did it knowingly? So pathetically gullible. Your parents should be ashamed of themselves. And it's your fault.
Read John Bolton's book.
It's cute the way trump (and apparently Vance) are now trying to distance themselves from Project 2025. On this board when the subject was first broached, it was some of the biggest Trumpers on the board who raved about Project 2025. The President of Heritage (Kevin Roberts) basically encapsulated the driving pirit of Project 2025 in his forthcoming new release Dawn's Early Light: Taking Back Washington to Save America, And JD Vance wrote the forward and a positive review on Amazon...

"Vance also left an editorial review on Amazon, writing: "

"Never before has a figure with Roberts's depth and stature within the American Right tried to articulate a genuinely new future for conservatism... We are now all realizing that it's time to circle the wagons and load the muskets. In the fights that lay ahead, these ideas are an essential weapon."

Of course he is free to love the book, write glowing reviews and he did so in June before being tapped to join Trump's weird team. But he was also the Heritaqge preferred VP choice,and for Trump to pretend he didn't know any of that is laughable. Of course Trump's a massive liar and only very gullible people swallow his nonsensical claims. But the point is they know that most of what is in Project 2025 is anathema to a majority of US voters, so they are now pretending they aren't entrenched in it's policies/ objectives...

Basically to me P2025 in it's essence boils down to the silly right wing concept of making the POTUS omnipotent and breaking down the separation of powers and checks/balances on Presidentail power. The concept of replacing (non-partisan) civil servants with party lackeys, is directly attributable to Trump not having a compliant DOJ willing to rubber stamp his Big Lie theories in 2020.

It springs from the wacky Unitarian theory of Executive power which Trump,Alito,Thomas,Kavanaugh and others all ascribe to. That's why both the Federalist society and Heritage foundation provided Trump with a check list of acceptable SCOTUS choices... To be fair, Trump would likely not be a proponent unless he or a crony were POTUS and he personally benefited. That's how self-centered he is.

But the others are true believers who believe the POTUS should be a strong figure who controls the Executive Branch with basically unchecked authority. I'm going to attribute that belief to the knowledge that they know they are a shrinking minority. The Pubs have only won the popular vote (which indicates how most voters actually feel, regaqrdless of where they live,) only once this century. But they have an EC advantage and their goal seems to be to get an acceptable choice into the oval office and fundamentally change various aspects of American governance that would last for generations and be very difficult to undo.

Again that's "fine" as long as they are open and willing to embrace their goals,not hide them from the voting public. But for Trump to pretend he's not a bigger part of that objective is a joke. Several members of his Administration are up to their eyebrows in P2025, the Heritage Foundation was hugely supportive to Trump financially, and he has appeared before conventions/meetings numerous times.

Trump called in to Fox/Fiends this am, and said he only heard about Project 2025 "last week". But you'll notice at arond 9 mins of this video Roberts, who was introduced by Trump at the NRB Convention is openly discussing Project 2025 wih Trump literally on the stage.

Like I said, you really have to be gullible to buy Trump's disavowal of any knowledge of Project 2025

Read John Bolton's book.
Listen to Alan Dershowitz. He's a Lifelong Democrat. He is also one of the best attorneys in this country for over 40 years. He also,can't stand Trump. He will also tell you what they did/are doing to Trump,is not only illegal,but going to "cause this country bigger problems than it can imagine". When you listen to him,I still won't listen to the dumbass liberal woke communists.
It's cute the way trump (and apparently Vance) are now trying to distance themselves from Project 2025. On this board when the subject was first broached, it was some of the biggest Trumpers on the board who raved about Project 2025. The President of Heritage (Kevin Roberts) basically encapsulated the driving pirit of Project 2025 in his forthcoming new release Dawn's Early Light: Taking Back Washington to Save America, And JD Vance wrote the forward and a positive review on Amazon...

"Vance also left an editorial review on Amazon, writing: "

"Never before has a figure with Roberts's depth and stature within the American Right tried to articulate a genuinely new future for conservatism... We are now all realizing that it's time to circle the wagons and load the muskets. In the fights that lay ahead, these ideas are an essential weapon."

Of course he is free to love the book, write glowing reviews and he did so in June before being tapped to join Trump's weird team. But he was also the Heritaqge preferred VP choice,and for Trump to pretend he didn't know any of that is laughable. Of course Trump's a massive liar and only very gullible people swallow his nonsensical claims. But the point is they know that most of what is in Project 2025 is anathema to a majority of US voters, so they are now pretending they aren't entrenched in it's policies/ objectives...

