Will Kamala ever answer a question?

Because he has a Presidential track record, and I’ve learned not to expect much detail from Trump at this point.

Maybe it’s grading him in a curve, but I prefer the candidate who’s political instincts I agree with most even if he leaves the details to others.

When both candidates are devoid of detail. It’s no contest.
No. Trump does not have a Presidential track record explaining "how" he will accomplish the four things you identified in your Post 18:

“We will bring Ukraine to a close and force negotiations”
“We will secure the border”
"he will deregulate energy again and embrace crypto currency."
No. Trump does not have a Presidential track record explaining "how" he will accomplish the four things you identified in your Post 18:

“We will bring Ukraine to a close and force negotiations”
“We will secure the border”
"he will deregulate energy again and embrace crypto currency."
Now you’re just being asinine. There was no Ukraine war under Trump. He does have an energy and border track record.

He picked up on crypto more recently to be sure. Time will tell if it’s bluster or has teeth.
You do realize that hearsay is “an out of court statement used to prove the truth of the statement in court” don’t you. So tell me what the hearsay was v
His words vs her words with no physical evidence, debated before a handpicked, biased jury of more women than men. You don’t really believe he raped her in a busy department store dressing room with no screams heard, do you? It’s not like department store dressing rooms are hermetically sealed as soundproof. How difficult can it be to kick a guy in the nuts while in a confined space? I think they probably both enjoyed the fleeting moment. Knowing you might get caught heightens the excitement for both parties.
His words vs her words with no physical evidence, debated before a handpicked, biased jury of more women than men. You don’t really believe he raped her in a busy department store dressing room with no screams heard, do you? It’s not like department store dressing rooms are hermetically sealed as soundproof. How difficult can it be to kick a guy in the nuts while in a confined space? I think they probably both enjoyed the fleeting moment. Knowing you might get caught heightens the excitement for both parties.

You can say that about any trial. Just so you don’t look so ridiculous in the future, witness testimony at trial is not hearsay.
His words vs her words with no physical evidence, debated before a handpicked, biased jury of more women than men. You don’t really believe he raped her in a busy department store dressing room with no screams heard, do you? It’s not like department store dressing rooms are hermetically sealed as soundproof. How difficult can it be to kick a guy in the nuts while in a confined space? I think they probably both enjoyed the fleeting moment. Knowing you might get caught heightens the excitement for both parties.
Republicans used to believe in law and order. I miss them.
Run away!!

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Talking points she won’t deviate from. Bc she’s incapable. Prices - ah I say I was born in middle class and go into my story. It’s truly pathetic.

And trump. He’s not even thinking about policy. In the least. Just I had…and these people will….

Two God awful tickets.

I've given up all hope. We're circling the drain. Have a couple friends that have been looking overseas for permanent relocation last couple years. They may be onto something.
I've given up all hope. We're circling the drain. Have a couple friends that have been looking overseas for permanent relocation last couple years. They may be onto something.

I’m not leaving immediately if Trump wins. I’m going to hold out hope that he won’t be able to do what he wants. Failing that, I’ve got a set up in Vancouver which isn’t the worst idea anyway.
Harris’ Oprah performance was cringeworthy. I was embarrassed for her. Okay, I’ve had some cringeworthy performances, too. I get that, but hers is on a national stage close to election time and I think she’s losing votes faster than she can gather them.
Oprah kept a straight face. You got to hand it to her. She is a professional. What bothers me is the left was seen as taking furious notes when VP Harris was talking. Ok, they weren't but it is a funny picture isn't it?
But, Trump does not satisfy the criteria you established in your Post No. 1 above.

Trump never explains "how" he's going to accomplish all these wonderful things he keeps promising us, as you required in your original post.

Why don't you require Trump to explain "how"?
He does a better job than VP Harris. She is asked how she would fix inflation and she just gives us a 1st grade lesson on what inflation is. Inflation means prices go up (she nods her head up and down)
My goodness...

Asked baout fixing the economy...

"I was born middle class.....people cared about their lawns.. Firefighters and construction workers were my neighbors...."


Asked her plan on lowering the cost of living....

Harris---"Its a story I hear as I travel around the ocuntry. Having right and dreams, ambitions for you family...That its fare more elusive than its ever been, and we need to del with that...Gonna take on price gouging......grew up the daughter of a hard working mom.....BOught a house when she was a teenager...Gonna give out $25K for first time home buyer(which didnt help the people who asked the question---they alrady had a home---anyways...) Gonna give $50K tax deduction for start up business---small business....which higher local(who doesnt hire locally?)---Her momma friend was a small business owner, so she loves those kinds of peeps---was her second mom...

Do wut???

Then about the border: "Tahts a wonderful question-----talks about her being a prosecutor---elected AG... How its not theoritcal situation...Takes it very seriously.....How Trump killed their Border security bill.....Yadda, yadda, yadda....Finally Oprah ask, "so to answer Justins question....."---As which KH says, "When elected, I will introduce the bill, and when it gets to my desk, I will sign into law..."

Sure, Kamala. If thats all it takes, why didnt Joe simply do that?

Asked how she would have handled border crisis better than Joe...

"So I‘m the only person on this stage who has prosecuted transnational criminal organizations for the trafficking of guns, drugs, and human beings."

Ok, great------Not the quetion, though.

Asked how she would breakthrough the Hamas-Israel war....

"We need a ceasefire deal and we need the hostages out, and so we will continue to work around the clock on that," Harri said.

Ya, think? And, well, HOW?---Again, NOT the question.

When asked how she makes her cereal....

"well you see, I have a garden....Full of good stuff. My neighbor had a garden, and well, it was a big garden....:cool::cool:

Can she just give a direct answer? And yes, I know---DJT is just as guilty. But at least he gives an answer on the economy...the border...Hamas, etc...

Good gracious----Even Oprah was like---"da ****"?

She could say...cut taxes and cost of gas in half along with closing the border so immigrants don't take all our lower income jobs while getting all kinds of government benefits.
She could say...cut taxes and cost of gas in half along with closing the border so immigrants don't take all our lower income jobs while getting all kinds of government benefits.

Yes, she could just spew out promises and never deliver like Trump does. Does that really help?
Oprah kept a straight face. You got to hand it to her. She is a professional. What bothers me is the left was seen as taking furious notes when VP Harris was talking. Ok, they weren't but it is a funny picture isn't it?
It’s Sunday and you’re a pastor. Think about that and answer this question truthfully. Did you actually watch that interview? Not clips, the whole unedited interview.
Yes, she could just spew out promises and never deliver like Trump does. Does that really help?

Trump also refers to his economy as being the greatest in history while the Kamala/Joe economy being the worst.

A better question would be what can a president do to improve the economy without working with Congress, the Federal Reserve, financial institutions, regulatory agencies, foreign governments, World Bank, state and local governments, business leaders, etc.

Debunk the idea that presidents are omnipotent.
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Trump also refers to his economy as being the greatest in history while the Kamala/Joe economy being the worst.

A better question would be what can a president do to improve the economy without working with Congress, the Federal Reserve, financial institutions, regulatory agencies, foreign governments, World Bank, state and local governments, business leaders, etc.

Debunk the idea that presidents are omnipotent.

Yes. I hate promises on issues about which they have limited control.

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