Who is actually making presidential decisions?

The flaw in your argument is the deception. “There will be people running things while it’s happening.” I didn’t vote for them. Who are they? Are they the people who like defunding police? Climate crazies? Open borders? Do they want bigger gov and cradle to grave benes? Who are these people?

That’s not how it works. You don’t run weekend at bernie’s
There's a level of trust, for sure, that the "other" people are at least somewhat qualified, and they're acting in good faith towards our citizens. I don't agree with a lot of Harris policy, I have serious concerns about similar things you do, but my rational side has to admit that most of those people that would likely be running things behind the scenes, have overall good intentions. They may push a lot of things to their own interests...but all politicians do that. And even if they do push some of the things you mention (for the most part they won't, I'm sure)...but even if they long as they're keeping the house from burning down, we can deal with it. And then in 2028, any sort of decent conservative will easily win, and the pendulum can be swung back towards center for a while.

What is a non starter, for the thought of a repeat of the Trump no show during Covid...when the wars, and economic situation, all get worse, and more dangerous for us all. To me, its actually worse than a no show, its handcuffing the entire executive branch because of his ego, and the wrecking ball he'll again to the cabinet and major when Trump goes Rogue, isn't paying attention to the things that need paying attention to...he won't have anyone at home to make sure the gas is turned off and that the house doesn't burn down.

If you disagree with that, that takes an element of trust on your part that he'll be different this time. To me, that's the same thing as trusting people to make decisions for a further declining Biden.

I think the risk of a Trump 2.0 Presidency is WAY too high.
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So you think Trump overruled Fauci and his band of merry men running Covid response?

Besides correctly banning flights from China and helping push through quick developement of the vaccine, where did Trump go against Fauci?
I think Trump faced 1 crisis while in office. And he largely hid from it. And the problem with that, when Trump does it, is his overall management style is to destroy anyone around him, of any substance, who presents any sort of opposing view. So when he ducks out, there isn't anyone left to make decisions.

Trump often makes fun of Biden for "not acting"..."you don't need congress, just do something"... Yet when faced with his only crisis while in office, he sat back in the shadows, second guessed Fauci, made absurd comments, and largely did nothing. He let Fauci, and Cuomo, and DeSantis do the adult work. Things get hard for Trump, revert back to the shadows, declare bankruptcy, blame others for the failure. That's his proven track record. The only actual accomplishment he had during that time was Operation Warp Speed...and he doesn't often claim that one because it was related to the vaccine...the one he took himself...

He's an absolute disaster when things aren't lined up well for him, when they're not going well overall. His track record before his Presidency shows that. And how he handled Covid, and the loss in the lection cemented it. And he isn't walking in to the same relatively calm waters that Obama left him with.
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There's a level of trust, for sure, that the "other" people are at least somewhat qualified, and they're acting in good faith towards our citizens. I don't agree with a lot of Harris policy, I have serious concerns about similar things you do, but my rational side has to admit that most of those people that would likely be running things behind the scenes, have overall good intentions. They may push a lot of things to their own interests...but all politicians do that. And even if they do push some of the things you mention (for the most part they won't, I'm sure)...but even if they long as they're keeping the house from burning down, we can deal with it. And then in 2028, any sort of decent conservative will easily win, and the pendulum can be swung back towards center for a while.

What is a non starter, for the thought of a repeat of the Trump no show during Covid...when the wars, and economic situation, all get worse, and more dangerous for us all. To me, its actually worse than a no show, its handcuffing the entire executive branch because of his ego, and the wrecking ball he'll again to the cabinet and major when Trump goes Rogue, isn't paying attention to the things that need paying attention to...he won't have anyone at home to make sure the gas is turned off and that the house doesn't burn down.

If you disagree with that, that takes an element of trust on your part that he'll be different this time. To me, that's the same thing as trusting people to make decisions for a further declining Biden.

I think the risk of a Trump 2.0 Presidency is WAY too high.
Not into speculation. Just evidence of what we do know. And comparing what’s important to me between the Biden presidency data and outcomes and trump. And as despicable as trump is the decision is easy
So you think Trump overruled Fauci and his band of merry men running Covid response?

