Yard Signs - The True Poll

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"We believe that the president of the United States must be a principled, serious and steady leader who can advance and defend American security and values, strengthen our alliances and protect our democracy. We expect to disagree with Kamala Harris on many domestic and foreign policy issues, but we believe that she possesses the essential qualities to serve as president and Donald Trump does not.

"We appreciate that many Republicans prefer Donald Trump to Kamala Harris, for a variety of reasons. We recognize and do not disparage their potential concerns, including about some of the positions advocated by the left wing of the Democratic party. But any potential concerns pale in comparison to Donald Trump’s demonstrated chaotic and unethical behavior and disregard for our Republic’s time-tested principles of constitutional governance. His unpredictable nature is not the negotiating virtue he extols. To the contrary, in matters of national security, his demeanor invites equally erratic behavior from our adversaries, which irresponsibly threatens reckless and dangerous global consequences.

"In short, Donald Trump cannot be trusted “to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic . . . and bear true faith and allegiance to the same.” We believe that Kamala Harris can, and we urge other Americans to join us in supporting her."

And personally, **** those guys.

It is the equivalent of burning the whole house down as pest control. They'd rather rule over ashes than share power with usurpers.
That is true and I understand why a "conservative" would pass on him. None of us have disagreed with that. The part we disagree with is someone claiming to be a conservative, while voting for a socialist with marxist leanings.
I think that is generally fair. But then again, it's not like there are rules for any of this. That one judge... Luttig, I'm pretty sure he has been a beacon of conservatism since the Bush administration. He wrote an op-ed about voting for Harris. Pretty sure he would strongly disagree that he is actively supporting a marxists. The paradigm of politics is cloudier than what you say, is what I would argue. The gayest thing about all of this is that I can only choose between 2 parties. I mean, WTF, we have 100m voters, and we basically only have 2 choices?!!?!? If I tell people I'm voting for Kamala, 50m people will think im a marxist. If I tell people I'm voting for Trump, 50m people will call me a fascist. Win-Win.
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And personally, **** those guys.

It is the equivalent of burning the whole house down as pest control. They'd rather rule over ashes than share power with usurpers.
THIS is the problem with the far right and the far left. ***** these guys is exactly what you think. And that’s how we feel as those who try to use our brains rather than reflexively pulling one lever
I know we aren't changing minds here. Just seems like cutting off your nose to spite your face. I think it is a big gamble to think you are going to be able to wrote off the Presidency and rely on having control of a branch of government to block what they would want to do. The senate is 50/50 and they have the tie breaker and the House is razor thin as well.

You can't make the "steady moderate hand' argument with Harris. She is among the nuttiest they have.
The nose has to go when it’s cancerous. The health of the face and the rest of the body is at risk.
And personally, **** those guys.

It is the equivalent of burning the whole house down as pest control. They'd rather rule over ashes than share power with usurpers.
It’s more like evicting and neutralizing an unstable tenant who could murder everyone in the house or neighborhood. 😉

These are serious people with a serious message.
The nose has to go when it’s cancerous. The health of the face and the rest of the body is at risk.
Agree to disagree. I know we aren't changing minds. Harris is representative if everything bad about her party. It is like having cancer and instead of treating that you inject yourself with ebola.

Pass. She sucks. I lived through 4 years of Trump and the world didn't end. I refuse to take part in giving the Kamala wing of that party a larger foothold than they already do. I would take MAGA every day of the week and twice on Sunday before supporting those folks. I loathe everything they are and stand for.
Agree to disagree. I know we aren't changing minds. Harris is representative if everything bad about her party. It is like having cancer and instead of treating that you inject yourself with ebola.

Pass. She sucks. I lived through 4 years of Trump and the world didn't end. I refuse to take part in giving the Kamala wing of that party a larger foothold than they already do. I would take MAGA every day of the week and twice on Sunday before supporting those folks. I loathe everything they are and stand for.
No minds are changed at the WC? Who knew?
It’s more like evicting and neutralizing an unstable tenant who could murder everyone in the house or neighborhood. 😉

These are serious people with a serious message.
These very serious people have career motivations potentially impacted by another Trump win that should be weighed in their very serious message too. Just saying.
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These very serious people have career motivations potentially impacted by another Trump win that should be weighed in their very serious message too. Just saying.
I think most of them are past serving in administrations. They aren’t likely to serve in a Harris administration. If that was a motivation they’d be better served to ingratiate themselves to Trump. He loves that.

I think their letter expresses serious concerns very well.
Agree to disagree. I know we aren't changing minds. Harris is representative if everything bad about her party. It is like having cancer and instead of treating that you inject yourself with ebola.

Pass. She sucks. I lived through 4 years of Trump and the world didn't end. I refuse to take part in giving the Kamala wing of that party a larger foothold than they already do. I would take MAGA every day of the week and twice on Sunday before supporting those folks. I loathe everything they are and stand for.
Agree to disagree. I know we aren't changing minds. Harris is representative if everything bad about her party. It is like having cancer and instead of treating that you inject yourself with ebola.

