Who’s The “Executive Privilege” Expert?

Yes. It’s typically stupid and inaccurate. Now it’s your turn to say what’s inaccurate about your post which you have no links of proof to support. You do not change. You’re the most bad faith poster on the right side of the aisle here. Dbm posts more misinformation, but he doesn’t know any better.
You know everything I posted happened and is true. You're obfuscating again, as you always do when you're caught making baseless claims.

You always accuse others of posting in bad faith when that's all you do. Your immaturity is obvious for everyone to see - you can't hide it.
LMAO That wins the freaking WC bullsh!t award of the year based on you trying to justify honestly in a complete cesspool that you have no clue about. You posted a doc yesterday addressed to Garland, wtf is wrong with you. That guy just lied on the stand more times than Jill screwed Joe while he was married to another woman. Plus your sources are as full of shit as a hog after supper. Pfffft
There is zero proof of your allegation against Jill. However there IS proof of your boy Donnie screwing a porn star while his wife was at home with a new baby. That doesn’t seem to bother you a bit though.
If it's ever going to have any weight at all, other than bluffing bullshit.... You got a rope or shall I bring one?
Pretty funny that UncleMark thinks there are more Republicans who have ignored subpoenas than Democrats.

Eric Holder, anyone?
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Normal response posted from an insecure narcissist pussy who calls out every person who doesn't agree with them. Your's is the only opinion that matters. The only reason it’s gibberish to you is you live in Lala land, Alice in Wonderland, fantasy land. The pubs, dems, and sh!t you follow wouldn't make the funny papers. Not even Mad magazine or the Bee. So keep spouting your nonsense everyone sees right through it and it’s sad how many times dbm has made you look like a fool. The other sad thing is how much space Trump takes up in your rocks for brains. He should put up for sale signs except nobody wants to live on stupid rocks. Have great day and I would say Fathers day but you have proven you're Alice in Wonderland.
Oh it finally makes sense. You and DBM are the same poster. Because no one else would ever say what you just did.
Sounds like a Democrat. To hell with law, if it doesn’t serve the agenda fvck off.
Well except the Republicans are nominating a felon. So who is it again who says to hell with the law? Those damn Democrats? Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Garland should be in jail for ignoring a Congressional subpoena just like Peter Navaro did.
Haha. How many Trump officials ignored subpoenas? Just like Donny told them to. Good little cowards.
while his wife was at home with a new baby.
You ever been a Man, dealing with a postpartum Mom and a hooker at the same time? Good God Zeke, water flows down hill dear. 99.99:1 odds on this one. (hold out the .01 exception for the ghey husband still in the closet, but even he would hate the postpartum mom) .
No, they should have had an investigation - an honest investigation. Not one where the ruling party gets to pick what Republicans can be on the Committee. And an investigation that doesn't need to hire a Hollywood producer to develop a propaganda video.

Also one that releases all the evidence and doesn't destroy it after it's over before anyone can see it.
I think you’re confused. Both parties had input. Only two Republicans decided to participate after once again, Donnie told them not to. So dupes like you could say just what you are. It’s a sham! Show trial!! They had plenty of evidence and testimony.
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I think you’re confused. Both parties had input. Only two Republicans decided to participate after once again, Donnie told them not to. So dupes like you could say just what you are. It’s a sham! Show trial!! They had plenty of evidence and testimony.
You're wrong. Republicans were not able to appoint who they wanted to the committee. So the Dems found 2 never Trumpers who are now out of office because they didn't represent their constituency. They were known Trump haters and totally biased, which is why they were selected.

Don't even try to act like this was a fair committee.
I think you’re confused. Both parties had input. Only two Republicans decided to participate after once again, Donnie told them not to. So dupes like you could say just what you are. It’s a sham! Show trial!! They had plenty of evidence and testimony.
@MODS, can you do a post count graph, comparing Lucy tapering off and Zeke increasing ? I'm thinking we have a possible multi personality switch arooou going on here.
@MODS, can you do a post count graph, comparing Lucy tapering off and Zeke increasing ? I'm thinking we have a possible multi personality switch arooou going on here.
Zeke and Lucy? No way. Now Zeke/Aloha/HIckory..... definite possibility
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You know everything I posted happened and is true. You're obfuscating again, as you always do when you're caught making baseless claims.