Besides correctly banning flights from China and helping push through quick developement of the vaccine, where did Trump go against Fauci?
Way to snip...

He doesn't allow others to run things...until it gets hard and difficult...then he backs away and ultimately blames the people that are left to try to steer the ship.

He has a very long track record of these sorts of things. And yes, I hate him, but it isn't just about his words, his tweets, his moral issues....its how much of a coward he actually is when things get difficult.
Not into speculation. Just evidence of what we do know. And comparing what’s important to me between the Biden presidency data and outcomes and trump. And as despicable as trump is the decision is easy
Fair enough. And I hope the current potential crisis he'll be inheriting, I hope they all subside before or during his Presidency.

But to actually believe a Trump Presidency will be equipped to deal with multiple wars, a recession level economy, immigration crisis... effectively... I don't see it, to say the least.
Fair enough. And I hope the current potential crisis he'll be inheriting, I hope they all subside before or during his Presidency.

But to actually believe a Trump Presidency will be equipped to deal with multiple wars, a recession level economy, immigration crisis... effectively... I don't see it, to say the least.
we know what biden contributed to elevated prices, border numbers, global conflicts have occurred on his watch, he's still talking about student loan forgiveness and adding progressives to the s. ct. so i have little faith his handlers won't be a repeat of what we saw in 2020 when they had control. can't risk that again. not to mention they are liars. hiding biden has been a disservice. what's more they've gone on the offense and attacked people for questioning his health. liars.
we know what biden contributed to elevated prices, border numbers, global conflicts have occurred on his watch, he's still talking about student loan forgiveness and adding progressives to the s. ct. so i have little faith his handlers won't be a repeat of what we saw in 2020 when they had control. can't risk that again. not to mention they are liars. hiding biden has been a disservice. what's more they've gone on the offense and attacked people for questioning his health. liars.
You’re wasting your time. The answer is he hates Trump (which is fine by the way). When it comes to foreign policy, the economy, and border, all were better under Trump. His policies in those areas are better than Biden.
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we know what biden contributed to elevated prices, border numbers, global conflicts have occurred on his watch, he's still talking about student loan forgiveness and adding progressives to the s. ct. so i have little faith his handlers won't be a repeat of what we saw in 2020 when they had control. can't risk that again. not to mention they are liars. hiding biden has been a disservice. what's more they've gone on the offense and attacked people for questioning his health. liars.
Yes they went after the WSJ on their article regarding Joe’s decline.

Now after the debate Carl Bernstein comes out and says Biden people had told him Biden had 15-20 of these episodes in the last year and a half. Where was this chickenshit bastard when the same people were ripping the WSJ?
we know what biden contributed to elevated prices, border numbers, global conflicts have occurred on his watch, he's still talking about student loan forgiveness and adding progressives to the s. ct. so i have little faith his handlers won't be a repeat of what we saw in 2020 when they had control. can't risk that again. not to mention they are liars. hiding biden has been a disservice. what's more they've gone on the offense and attacked people for questioning his health. liars.
Back to my main is very possible it isn't as bad as the speeches and debates make it look. I know its an absurdly low bar...but the fact that he can stand for 90 minutes, still make public appearances, still fly around places. He isn't completely gone yet.

And I'll keep making this comparison...Trump brings his own level of incompetence and absurdity to the office. I just think Trumps are more dangerous, and the risk of actual catastrophic bad things happening because of that incompetence is higher with Trump.

Trump inherited calm waters, and he left some of the most chaotic and choppy waters a President has ever left an incoming President. So there's that too. He could have handled Covid like DeSantis did. There's quite a lot of different things he could have done. He didn't. He allowed others to lead. He allowed a perceived "leftist" lead during one of the biggest crisis in our country's history. Why didn't that infuriate Republicans?

He's an absolute master at scapegoating. Blows my mind people hate Fauci, but give Trump a pass.
Yes they went after the WSJ on their article regarding Joe’s decline.

