WTF is going on with this web site?!?!?...


All-Big Ten
Gold Member
Sep 3, 2003
Whew,... this took forever for me to get logged in..

For the last two days it's been having problems on my laptop just loading the site, logging in, loading pages, not being able to redirct pages... you name it. It doesn't matter which browser I try either,
Firefox, Chrome, Edge..... and I've changed nothing in my settings and my laptop is only about a year old and always updated... also, all sites I use are not being blocked in any way...

Been getting a lot of "OPPS, sorry we're having...." BS

Other than being a little slower I'm not having a problem when using my phone.

Anyone else having problems?

In the past year or so I've noticed a lot more problems with the site doing any of the above... problem is it's the only site I ever have tech problems with... I don't think it's on my end.
It’s about as f-ed up as most other things in today’s world. Some genius 12-year old decided to change it up. Congratulations Rivals, you freaking morons.
Yep. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

Exactly, I bet it went something like this... "We need to update this site... You know, make it look like we're living in 2024 instead of something old school made in 2022...."
Whew,... this took forever for me to get logged in..

For the last two days it's been having problems on my laptop just loading the site, logging in, loading pages, not being able to redirct pages... you name it. It doesn't matter which browser I try either,
Firefox, Chrome, Edge..... and I've changed nothing in my settings and my laptop is only about a year old and always updated... also, all sites I use are not being blocked in any way...

Been getting a lot of "OPPS, sorry we're having...." BS

Other than being a little slower I'm not having a problem when using my phone.

Anyone else having problems?

In the past year or so I've noticed a lot more problems with the site doing any of the above... problem is it's the only site I ever have tech problems with... I don't think it's on my end.
Yes there are changes to the Rivals site and Changes usually bring mixed reactions, but change in all things is inevitable, especially in an effort to make things better.

There are several exciting, new elements that come with the front page and content refresh, including a scrolling latest news ticker, an expanded content display and new homepage widgets. In the future those widgets will be customizable, but initially they will default to the Rivals250, 2024 Team Rankings, your team’s Top Targets and your team’s Commitment List.

There is currently a Promotion for FREE Premium content and Premium Boards access. The link: * code: IUSUMMER.

There are many of you that enjoy the boards everyday, but are not subscribers. We provide a ton of content, as much as anyone. And we want to be able to do more. The only thing that is free for us in our coverage is admission. There is a cost to everything else for us. Travel, equipment, payroll, etc. The cost of a Rivals subscription is $99.95/year or .27 cents a day. For those of you that are on here frequently, daily, multiple times a day, etc, I would hope you are getting .27 cents worth of entertainment, conversation and more. And my hope is that you will please consider supporting what we are doing by becoming a subscriber to The Promo gives you multiple months for free.
Yes there are changes to the Rivals site and Changes usually bring mixed reactions, but change in all things is inevitable, especially in an effort to make things better.

There are several exciting, new elements that come with the front page and content refresh, including a scrolling latest news ticker, an expanded content display and new homepage widgets. In the future those widgets will be customizable, but initially they will default to the Rivals250, 2024 Team Rankings, your team’s Top Targets and your team’s Commitment List.

There is currently a Promotion for FREE Premium content and Premium Boards access. The link: * code: IUSUMMER.

There are many of you that enjoy the boards everyday, but are not subscribers. We provide a ton of content, as much as anyone. And we want to be able to do more. The only thing that is free for us in our coverage is admission. There is a cost to everything else for us. Travel, equipment, payroll, etc. The cost of a Rivals subscription is $99.95/year or .27 cents a day. For those of you that are on here frequently, daily, multiple times a day, etc, I would hope you are getting .27 cents worth of entertainment, conversation and more. And my hope is that you will please consider supporting what we are doing by becoming a subscriber to The Promo gives you multiple months for free.

Thank you Jim... actually, it has been working fine for a few hours now and after spending a little time going through the features I can see improvements and I'm liking the new layout and look... thanks again.
Yes there are changes to the Rivals site and Changes usually bring mixed reactions, but change in all things is inevitable, especially in an effort to make things better.

There are several exciting, new elements that come with the front page and content refresh, including a scrolling latest news ticker, an expanded content display and new homepage widgets. In the future those widgets will be customizable, but initially they will default to the Rivals250, 2024 Team Rankings, your team’s Top Targets and your team’s Commitment List.

There is currently a Promotion for FREE Premium content and Premium Boards access. The link: * code: IUSUMMER.

There are many of you that enjoy the boards everyday, but are not subscribers. We provide a ton of content, as much as anyone. And we want to be able to do more. The only thing that is free for us in our coverage is admission. There is a cost to everything else for us. Travel, equipment, payroll, etc. The cost of a Rivals subscription is $99.95/year or .27 cents a day. For those of you that are on here frequently, daily, multiple times a day, etc, I would hope you are getting .27 cents worth of entertainment, conversation and more. And my hope is that you will please consider supporting what we are doing by becoming a subscriber to The Promo gives you multiple months for free.
I aint gettn sucked into any of these so-called promotions! I’d rather just scroll on these worthless free crap boards and bs with the rest of the low-lifes/trolls!
Change from familiar usually comes with mixed feelings. We had nothing to do with the change and are getting used to it as well. I think in the end it will be better, sleeker, easier to use.
Did I miss the announcement that a radical change was coming? Did I miss the calls for user input BEFORE the site was changed???
Whew,... this took forever for me to get logged in..

