"You have to get out and vote. You won’t have to do it anymore."

Rather simple actually.

I see trump as a lying douche bag dictator wannabe.

I also see the absolute nonsense culture war that the left clings to.

I also see the media programming meant to sway opinion and loyalty. I see it from MSNBC and FOX primarily and CNN to a lesser extent.

The difference between the two of us is that I see Trump for the POS he is as well as seeing Kamala as a total fraud.

I am politically homeless
It's not even about Trump. It's about not letting dems turn the US into a socialistic,tyrannical government/country. Did Trump get us into WW3 like they said he would? Did dems mandate masks that caused more harm than good? Did dems shut down schools for virtually no reason,and then keep them closed much past the realm of logic? Did dems force career military people to get the jab or be discharged? Are dems putting veterans out on the streets to accommodate illegals? are not objective. The media has swayed even the guy who thinks he "sees it for whatits worth". So have bought into what the corrupt media tells you. You have been convinced that Trump is so bad,even though he's so much better for the country. Congratulations fell right into it. Pathetic.
That ended when the media starting collectively trying to sway public opinion in one direction. People let it happen for too long,thus making it obvious through consequences,that the left is not out to make Americans' lives any better,but only there for what is best for their agenda. They lied about Bidens health for years,they lied about his health recently for the purpose of embarrassing him on National TV so they could get him out,while also eliminating any challengers to their next puppet. In the process,they took away your right to vote for other candidates. Do you not see how that is circumventing the democratic process? But then they say Trump is a "threat to democracy". So yeah,you are correct. It's time to stop playing nice. Time for Republicans to start playing the same game the libs have been playing for 15 years. Just don't come crying when Republicans use the same "get out there and raise hell in the streets" mantra the dems used to justify rioting and looting in almost every major city in this country. Also...don't go out in the streets.

I got about three sentences in and stopped because it was hurting my brain trying to read that LONG ass paragraph.

What i did read, I agree people let the media sway their thoughts. I've stated my reasoning before on why I won't for Trump and it has nothing to do with him being mean.
I got about three sentences in and stopped because it was hurting my brain trying to read that LONG ass paragraph.

What i did read, I agree people let the media sway their thoughts. I've stated my reasoning before on why I won't for Trump and it has nothing to do with him being mean.
No you didnt. You read the whole thing. What made your brain hurt was trying to think of a retort that made sense. That's why you act as if you didn't read it. You can't dispute it.

Sorry that reading makes your brain hurt. That really sucks for you. It's difficult for me to imagine a life where both reading,and the truth,hurt my brain. You should watch mainstream media for 2 hours. If its not better by then,put a mask on. Masks help.
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No you didnt. You read the whole thing. What made your brain hurt was trying to think of a retort that made sense. That's why you act as if you didn't read it. You can't dispute it.

Sorry that reading makes your brain hurt. That really sucks for you. It's difficult for me to imagine a life where both reading,and the truth,hurt my brain. You should watch mainstream media for 2 hours. If its not not better by then,put a mask on. Masks help.

Your last two sentences were a real struggle.
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It's not even about Trump. It's about not letting dems turn the US into a socialistic,tyrannical government/country. Did Trump get us into WW3 like they said he would? Did dems mandate masks that caused more harm than good? Did dems shut down schools for virtually no reason,and then keep them closed much past the realm of logic? Did dems force career military people to get the jab or be discharged? Are dems putting veterans out on the streets to accommodate illegals? are not objective. The media has swayed even the guy who thinks he "sees it for whatits worth". So have bought into what the corrupt media tells you. You have been convinced that Trump is so bad,even though he's so much better for the country. Congratulations fell right into it. Pathetic.
Thanks for proving my point
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Obviously not,or you would see that dems have weaponized every possible tool including the media,FBI,and DOJ against 1 person. Did you see the fake dossier? Did you the the needless raid on his home? Did you see the made up charges in multiple states? Did you see the unconstitutional appointment of "special councel" to investigate him? Have you not seen how the media talks down to his supporters? They are referred to as hillbillies,inbreds,racists,idiots,bigots,homophobes, and nazi's if they speak their mind. And they claim to be the party of inclusion,while excluding half of the country,in the name of drag shows in schools,men beating women(literally and figuratively) in sports,parents are "domestic terrorists" and supporting the extinction of the Jewish people. I would say you are pretty f****n blind there Mr. Charles.
Looneyville is missing a loon.