Apparently Dick Cheney is voting for Harris?

I was 10. I was all for it at the time. A little pre-teen NeoCon.

Congratulations. Your geopolitical views are in the same intellectual level as me when I was 10.

If you were 10, you weren't for or against anything.

Decisions are very easy in the rearview mirror, decades later.
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Trump and much of his base consider past pols such as Dick Cheney to have taken the country in the wrong direction and are co- conspirators with the Democrat liberals in promoting big government.

Is it any wonder why a Cheney or a Bush might be offended by this line of thinking?
Cheney and Bush Family imo are offended because it was Jeb’s turn and Trump took it away and didn’t genuflect to them.
Cheney and Bush Family imo are offended because it was Jeb’s turn and Trump took it away and didn’t genuflect to them.
And they love war shit. Halliburton etc. they don’t like that trump doesn’t want to police the world. They’re dinosaurs. They wouldn’t stand a chance in an election today.
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I can't say I'm AS busy, but with the grandkids and going to IU games and vacations, I keep as busy as I want to be.

Without grandkids, I'm pretty sure I'd be taking orders at McDonalds to fight off boredom.

Yeah, admittedly, they like to to just call up and ask them if they want to go with them to random places pretty often.

Usually ice cream is somehow involved.
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DANC, apologize for screwing up my earlier post.

Have edited it and added the link which coincides with my Brother's experience during the occupation
Both Japan and Germany were homogenous societies, not divided by religion or ethnicity. I believed that helped as much as anything.
And they love war shit. Halliburton etc. they don’t like that trump doesn’t want to police the world. They’re dinosaurs. They wouldn’t stand a chance in an election today.

MM66, it has been said Trump can deal with Iran's gregarious terrorist activities.

We know about Trump's sanctions on Iran, but with his seemingly reluctant use of the military how can he restrain Iran?

I ask this without really believing Trump isn't prepared to follow his predecessors when it comes to using our military just because he made a deal with the Taliban to leave Afghanistan.
MM66, it has been said Trump can deal with Iran's gregarious terrorist activities.

We know about Trump's sanctions on Iran, but with his seemingly reluctant use of the military how can he restrain Iran?

I ask this without really believing Trump isn't prepared to follow his predecessors when it comes to using our military just because he made a deal with the Taliban to leave Afghanistan.
hoot i take a passing interest at best in foreign affairs today and don't know enough to comment as there are posters who are far more knowledgeable who could post. as for the old guard i'm jaded and did pay more attn back then. look at the last two conflicts. a decade apart. bush sr in the first one (my friends) and jr in the second one with his son. dirty cheney from haliburton in the mix. siphons off a couple mil. co gets billions to provide services to the war in the middle east. goes from like the 20 largest contractor to something like 5th. again i haven't looked at that stuff in a long time but remember fostering a deep disdain for that entire cheney, mccain, bush crowd. and like i said they're extinct today. they wouldn't get 50 million votes. hell romney lost. mccain lost. today forget it. our next president and vp will be wayyyyyyy left progressives. liz cheney is just a bitter old bag bc their nepotistic crowd is toast
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And they love war shit. Halliburton etc. they don’t like that trump doesn’t want to police the world. They’re dinosaurs. They wouldn’t stand a chance in an election today.
The problem is that Trump doesn't just want to stop policing the world. He wants to stop policing the world and just go back inside our front door with no explanation, no follow-up, no concern for what happens next. You and I both know that if we stop policing the world, the world is absolutely coming for us to kill us and smother our children, and probably mutilate our pets, because the world hates us. That doesn't go away just because Trump pulls the string on our national Venetian blinds.
The problem is that Trump doesn't just want to stop policing the world. He wants to stop policing the world and just go back inside our front door with no explanation, no follow-up, no concern for what happens next. You and I both know that if we stop policing the world, the world is absolutely coming for us to kill us and smother our children, and probably mutilate our pets, because the world hates us. That doesn't go away just because Trump pulls the string on our national Venetian blinds.
no but it's worth asking why the world hates us. and from my many friends from the middle east (yes tons of them play soccer here if you can imagine) and other places you so often hear because of our presence. and i get that our presence ensures myriad benefits from safety to economic pursuits that allow us to live as we do. but maybe it is time to start revisiting this philosophy. hegemony breeds the aforementioned benefits we enjoy but also resentment if not worse.

