Woodward book on Trump

On the bright side, this Presidency will make a helluva Netflix miniseries one day.
This was just a rumor from a guy I know in LA who is "in the business"...there have been more than a few actors that have told their agents that they would be interested in playing the role of Robert Mueller in any adapted screenplay.
This was just a rumor from a guy I know in LA who is "in the business"...there have been more than a few actors that have told their agents that they would be interested in playing the role of Robert Mueller in any adapted screenplay.
Pity it doesn't come out in October.
This was just a rumor from a guy I know in LA who is "in the business"...there have been more than a few actors that have told their agents that they would be interested in playing the role of Robert Mueller in any adapted screenplay.
Who will want to play Trump? That will be the best part. Mueller is Joe Friday-just the facts m aam...whereas Trump is where you will get to chew up the scenery.
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This was just a rumor from a guy I know in LA who is "in the business"...there have been more than a few actors that have told their agents that they would be interested in playing the role of Robert Mueller in any adapted screenplay.
Gotta be Tom Hanks.
The fact that the administration chose not to actively manage Woodward's interview process is just indicative of the mismanagement of the mundane that has characterized how this White House operates.
However, no matter how ugly this seems, there is a saving grace. The Trump White House is not the Trump Administration. The media fixation on the Trump White House is letting cabinet secretaries, perhaps the most conservative collection in my memory, take care of business. ISIS is being eradicated. North Korea has been 10 months without a missile test. Betsy DeVos is dismantling Title IX star chambers. We are on the cusp of changing the dynamics on the Supreme Court. Federal appeals courts have been remade. We seem to be serious about immigration enforcement. Iranian expansion has been stopped and an alliance of Arab States and Israel is taking shape. The Iran Nuclear Deal is dead. We aren't coddling Cuba and Venezuela. If we have to have a reality show in the White House to get this done, it might just be a price we should be willing to pay.
The fact that the administration chose not to actively manage Woodward's interview process is just indicative of the mismanagement of the mundane that has characterized how this White House operates.
However, no matter how ugly this seems, there is a saving grace. The Trump White House is not the Trump Administration. The media fixation on the Trump White House is letting cabinet secretaries, perhaps the most conservative collection in my memory, take care of business. ISIS is being eradicated. North Korea has been 10 months without a missile test. Betsy DeVos is dismantling Title IX star chambers. We are on the cusp of changing the dynamics on the Supreme Court. Federal appeals courts have been remade. We seem to be serious about immigration enforcement. Iranian expansion has been stopped and an alliance of Arab States and Israel is taking shape. The Iran Nuclear Deal is dead. We aren't coddling Cuba and Venezuela. If we have to have a reality show in the White House to get this done, it might just be a price we should be willing to pay.
It’s interesting you think all of those things you list are positives. Betsy DeVos is a disaster in her position. North Korea has been directly making fun of Trump and his inability to achieve anything in their much vaunted meeting, getting out of the Iran Nuclear deal makes us less safe, not more. There is no wall, Mexico is not paying, the tariffs are killing Midwest farmers, the deficient is exploding. And the man in the WH is crazy and doesn’t even notice when his aides take things off his desk. Yep, no problems here.
The fact that the administration chose not to actively manage Woodward's interview process is just indicative of the mismanagement of the mundane that has characterized how this White House operates.
However, no matter how ugly this seems, there is a saving grace. The Trump White House is not the Trump Administration. The media fixation on the Trump White House is letting cabinet secretaries, perhaps the most conservative collection in my memory, take care of business. ISIS is being eradicated. North Korea has been 10 months without a missile test. Betsy DeVos is dismantling Title IX star chambers. We are on the cusp of changing the dynamics on the Supreme Court. Federal appeals courts have been remade. We seem to be serious about immigration enforcement. Iranian expansion has been stopped and an alliance of Arab States and Israel is taking shape. The Iran Nuclear Deal is dead. We aren't coddling Cuba and Venezuela. If we have to have a reality show in the White House to get this done, it might just be a price we should be willing to pay.

Where is this ISIS is being eradicated coming from? Our own intel is saying ISIS is now growing and have more strength then when they overran a third of Iraq. Just Google ISIS and see what comes up.
Well, isn't Alec Baldwin the frontrunner?
I’m thinking we need to go with a blonde, someone like say Faye Dunaway. I can just imagine her saying, “No more Jeff Sessions” kind of like she did in “Mommy Dearest”.
Where is this ISIS is being eradicated coming from? Our own intel is saying ISIS is now growing and have more strength then when they overran a third of Iraq. Just Google ISIS and see what comes up.