Now after the debate Carl Bernstein comes out and says Biden people had told him Biden had 15-20 of these episodes in the last year and a half. Where was this chickenshit bastard when the same people were ripping the WSJ?
how long have we been writing "his handlers." i've posted numerous times that they are hiding him, limiting public exposure, limiting questions he can be asked, limiting him to a teleprompter, restricting public access to see the route he takes so the public doesn't see the biden shuffle, hur audio not being released, pretending hur report was exaggerated and he wasn't prosecuted because he's having significant memory limitations, it just goes on and on and on. takes balls for the dems to now come out and say trump is a liar. we have two really, really shitty parties at this time
Back to my main is very possible it isn't as bad as the speeches and debates make it look. I know its an absurdly low bar...but the fact that he can stand for 90 minutes, still make public appearances, still fly around places. He isn't completely gone yet.

And I'll keep making this comparison...Trump brings his own level of incompetence and absurdity to the office. I just think Trumps are more dangerous, and the risk of actual catastrophic bad things happening because of that incompetence is higher with Trump.

Trump inherited calm waters, and he left some of the most chaotic and choppy waters a President has ever left an incoming President. So there's that too. He could have handled Covid like DeSantis did. There's quite a lot of different things he could have done. He didn't. He allowed others to lead. He allowed a perceived "leftist" lead during one of the biggest crisis in our country's history. Why didn't that infuriate Republicans?

He's an absolute master at scapegoating. Blows my mind people hate Fauci, but give Trump a pass.
we aren't going to agree. biden is all over instagram. he can do little more than read a teleprompter this point. that's not someone capable of doing a job for the next 5 years. not five weeks. years
You’re wasting your time. The answer is he hates Trump (which is fine by the way). When it comes to foreign policy, the economy, and border, all were better under Trump. His policies in those areas are better than Biden.
If he wins, I honestly hope you're right. I just have a very strong belief that much of Trumps perceived success was due to the relatively calm climate he inherited. Leaders of any kind should be judged on how they handle difficult times...and Trump is one of the worst leaders we've ever had in this country, during tough times.

Biden has been pretty shitty too. But a chunk of his early Presidency was dedicated to cleaning up the Covid mess, the economic mess, and the Jan 6 chaos, he inherited.

For the record, I'm 100% on board with Biden having been terrible for Immigration. And having someone in his shape physically, and mentally, running for POTUS...its absurd. But Trump is the Absurd Yin to Biden's Yang.

There are more than a few economists, that are now getting pretty ancy at what a Trump Presidency might do to an economy that's most likely now headed back in the right direction. The tarriffs, the tax cuts, how he meat cleaves entire agencies... Whether Biden created the economic turmoil or not (he did, but so did Trump)...but no matter how it happened, it can't be debated that inflation has stalled, and is now headed back in the right direction. Rate hikes have stopped. If Trump wins, and that trend continues, he'll take credit for it. If he wins, and his policies crush a recovering economy, he and you, will blame Biden. Its how it always works. Its happening now.

I guess we'll see. If Biden doesn't drop out, Trump will assuredly win. I do hope some of the things I think he undeservedly gets credit for, that he will actually do some good things. And I'll admit it when/if he does.
we aren't going to agree. biden is all over instagram. he can do little more than read a teleprompter this point. that's not someone capable of doing a job for the next 5 years. not five weeks. years
I don't think he should be on the ticket. And I don't think he'll make it five years. But the alternative is Trump. Tough one. If I knew there wouldn't be any big existential threats the next 4 years, or that our economy would be able to weather Trumps policies better than logic tells me it will... it wouldn't worry me so much...and this "oh its just Trump being Trump, he's harmless" mentality wouldn't bother me so much.

I don't want another Biden admin. I don't want another Trump admin. I guess maybe I don't need to go any further than that.
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I think Trump faced 1 crisis while in office. And he largely hid from it. And the problem with that, when Trump does it, is his overall management style is to destroy anyone around him, of any substance, who presents any sort of opposing view. So when he ducks out, there isn't anyone left to make decisions.

Trump often makes fun of Biden for "not acting"..."you don't need congress, just do something"... Yet when faced with his only crisis while in office, he sat back in the shadows, second guessed Fauci, made absurd comments, and largely did nothing. He let Fauci, and Cuomo, and DeSantis do the adult work. Things get hard for Trump, revert back to the shadows, declare bankruptcy, blame others for the failure. That's his proven track record. The only actual accomplishment he had during that time was Operation Warp Speed...and he doesn't often claim that one because it was related to the vaccine...the one he took himself...