as for the old guard pubs look at the last conflicts. what we have bush adn bush sr and what reagan in lebanon. trump zip. obama zip. clinton zip. coincidence? luck? again i'm not comfortable getting into the weeds bc i lack the knowledge in this area but i don't think the discussion trump advocates isn't worth pursuing and vetting
no but it's worth asking why the world hates us. and from my many friends from the middle east (yes tons of them play soccer here if you can imagine) and other places you so often hear because of our presence. and i get that our presence ensures myriad benefits from safety to economic pursuits that allow us to live as we do. but maybe it is time to start revisiting this philosophy. hegemony breeds the aforementioned benefits we enjoy but also resentment if not worse.

as for the old guard pubs look at the last conflicts. what we have bush adn bush sr and what reagan in lebanon. trump zip. obama zip. clinton zip. coincidence? luck? again i'm not comfortable getting into the weeds bc i lack the knowledge in this area but i don't think the discussion trump advocates isn't worth pursuing and vetting
Those are all conversations we absolutely need to have. I just think Trump's immediate response to the situation is dangerous for national security (and world peace, to be honest). But that doesn't mean I think we should just go on doing what we are doing unquestioningly.

In other words, if we need to rethink America's mission in the world, then we need to do so while continuing to support and lead NATO. We need to do so while continuing to lead a coalition of like-minded liberal democracies in the Pacific, from Japan on down to New Zealand. We can't just tell the West to f*ck off and deal with it because we're out. That's what Trump seems to think will work. And it won't. It will lead to war and death.
The problem is that Trump doesn't just want to stop policing the world. He wants to stop policing the world and just go back inside our front door with no explanation, no follow-up, no concern for what happens next. You and I both know that if we stop policing the world, the world is absolutely coming for us to kill us and smother our children, and probably mutilate our pets, because the world hates us. That doesn't go away just because Trump pulls the string on our national Venetian blinds.

jim carrey harry GIF by Dumb and Dumber To
no but it's worth asking why the world hates us. and from my many friends from the middle east (yes tons of them play soccer here if you can imagine) and other places you so often hear because of our presence. and i get that our presence ensures myriad benefits from safety to economic pursuits that allow us to live as we do. but maybe it is time to start revisiting this philosophy. hegemony breeds the aforementioned benefits we enjoy but also resentment if not worse.

as for the old guard pubs look at the last conflicts. what we have bush adn bush sr and what reagan in lebanon. trump zip. obama zip. clinton zip. coincidence? luck? again i'm not comfortable getting into the weeds bc i lack the knowledge in this area but i don't think the discussion trump advocates isn't worth pursuing and vetting

Good grief. We already have one self hating party. We don't need two.

This is what I despise most about Trump. He's normalized and accepted all the Democratic talking points when it comes to both foreign policy and trade policy. Now there is zero push back against these shitty ideas.

Again no wonder he's so appealing to so many 'former' Dems. Being one himself and repeating Dem shit policy wrapped in a 'R' wrapper.
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Good grief. We already have one self hating party. We don't need two.

This is what I despise most about Trump. He's normalized and accepted all the Democratic talking points when it comes to both foreign policy and trade policy. Now there is zero push back against these shitty ideas.

Again no wonder he's so appealing to so many 'former' Dems. Being one himself and repeating Dem shit policy wrapped in a 'R' wrapper.
Yes. He’s our old Dem capt wrapped in an orange cadaver
And he's got so called Republicans excited about a fkn environmental lawyer named Kennedy. Goes to show how fake this whole game is.
I’m not sure fake is the way to characterize it. I’m watching football and drank too much to either be thoughtful or articulate but hodgepodge is probably more descriptive. It’s a grab bag of positions that really are incongruent with any party label. It pisses many off but I don’t know that it’s a bad thing
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And he's got so called Republicans excited about a fkn environmental lawyer named Kennedy. Goes to show how fake this whole game is.
And as for the environmental lawyer I’d couch it as environmental TORT lawyer. It’s Jan schlictmann environmental not earth justice law. There’s a difference. or like van pastor man vs the royal gemstones
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Give me a break. Most Americans live in big cities where there are people of all colors.

Stop trying to act like we're still in the 50s.
No, most Americans with power, including the middle classes, do not live in the city. They live in the segregated suburbs or wealthy enclaves within the big cities. This country is still pretty 1950ish segregated. Not to mention, the rural white MAGA’s who are definitely 1950ish.
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No, most Americans with power, including the middle classes, do not live in the city. They live in the segregated suburbs or wealthy enclaves within the big cities. This country is still pretty 1950ish segregated. Not to mention, the rural white MAGA’s who are definitely 1950ish.
Oh, so now you change to goal post to 'most Americans with power'.

Woke clowns are living 70 years ago.
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Those are all conversations we absolutely need to have. I just think Trump's immediate response to the situation is dangerous for national security (and world peace, to be honest). But that doesn't mean I think we should just go on doing what we are doing unquestioningly.