More strength than in 2014? I haven't seen anything saying that.....actually the IC doesn't seem to have any confidence in the analysis of isis strength right now. There are wildly different numbers being bounced around, nobody really knows....because regardless, they are back to being insurgents basically everywhere they operate.
More strength than in 2014? I haven't seen anything saying that.....actually the IC doesn't seem to have any confidence in the analysis of isis strength right now. There are wildly different numbers being bounced around, nobody really knows....because regardless, they are back to being insurgents basically everywhere they operate.

Here is one link, many sites have quoted the same Pentagon report. This one adds in a UN report. The Pentagon says between 29,000 and 31,000 in Syria and Iraq.
It’s interesting you think all of those things you list are positives. Betsy DeVos is a disaster in her position. North Korea has been directly making fun of Trump and his inability to achieve anything in their much vaunted meeting, getting out of the Iran Nuclear deal makes us less safe, not more. There is no wall, Mexico is not paying, the tariffs are killing Midwest farmers, the deficient is exploding. And the man in the WH is crazy and doesn’t even notice when his aides take things off his desk. Yep, no problems here.
You are wasting your time! If Trump farts, the likes of MonroeCity would say: "That was the most aromatic fart, sir!":(
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Hundreds of official transcripts suggest otherwise, Mr. Liar-in-Chief.

That and Woodward has documents and tapes his conversations with everyone he interviews

Either multiple senior Trump/ex-Trump people talking to Woodward are all lying about an event or what he reports is a reasonable version of the truth.

Dan Pfeiffer on Pod Save America last night told a story about when he was working for Obama's White House when Woodward came to them to ask for interviews with Obama (to respond to things in his book) and others. Woodward he said he already had 70+ interviews and said "I probably already have a lot of the confidential documents you have in that safe" and pulled several documents out of his briefcase and put them on the table. "There's probably a good reason why this e-mail says X and I'd like to know".

Basically he politely said "the book is coming out no matter what and I already have all I need, but it could be better for you if you cooperate and give your version of the story".
That and Woodward has documents and tapes his conversations with everyone he interviews

Either multiple senior Trump/ex-Trump people talking to Woodward are all lying about an event or what he reports is a reasonable version of the truth.

Dan Pfeiffer on Pod Save America last night told a story about when he was working for Obama's White House when Woodward came to them to ask for interviews with Obama (to respond to things in his book) and others. Woodward he said he already had 70+ interviews and said "I probably already have a lot of the confidential documents you have in that safe" and pulled several documents out of his briefcase and put them on the table. "There's probably a good reason why this e-mail says X and I'd like to know".

Basically he politely said "the book is coming out no matter what and I already have all I need, but it could be better for you if you cooperate and give your version of the story".

That's why he is a sociopath and a pathological liar -- will lie in the face of audio/video evidence. But its ok as long as he passed the tax reform', SCOTUS, RvW, Iran etc for some.
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That and Woodward has documents and tapes his conversations with everyone he interviews

Either multiple senior Trump/ex-Trump people talking to Woodward are all lying about an event or what he reports is a reasonable version of the truth.

Dan Pfeiffer on Pod Save America last night told a story about when he was working for Obama's White House when Woodward came to them to ask for interviews with Obama (to respond to things in his book) and others. Woodward he said he already had 70+ interviews and said "I probably already have a lot of the confidential documents you have in that safe" and pulled several documents out of his briefcase and put them on the table. "There's probably a good reason why this e-mail says X and I'd like to know".

Basically he politely said "the book is coming out no matter what and I already have all I need, but it could be better for you if you cooperate and give your version of the story".
I love this quote about Woodward, “ Woodward checks his facts until they weep with boredom. “ I think everyone except hard core Trumpsters know that Woodward would not write without checking and double checking his facts.
And finally someone that listens to Pod Save America. Love those guys.

Hundreds of official transcripts suggest otherwise, Mr. Liar-in-Chief.
Quick question: If the Woodward book and op-ed are both false, as Trump claims, is it still a crime to mislead America's enemies by publishing false information that purports to be a government secret?

Also, I am amused by Trump's new demand that the NYT "publish" (that's what he said) the name of the op-ed author(ess), instead of telling the FBI who it is. What a smart crimefighter Trump is !!
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Quick question: If the Woodward book and op-ed are both false, as Trump claims, is it still a crime to mislead America's enemies by publishing false information that purports to be a government secret?

Also, I am amused by Trump's new demand that the NYT "publish" (that's what he said) the name of the op-ed author(ess), instead of telling the FBI who it is. What a smart crimefighter Trump is !!

Yah... if you going to push any falsehoods, you need to be honest about it.


Who is Bob Bloody Woodward anyway, some small-time two-bit hack who couldn't make it at the failing corrupt Amazon Post.
What has he ever done -- unlike not like President Donald D Trump. A self-made billionaire who gives up his celery for charity. Rags to Riches success story.
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