For the last two days it's been having problems on my laptop just loading the site, logging in, loading pages, not being able to redirct pages... you name it. It doesn't matter which browser I try either,
Firefox, Chrome, Edge..... and I've changed nothing in my settings and my laptop is only about a year old and always updated... also, all sites I use are not being blocked in any way...

Been getting a lot of "OPPS, sorry we're having...." BS

Other than being a little slower I'm not having a problem when using my phone.

Anyone else having problems?

In the past year or so I've noticed a lot more problems with the site doing any of the above... problem is it's the only site I ever have tech problems with... I don't think it's on my end.
That's interesting. It's loading faster for me - a lot faster. Also, it's faster when I'm going to read other posts.
This is the only site that seems to constantly reload for me. I use an up to date iPad and it is painful to try to read anything as the threads and stories constantly reload. Also the typing has a significant lag which is annoying. Makes it hard to come here sometimes.
I'm running Firefox, seems to be working well for me. Tested a few things. Logged out, logged back in. Fairly snappy. There is more often a slight lag on some page changes as if a heavier script running but then the page loads are quick, content works. Seems like better caching or something.

I like the new front page. It is actually useful or at least decent looking. I expected it to be pushing annoying content in my face, but I like the Indiana visits scroll, some other stuff.

So far it has a, dare I say, premium feel.

I would be a premium subscriber but the reputation for rivals on handling unsubscribes is poor. At least my personal experience although many years ago, but others have posted on it more recently. Plus I remember trying to reach a rivals actual human being for my name and password issue and had no luck. Which is a shame, as this site is good. And I don't think anybody involved with it is anything except ethical. Rivals has a hole to dig out of with me on customer service.
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This is the only site that seems to constantly reload for me. I use an up to date iPad and it is painful to try to read anything as the threads and stories constantly reload. Also the typing has a significant lag which is annoying. Makes it hard to come here sometimes.
I use a Chromebook and this new version is faster for me.

It could be that they made changes for on OS and it affected other OSs.

Have UncleMark give you a lecture on Linux......
This is the only site that seems to constantly reload for me. I use an up to date iPad and it is painful to try to read anything as the threads and stories constantly reload. Also the typing has a significant lag which is annoying. Makes it hard to come here sometimes.
Me too. @Jim Coyle

There is an "auto-refesh" that deletes whatever I am typing at the time it explodes. Not sure if it just a "refresh" or someone else finishing a post makes it happen, but it is INFURIATING.

I've been on this site since before Rivals. NO change has even made my experience BETTER - just different, sometimes worse. It is just a bunch of IT nerds showing off, making new mistakes, and ignoring customers.
No, these changes have been in the works for a while with one of the top companies in the country.

This is the only site that seems to constantly reload for me. I use an up to date iPad and it is painful to try to read anything as the threads and stories constantly reload. Also the typing has a significant lag which is annoying. Makes it hard to come here sometimes.
You know I have had that problem using Safari on multiple sites. I switched to the Brave Browser and the problem was solved.
Me too. @Jim Coyle

There is an "auto-refesh" that deletes whatever I am typing at the time it explodes. Not sure if it just a "refresh" or someone else finishing a post makes it happen, but it is INFURIATING.

I've been on this site since before Rivals. NO change has even made my experience BETTER - just different, sometimes worse. It is just a bunch of IT nerds showing off, making new mistakes, and ignoring customers.
They gotta ask for your input before they can ignore it. Remember all the hand wringing when they bought the site wanting input and retain customers? Nothing happened. They aren’t concerned about the customers past the point of retainage and growth I’m sure. Retainage is easier when you can’t cancel! They should have never never never never let Matt Weaver go. I point to that only as an example of customers wanting something and being ignored. The good thing is I think the hired the entire IDS sport reporters that year…
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I aint gettn sucked into any of these so-called promotions! I’d rather just scroll on these worthless free crap boards and bs with the rest of the low-lifes/trolls!
Suckered in? Heaven forbid you support a place where you spend your time. If I had my way there would not be ANY free boards. That alone is more than worth the .27 cents a day it costs to subscribe. Obviously you are one of "the rest of the low-lifes/trolls" that I mentioned as a high frequency user, but not a supporter of the site. How do you think any business can operate without generating revenue? That's great inspiration for people like me who routinely put in 12 + hours a day, 6-7 days a week, year-round to provide a place for fans like yourself. So I am going to ask that you reconsider and become a subscriber today. Be a part of helping to grow this community.
Suckered in? Heaven forbid you support a place where you spend your time. If I had my way there would not be ANY free boards. That alone is more than worth the .27 cents a day it costs to subscribe. Obviously you are one of "the rest of the low-lifes/trolls" that I mentioned as a high frequency user, but not a supporter of the site. How do you think any business can operate without generating revenue? That's great inspiration for people like me who routinely put in 12 + hours a day, 6-7 days a week, year-round to provide a place for fans like yourself. So I am going to ask that you reconsider and become a subscriber today. Be a part of helping to grow this community.
Jim, I'm a paying member and glad to do so, but don't you get revenue from ads on the free boards? Don't you get advertisers based on clicks?