He's an absolute disaster when things aren't lined up well for him, when they're not going well overall. His track record before his Presidency shows that. And how he handled Covid, and the loss in the lection cemented it. And he isn't walking in to the same relatively calm waters that Obama left him with.
Trump did claim credit for the COVID vaccine, he got vaccinated with it, and he recommended that everyone get vaccinated with it. I linked that earlier. Many of his minions didn't follow his recommendation. That's insubordination! ;)
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Hunter Biden is stepping in. sick of this shit. bout time he takes over. pocket full of coke. that crazy guy he brings to court with him. bring him too. LET"S F*UCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Looks like we've got a compromised addict (by the Chinese and God knows who else) and a near megalomaniac, pretend "Doctor", running things...

That should completely terrify anyone who's seen Hunters laptop photos and Jills Whitehouse Christmas Decorations... (yeah I went There 😉)...

Looks like we've got a compromised addict (by the Chinese and God knows who else) and a near megalomaniac, pretend "Doctor", running things...

That should completely terrify anyone who's seen Hunters laptop photos and Jills Whitehouse Christmas Decorations... (yeah I went There 😉)...

Looks like we've got a compromised addict (by the Chinese and God knows who else) and a near megalomaniac, pretend "Doctor", running things...

That should completely terrify anyone who's seen Hunters laptop photos and Jills Whitehouse Christmas Decorations... (yeah I went There 😉)...
Mhmm. Mhmmm. Right. Zekeninsky or whatever. Needs help. Mhmm. Mhmm. Was a bad debate. Mhmm. Hate trump too. Mhmm. Right. Mhmmm. Listen when are you going to pardon me. Mhmm. Inflation. Not your fault. I need that pardon. Mhmm. Mhmm. Trump is old too. But when am I getting JILL NOT NOW!!!!!! I’M TALKING TO DAD!!! GOD!!! I’m sorry dad but can’t she see we’re talking! I was saying. That pardon. When are you gonna do that?

Hunter at White House advising president
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Hunter Biden is stepping in. sick of this shit. bout time he takes over. pocket full of coke. that crazy guy he brings to court with him. bring him too. LET"S F*UCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We should trade out Don and Joe for Hunter and Don Jr. Turn this election and country up to 11. No worries about surprises on the other side of the world, because these guys are AWAKE right now. And have been for 65 hours. Call the generals. Wake their asses up. We got DECISIONS to make.
we know what biden contributed to elevated prices, border numbers, global conflicts have occurred on his watch, he's still talking about student loan forgiveness and adding progressives to the s. ct. so i have little faith his handlers won't be a repeat of what we saw in 2020 when they had control. can't risk that again. not to mention they are liars. hiding biden has been a disservice. what's more they've gone on the offense and attacked people for questioning his health. liars.
I still can’t believe Russia showed restraint after we blew up the NordStream pipeline.

That was 10x Pearl Harbor in scale. We should be in a hot WW3 given that event
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Looks like we've got a compromised addict (by the Chinese and God knows who else) and a near megalomaniac, pretend "Doctor", running things...

That should completely terrify anyone who's seen Hunters laptop photos and Jills Whitehouse Christmas Decorations... (yeah I went There 😉)...
I’ll add Ashley Biden’s diary….
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Mhmm. Mhmmm. Right. Zekeninsky or whatever. Needs help. Mhmm. Mhmm. Was a bad debate. Mhmm. Hate trump too. Mhmm. Right. Mhmmm. Listen when are you going to pardon me. Mhmm. Inflation. Not your fault. I need that pardon. Mhmm. Mhmm. Trump is old too. But when am I getting JILL NOT NOW!!!!!! I’M TALKING TO DAD!!! GOD!!! I’m sorry dad but can’t she see we’re talking! I was saying. That pardon. When are you gonna do that?

Hunter at White House advising president
Looks like maybe all of the folks claiming they’d never vote for Hunter when talking about his corruption & issues may have actually voted for Hunter.🤣🤣
Damn I didn't realize I missed the second debate. The first one Biden could barely speak, glad to see he pulled it together to speak on policy in the second one.
TRUMP spoke lies, you are in a cult.