Pass. She sucks. I lived through 4 years of Trump and the world didn't end. I refuse to take part in giving the Kamala wing of that party a larger foothold than they already do. I would take MAGA every day of the week and twice on Sunday before supporting those folks. I loathe everything they are and stand for.
40 of his 44 cabinet members refuse to endorse him. Dozens of Reagan staffers endorse Harris. Dick fvcking Cheaney. But I suppose he’s just a RINO now. Goddamn, it’s a cult. Just admit you’re in a cult.
And what “they stand for”? What exactly does that mean to you? Serious question. What?
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Here what, McFluffer?
I was being nice to show you where discussion was taking place, but now see there's no point. You're just another low information triggered troll citing fox as where people get information and ankle-biting. Another gadfly. Good riddance. The last thing this board needs is more dumbasses.
It might, but I want a wakeup call for the GOP. MAGA and MAGA culture can't dominate the party if it's going to be viable and effective.

Aloha, back in my GOP active days as a grassroots worker I would suggest to the policy gurus that the party shouldn't concede blacks and union members to the Dems.

Did notice an attempt to attract union members at the last GOP presidential convention, and Trump likes to talk about how his policies help blacks..

Nevertheless, the message about immigrants including immigrant people of color being a threat to our future apparently appeals to the MAGAs. Part of this threat is upon becoming citizens the former immigrants will vote for Dems.

Just as in my days thinking the GOP could win the hearts of blacks and union members, I don't agree with MAGAs about most Southwestern border immigrants becoming Dems .

However, to do this the GOP would have to cool down the rhetoric about Southwest border immigrants being a threat to what made America great. Don't see this happening
Just for the record drove Old State road 64 from English to Georgetown today and not one Harris sign countless Trump, but this is to be expected in that area.

Recently in Daviess county as well and didn't see any Harris signs.
I was being nice to show you where discussion was taking place, but now see there's no point. You're just another low information triggered troll citing fox as where people get information and ankle-biting. Another gadfly. Good riddance. The last thing this board needs is more dumbasses.
I know how you can directly get rid of one dumbass. Take that you little bitch. Lol
Depending on where I'm headed, I take 3 different routes out of the neighborhood. No signs as of yesterday, but 1 Harris flag has gone up in the last week. Kind of surprised me, TBH.

In South Broad Ripple Saturday afternoon and evening. Harris/Walz signs and flags everywhere, which was unsurprising and expected.
I was being nice to show you where discussion was taking place, but now see there's no point. You're just another low information triggered troll citing fox as where people get information and ankle-biting. Another gadfly. Good riddance. The last thing this board needs is more dumbasses.
Well, seeing your and many others posts, you certainly have more than supplied the dumba$$ quotient.
I think most of them are past serving in administrations. They aren’t likely to serve in a Harris administration. If that was a motivation they’d be better served to ingratiate themselves to Trump. He loves that.

I think their letter expresses serious concerns very well.
It’s interesting that none of those people ever had anything to say about the one guy who is objectively LESS fit to be president, the guy who is president RIGHT NOW.
We've both been here long enough to know it is rare...particularly when we are both firmly dug into our respective foxholes on this topic.
Still looking for an answer as to “everything they stand for”. What is that?
It’s interesting that none of those people ever had anything to say about the one guy who is objectively LESS fit to be president, the guy who is president RIGHT NOW.
Objectively less fit according to who’s and what metric?
I think that is generally fair. But then again, it's not like there are rules for any of this. That one judge... Luttig, I'm pretty sure he has been a beacon of conservatism since the Bush administration. He wrote an op-ed about voting for Harris. Pretty sure he would strongly disagree that he is actively supporting a marxists.
Bush was an awful President, conservative, and ran the GOP into the ground. Him and his ilk are the reason Obamacare was passed. Good riddance to all of them.
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It’s interesting that none of those people ever had anything to say about the one guy who is objectively LESS fit to be president, the guy who is president RIGHT NOW.
That should tell you just how unfit they (we) think Trump is, and Biden is soon to attend the inauguration of the next President. There’s only one outgoing President in history that didn’t do that.
That should tell you just how unfit they (we) think Trump is and Biden is soon to attend the inauguration of the next President. There’s only one outgoing President in history that didn’t do that.
Well, I know what they think. The question is why not the same concern about Joe? Who was still in the race until July.

I think there are a lot of lifers in DC who fear the upheaval that a Trump presidency would bring.

But that might not be a bad thing.
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Bush was an awful President, conservative, and ran the GOP into the ground. Him and his ilk are the reason Obamacare was passed. Good riddance to all of them.

"I've abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system"​

Did someone say "**** that guy"?
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