I have no idea, but there must be some reason Rivals (not just theHoosier) has free boards.

This system upgrade has been a positive for me - my computer is much faster on this site now than it was before. And I think it's a cleaner look.
Jim, I'm a paying member and glad to do so, but don't you get revenue from ads on the free boards? Don't you get advertisers based on clicks?

I have no idea, but there must be some reason Rivals (not just theHoosier) has free boards.

This system upgrade has been a positive for me - my computer is much faster on this site now than it was before. And I think it's a cleaner look.
Except for the auto-refresh glitch, I’m good.
They gotta ask for your input before they can ignore it. Remember all the hand wringing when they bought the site wanting input and retain customers? Nothing happened. They aren’t concerned about the customers past the point of retainage and growth I’m sure. Retainage is easier when you can’t cancel! They should have never never never never let Matt Weaver go. I point to that only as an example of customers wanting something and being ignored. The good thing is I think the hired the entire IDS sport reporters that year…
Who is "they?"
Who is "they bought the site?"
Who is "they aren't concerned about customers..."
Who "let Matt Weaver go?" He has always worked for a different site that has not been a part of the Rivals network in over a decade?
That is not an example that I understand?
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Jim, I'm a paying member and glad to do so, but don't you get revenue from ads on the free boards? Don't you get advertisers based on clicks?

I have no idea, but there must be some reason Rivals (not just theHoosier) has free boards.

This system upgrade has been a positive for me - my computer is much faster on this site now than it was before. And I think it's a cleaner look.
Thanks DANC, you are sincerely appreciated. No, we are not "click based." Any benefit from there is minuscule. We are a subscriber based site.
Who is "they?"
Who is "they bought the site?"
Who is "they aren't concerned about customers..."
Who "let Matt Weaver go?" He has always worked for a different site that has not been a part of the Rivals network in over a decade?
That is not an example that I understand?
Sounds like some confusion over theHoosier and Peegs site.
I'm running Firefox, seems to be working well for me. Tested a few things. Logged out, logged back in. Fairly snappy. There is more often a slight lag on some page changes as if a heavier script running but then the page loads are quick, content works. Seems like better caching or something.

I like the new front page. It is actually useful or at least decent looking. I expected it to be pushing annoying content in my face, but I like the Indiana visits scroll, some other stuff.

So far it has a, dare I say, premium feel.

I would be a premium subscriber but the reputation for rivals on handling unsubscribes is poor. At least my personal experience although many years ago, but others have posted on it more recently. Plus I remember trying to reach a rivals actual human being for my name and password issue and had no luck. Which is a shame, as this site is good. And I don't think anybody involved with it is anything except ethical. Rivals has a hole to dig out of with me on customer service.
Well I can only ask that you be a supporter of trying to grow this community. If you ever have an issue you are more than welcome to reach out to me personally. Not getting good customer service pisses me off just like the next guy. That I why I make myself available to our subs. Hopefully this will encourage you to subscribe today and help us try to grow the community. Thank you!
Suckered in? Heaven forbid you support a place where you spend your time. If I had my way there would not be ANY free boards. That alone is more than worth the .27 cents a day it costs to subscribe. Obviously you are one of "the rest of the low-lifes/trolls" that I mentioned as a high frequency user, but not a supporter of the site. How do you think any business can operate without generating revenue? That's great inspiration for people like me who routinely put in 12 + hours a day, 6-7 days a week, year-round to provide a place for fans like yourself. So I am going to ask that you reconsider and become a subscriber today. Be a part of helping to grow this community.
Get rid of the free boards and people would just go elsewhere.

I wouldn't sign up for any promotion or subscription until cancelling was just as easy as starting it. If the people on this site really stood behind the value of the premium content, then they wouldn't use tactics like that.
Get rid of the free boards and people would just go elsewhere.

I wouldn't sign up for any promotion or subscription until cancelling was just as easy as starting it. If the people on this site really stood behind the value of the premium content, then they wouldn't use tactics like that.
Well happy days then because that means you can sign up today!! If you have a problem cancelling you can come directly to me Thank you for supporting the site and helping to grow this community!!

I am not sure what you meant by that. But there has been too much content given away as free and I have made it a mandate to stop that with staff members. We also have a basketball analyst coming onboard who's only responsibility will be to speak with people in the Premium Basketball threads. Their approach to the game is that of a player and coach, not media.

Tactics? Nothing done by us is any different than ANY other subscriber based site on any network.