In other words, if we need to rethink America's mission in the world, then we need to do so while continuing to support and lead NATO. We need to do so while continuing to lead a coalition of like-minded liberal democracies in the Pacific, from Japan on down to New Zealand. We can't just tell the West to f*ck off and deal with it because we're out. That's what Trump seems to think will work. And it won't. It will lead to war and death.
You are clueless about Trump's foreign policy.
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I’m not sure fake is the way to characterize it. I’m watching football and drank too much to either be thoughtful or articulate but hodgepodge is probably more descriptive. It’s a grab bag of positions that really are incongruent with any party label. It pisses many off but I don’t know that it’s a bad thing
There is no one party that touches all of the different points that life requires, MAGA is bridging that gap. The left has done gone batshit crazy. The old guard Pub's were propping them up to start with, while smiling in the bright lights and makin bank in the dark.
MAGA has a little bit left, a little bit right, of the imaginary line that our dems and pub's have created for us to walk along side of.
WHY ppl are so pissed that MAGA is working to stop the steal that both parties have done for generations, is beyond me, other than they are simple meat puppets. Just imagine someone that has Romney's hand up his ass because he is a Romney puppet. Who could be that?
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There is no one party that touches all of the different points that life requires, MAGA is bridging that gap. The left has done gone batshit crazy. The old guard Pub's were propping them up to start with, while smiling in the bright lights and makin bank in the dark.
MAGA has a little bit left, a little bit right, of the imaginary line that our dems and pub's have created for us to walk along side of.
WHY ppl are so pissed that MAGA is working to stop the steal that both parties have done for generations, is beyond me, other than they are simple meat puppets. Just imagine someone that has Romney's hand up his ass because he is a Romney puppet. Who could be that?
breaking barriers. like the dream team
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There is no one party that touches all of the different points that life requires, MAGA is bridging that gap. The left has done gone batshit crazy. The old guard Pub's were propping them up to start with, while smiling in the bright lights and makin bank in the dark.
MAGA has a little bit left, a little bit right, of the imaginary line that our dems and pub's have created for us to walk along side of.
WHY ppl are so pissed that MAGA is working to stop the steal that both parties have done for generations, is beyond me, other than they are simple meat puppets. Just imagine someone that has Romney's hand up his ass because he is a Romney puppet. Who could be that?

Romney is the best Presidential candidate this country has had since GHWB.
He’s never understood that we pay the tariffs in higher prices, and now he’s in cognitive decline and understands it less. He’s increasingly unable to complete his thoughts when speaking. I’ve watched several long clips now and I honestly don’t know what he’s trying to say in many of them. I don’t know that he knows either. He’s the declining old guy in the race now.
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He’s never understood that we pay the tariffs in higher prices, and now he’s in cognitive decline and understands it less. He’s increasingly unable to complete his thoughts when speaking. I’ve watched several long clips now and I honestly don’t know what he’s trying to say in many of them. I don’t know that he knows either. He’s the declining old guy in the race now.

Well pay the tariffs AND countries will retaliate with tariffs.
There is no one party that touches all of the different points that life requires, MAGA is bridging that gap. The left has done gone batshit crazy. The old guard Pub's were propping them up to start with, while smiling in the bright lights and makin bank in the dark.
MAGA has a little bit left, a little bit right, of the imaginary line that our dems and pub's have created for us to walk along side of.
WHY ppl are so pissed that MAGA is working to stop the steal that both parties have done for generations, is beyond me, other than they are simple meat puppets. Just imagine someone that has Romney's hand up his ass because he is a Romney puppet. Who could be that?
Is he even allowed to vote at his age?

Anyway, it's just another example of what @mcmurtry66 talked about before. The GOP will lose not because of policy or ideology or the economy or anything else, but simply because the GOP voters stupidly nominated a man that too many people think is a direct threat to the Western way of life.
Were the Democrats stupid to nominate VP Harris when she didn't get one vote from the voters? Is she really the best the Democrats got?
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Were the Democrats stupid to nominate VP Harris when she didn't get one vote from the voters? Is she really the best the Democrats got?
Just step back and think about this. How bad of a nominee is Trump? He’s behind Harris in nearly every poll now and is beginning to lose the swing states too. He’s going to almost certainly lose the popular vote for the third time (yes, Trump has repeatedly said he legitimately lost in 2020 this past week). Just how bad of a candidate is Trump? Seems very bad to me. Someone like Haley would be winning.

Serious question for you. There are some religious Christian groups that are wondering if Trump is the Antichrist. Has that come up in your congregation?