Basically to me P2025 in it's essence boils down to the silly right wing concept of making the POTUS omnipotent and breaking down the separation of powers and checks/balances on Presidentail power. The concept of replacing (non-partisan) civil servants with party lackeys, is directly attributable to Trump not having a compliant DOJ willing to rubber stamp his Big Lie theories in 2020.

It springs from the wacky Unitarian theory of Executive power which Trump,Alito,Thomas,Kavanaugh and others all ascribe to. That's why both the Federalist society and Heritage foundation provided Trump with a check list of acceptable SCOTUS choices... To be fair, Trump would likely not be a proponent unless he or a crony were POTUS and he personally benefited. That's how self-centered he is.

But the others are true believers who believe the POTUS should be a strong figure who controls the Executive Branch with basically unchecked authority. I'm going to attribute that belief to the knowledge that they know they are a shrinking minority. The Pubs have only won the popular vote (which indicates how most voters actually feel, regaqrdless of where they live,) only once this century. But they have an EC advantage and their goal seems to be to get an acceptable choice into the oval office and fundamentally change various aspects of American governance that would last for generations and be very difficult to undo.

Again that's "fine" as long as they are open and willing to embrace their goals,not hide them from the voting public. But for Trump to pretend he's not a bigger part of that objective is a joke. Several members of his Administration are up to their eyebrows in P2025, the Heritage Foundation was hugely supportive to Trump financially, and he has appeared before conventions/meetings numerous times.

Trump called in to Fox/Fiends this am, and said he only heard about Project 2025 "last week". But you'll notice at arond 9 mins of this video Roberts, who was introduced by Trump at the NRB Convention is openly discussing Project 2025 wih Trump literally on the stage.

Like I said, you really have to be gullible to buy Trump's disavowal of any knowledge of Project 2025

I don't doubt that Trump hasn't read the 900+ page document. But all anyone has to do is listen to him - he talks about most of what Project 2025 sets out to accomplish in his stump speeches all the time.
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The quicker the fed govt. is cut down the better. The fear spreading over project 2025 seems like another tactic to spread BS propaganda for those who hate Trump.

I'd rather be the US of America which is suppose to be about freedom and Liberty than the US of Govt. and become a Socialist country.

The entire climate control BS seems to be kind of garbage talk when the regime wants to fund wars arounds the world. How is that good for the climate?
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The quicker the fed govt. is cut down the better. The fear spreading over project 2025 seems like another tactic to spread BS propaganda for those who hate Trump.

I'd rather be the US of America which is suppose to be about freedom and Liberty than the US of Govt. and become a Socialist country.

The entire climate control BS seems to be kind of garbage talk when the regime wants to fund wars arounds the world. How is that good for the climate?
So you're suggesting Project 2025 isn't a real thing? Or what?

You're not very clear with what you're suggesting
Donald Glover Wow GIF by MOODMAN
Blah blah was the show libby? You realize it was fiction right? Moron
It is obviously impossible for you to submit a civil post when someone has a different view than you. You seem to be accomplished at name calling, a bad trait most of leave behind in grade school. I am not a "libby" nor am I a moron but if that somehow gives you pleasure to hide behind a computer and insult people go right ahead.
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It is obviously impossible for you to submit a civil post when someone has a different view than you. You seem to be accomplished at name calling, a bad trait most of leave behind in grade school. I am not a "libby" nor am I a moron but if that somehow gives you pleasure to hide behind a computer and insult people go right ahead.
That's because people who support dems just aren't smart enough to have an opinion worth acknowledgement.
How short memories are. GWB was constantly attacked. BDS was a thing. He was burned in effigy, constantly depicted as Hitler or a monkey and on and on. I had tons of anti-Bush protest pictures of idiotic and despicable attacks of him.
I'm 90 but my memory is still pretty good. My post was in response to the rant of the lifelong77 guy who unlike yourself has no concept of civility when disagreeing and was intended to point out Trump problems were brought on by himself, not a political party.
I'm 90 but my memory is still pretty good. My post was in response to the rant of the lifelong77 guy who unlike yourself has no concept of civility when disagreeing and was intended to point out Trump problems were brought on by himself, not a political party.
Wow! 90 is an accomplishment and I wish you many more!
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I'm 90 but my memory is still pretty good. My post was in response to the rant of the lifelong77 guy who unlike yourself has no concept of civility when disagreeing and was intended to point out Trump problems were brought on by himself, not a political party.
If you are 90, then you know very well, through BLOOD, what the lefts accomplishments do to the world. They simply cause a war. Lather rinse repeat. The stupidity that they are spewing, will end up in bloodshed. It's that detrimental to civil human nature.
And you wonder why we are not willing to give an inch. .... Dem's never stop at an inch. It's a slow roll towards total bloodshed war.
We are .001" away right now, thanks to the left trying to undue the entire history and direction of this GREAT country.
You can't even figure out how to tag someone correctly. And no..I have no civility left. Does the left show civility when calling people racist,or bigot,or homophobes because someone doesn't believe in their stupidity? No. Does the left show civility when they fabricate ways to spy on a candidate who opposes them? No. Does the left show civility when they are calling parents "domestic terrorists" for being interested and concerned for the children? No. Did the dems show civilty when they were calling for "people to get out and raise hell in the streets"? No. So why should any republican supporter show civility? That is how we ended up where we are. No more. And if you are too stupid to see it,then you don't deserve civility either.