You always accuse others of posting in bad faith when that's all you do. Your immaturity is obvious for everyone to see - you can't hide it.
Yeah. Says the most prolific bad faith poster here. Do a poll.
You're wrong. Republicans were not able to appoint who they wanted to the committee. So the Dems found 2 never Trumpers who are now out of office because they didn't represent their constituency. They were known Trump haters and totally biased, which is why they were selected.

Don't even try to act like this was a fair committee.
Bull shit! 😁 Both of them were solid Republicans. McCarthy should have nominated other Republicans to replace those Pelosi rejected. That was her mistake, not replacing them was McCarthy’s mistake,
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I think you’re confused. Both parties had input. Only two Republicans decided to participate after once again, Donnie told them not to. So dupes like you could say just what you are. It’s a sham! Show trial!! They had plenty of evidence and testimony.
Bull shit! 😁 Both of them were solid Republicans. McCarthy should have nominated other Republicans to replace those Pelosi rejected. That was her mistake, not replacing them was McCarthy’s mistake,
The committee and the process was rigged slanted, manipulated and a sham in every respect. It served no congressional purpose. Pelosi doesn’t have veto power over GOP members. The select committee was intended only to feed the J6 hysteria. Anybody could have told you what the final report would be before a single witness testified or a single exhibit shown. And they would have been a helluva lot cheaper than the Hollywood producer the Democrats hired to write the message.
Yeah. Says the most prolific bad faith poster here. Do a poll.
A poll for what? That you're a self-proclaimed Republican who won't back the Republican nominee and ignores issues that make Democrats look bad.

Who is stupid enough to disagree with that?
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Bull shit! 😁 Both of them were solid Republicans. McCarthy should have nominated other Republicans to replace those Pelosi rejected. That was her mistake, not replacing them was McCarthy’s mistake,
It's telling you would support Pelosi over a 'real' Republican like McCarthy. He's about as traditional Republican as you'll find.

If you're in favor of Democrats saying who Republicans can appoint, you're a Democrat - if it looks like one, walks like one, and act like one, that's what it is.
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Bull shit! 😁 Both of them were solid Republicans. McCarthy should have nominated other Republicans to replace those Pelosi rejected. That was her mistake, not replacing them was McCarthy’s mistake,
Such 'sold Republicans' that Republican voters didn't want anything to do with them.
It's telling you would support Pelosi over a 'real' Republican like McCarthy. He's about as traditional Republican as you'll find.

If you're in favor of Democrats saying who Republicans can appoint, you're a Democrat - if it looks like one, walks like one, and act like one, that's what it is.
Unthinking loyalty to Trump does not equal Republican.
Such 'sold Republicans' that Republican voters didn't want anything to do with them.
Yes, we have a very serious infestation of Trumpism in the party. If it’s not cured the party is doomed.
A poll for what? That you're a self-proclaimed Republican who won't back the Republican nominee and ignores issues that make Democrats look bad.

Who is stupid enough to disagree with that?
Aloha is to Republicans as Lia Thomas is to females. No matter how many times he insists he’s a woman…
Aloha is to Republicans as Lia Thomas is to females. No matter how many times he insists he’s a woman…
I'd be happy to kick you out of the GOP as well. Unfortunately, I don't have the authority to do it.
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If I declared as a woman could I tee off at the ladies’ tee boxes? Might be worth it. 😁
All you need is to let your hair grow a bit and you can probably pull it off...

Works for this (whatever it is):

You couldn't end up being worse looking than that could you?

Four Star 🙄

Perfect representation of the Biden Administration and the DNC...
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All you need is to let your hair grow a bit and you can probably pull it off...

Works for this (whatever it is):

You couldn't end up be worse looking than that could you?

Four Star 🙄

Perfect representation of the Biden Administration and the DNC...
I’m too bald to grow hair that long. I started shaving my head when I still had hair.
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All you need is to let your hair grow a bit and you can probably pull it off...

Works for this (whatever it is):

You couldn't end up be worse looking than that could you?

Four Star 🙄

Perfect representation of the Biden Administration and the DNC...
That person isn’t in the Navy, by the way. It’s ridiculous that he/she wears a uniform.
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