For all you libbys who refuse to believe they lie to you, this is proof,straight from their own month's. They pretty much say their supporters are stupid, so they can lie all they want,and you guys love them for it!...😆
You can't even figure out how to tag someone correctly. And no..I have no civility left. Does the left show civility when calling people racist,or bigot,or homophobes because someone doesn't believe in their stupidity? No. Does the left show civility when they fabricate ways to spy on a candidate who opposes them? No. Does the left show civility when they are calling parents "domestic terrorists" for being interested and concerned for the children? No. Did the dems show civilty when they were calling for "people to get out and raise hell in the streets"? No. So why should any republican supporter show civility? That is how we ended up where we are. No more. And if you are too stupid to see it,then you don't deserve civility either.
You can’t even figure out how to reply to a specific comment…

For all you libbys who refuse to believe they lie to you, this is proof,straight from their own month's. They pretty much say their supporters are stupid, so they can lie all they want,and you guys love them for it!...😆 is what libs do when confronted with facts. Sheep
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It's cute the way trump (and apparently Vance) are now trying to distance themselves from Project 2025. On this board when the subject was first broached, it was some of the biggest Trumpers on the board who raved about Project 2025. The President of Heritage (Kevin Roberts) basically encapsulated the driving pirit of Project 2025 in his forthcoming new release Dawn's Early Light: Taking Back Washington to Save America, And JD Vance wrote the forward and a positive review on Amazon...

"Vance also left an editorial review on Amazon, writing: "

"Never before has a figure with Roberts's depth and stature within the American Right tried to articulate a genuinely new future for conservatism... We are now all realizing that it's time to circle the wagons and load the muskets. In the fights that lay ahead, these ideas are an essential weapon."

Of course he is free to love the book, write glowing reviews and he did so in June before being tapped to join Trump's weird team. But he was also the Heritaqge preferred VP choice,and for Trump to pretend he didn't know any of that is laughable. Of course Trump's a massive liar and only very gullible people swallow his nonsensical claims. But the point is they know that most of what is in Project 2025 is anathema to a majority of US voters, so they are now pretending they aren't entrenched in it's policies/ objectives...

Basically to me P2025 in it's essence boils down to the silly right wing concept of making the POTUS omnipotent and breaking down the separation of powers and checks/balances on Presidentail power. The concept of replacing (non-partisan) civil servants with party lackeys, is directly attributable to Trump not having a compliant DOJ willing to rubber stamp his Big Lie theories in 2020.

It springs from the wacky Unitarian theory of Executive power which Trump,Alito,Thomas,Kavanaugh and others all ascribe to. That's why both the Federalist society and Heritage foundation provided Trump with a check list of acceptable SCOTUS choices... To be fair, Trump would likely not be a proponent unless he or a crony were POTUS and he personally benefited. That's how self-centered he is.

But the others are true believers who believe the POTUS should be a strong figure who controls the Executive Branch with basically unchecked authority. I'm going to attribute that belief to the knowledge that they know they are a shrinking minority. The Pubs have only won the popular vote (which indicates how most voters actually feel, regaqrdless of where they live,) only once this century. But they have an EC advantage and their goal seems to be to get an acceptable choice into the oval office and fundamentally change various aspects of American governance that would last for generations and be very difficult to undo.

Again that's "fine" as long as they are open and willing to embrace their goals,not hide them from the voting public. But for Trump to pretend he's not a bigger part of that objective is a joke. Several members of his Administration are up to their eyebrows in P2025, the Heritage Foundation was hugely supportive to Trump financially, and he has appeared before conventions/meetings numerous times.

Trump called in to Fox/Fiends this am, and said he only heard about Project 2025 "last week". But you'll notice at arond 9 mins of this video Roberts, who was introduced by Trump at the NRB Convention is openly discussing Project 2025 wih Trump literally on the stage.

Like I said, you really have to be gullible to buy Trump's disavowal of any knowledge of Project 2025

“Ms. Harris wasted no time saying she’s going to run hard against a policy paper that Donald Trump has disavowed - the supposedly nefarious agenda known as Project 2025. But who’s afraid of a think-tank white paper?”