Where is Your Outrage You Hypocrite Bastages?

Sort of like the pieces of shit who used Covid to spread politically based lies, like Covid was a danger to kids.

Remember that?

We know now in retrospect that children could get Covid but not be as seriously sick as adults.

Nevertheless. there was a time when this up for debate.

Generally speaking when it comes to political philosophy and school closings, schools under GOP jurisdictions we're far less likely to overreact to the threat than were those under Democratic control.

This is definitely a feather in the hats of Republicans who unlike the Demoracts, now that the dust has settled, appear to have instinctively made the right call.
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It was a balancing of interests. Kids we’rent passing and weren’t in danger. Their stats were negligible. Remember we were all in line at target at the same time. Teachers have it rough but there were ways to protect them.

Covid response was botched by trump, exacerbated by fauci, put a spotlight on the worthlessness of many of our agencies, and somehow became a virtue signal of the woke and a measure of defiance for hardcore maga.

You can use that in your sermon if it comes up
I didn't talk about Covid a lot because here in Pennsylvania we were locked down a lot longer than Indiana for instance. Some folks in my church were pretty freaked out over it.
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We know now in retrospect that children could get Covid but not be as seriously sick as adults.

Nevertheless. there was a time when this up for debate.

Generally speaking when it comes to political philosophy and school closings, schools under GOP jurisdictions we're far less likely to overreact to the threat than were those under Democratic control.

This is definitely a feather in the hats of Republicans who unlike the Demoracts, now that the dust has settled, appear to have instinctively made the right call.
No, Hoot, by the time school started in the Fall of 2020, the data was clear that children were in no particular danger from Covid - no more than the common flu.

I, and others, posted often about how the decision to close schools was unnecessary and likely to cause problems in the future.
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I didn't talk about Covid a lot because here in Pennsylvania we were locked down a lot longer than Indiana for instance. Some folks in my church were pretty freaked out over it.
The entire country was freaked out by it and I understand the panic at first. When it became clear the virus targeted a specific part of the population, clearer heads should have prevailed. Instead, the Democrats used it as a political issue and pinned the blame on Trump. Without Covid, Trump would have won the 2020 election in a cakewalk.
No, Hoot, by the time school started in the Fall of 2000, the data was clear that children were in no particular danger from Covid - no more than the common flu.

I, and others, posted often about how the decision to close schools was unnecessary and likely to cause problems in the future.

DANC, think you better check the date in your post.
We know now in retrospect that children could get Covid but not be as seriously sick as adults.

Nevertheless. there was a time when this up for debate.

Generally speaking when it comes to political philosophy and school closings, schools under GOP jurisdictions we're far less likely to overreact to the threat than were those under Democratic control.

This is definitely a feather in the hats of Republicans who unlike the Demoracts, now that the dust has settled, appear to have instinctively made the right call.
There were also accusations thrown out by pro-closure people that the only reason parents wanted their kids in school was because they wanted babysitters, didn’t like spending time with their kids, were selfish about their own time, etc. Not to mention allegations that they didn’t care if old people died.

It was gross.
There were also accusations thrown out by pro-closure people that the only reason parents wanted their kids in school was because they wanted babysitters, didn’t like spending time with their kids, were selfish about their own time, etc. Not to mention allegations that they didn’t care if old people died.

It was gross.
The vitriol thrown at those of us who had other opinions and could back it up with data was astounding.

If anything, the virus showed me humans can turn on each other in a snap. Before, I could not imagine how Germans let themselves be duped by Hitler. I have no problem understanding it now. Mass hysteria is self-promoting and, once started, there's no stopping it.
The vitriol thrown at those of us who had other opinions and could back it up with data was astounding.

If anything, the virus showed me humans can turn on each other in a snap. Before, I could not imagine how Germans let themselves be duped by Hitler. I have no problem understanding it now. Mass hysteria is self-promoting and, once started, there's no stopping it.
And the gestapo social media used to cancel people if they thought the virus was not that bad, started in a lab etc.
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Except that no one said that.

Oh, is that why they closed schools?

Seriously, Mark, go take a cognitive test from your doctor.

Hickory and Court both did

Sure someone said that.

Please. Those of us with kids know better. Idiots used it to close schools

No one with any sense or those "following the science" claimed that Covid was "a danger to kids" after the data started rolling in. The entire basis for closing schools was to slow the spread from family to family and throughout the broader community. That may have been mistaken (20-20 hindsight, Monday morning quarterbacking, whatever) but it was DANC's falsehood I was addressing.
No one with any sense or those "following the science" claimed that Covid was "a danger to kids" after the data started rolling in. The entire basis for closing schools was to slow the spread from family to family and throughout the broader community. That may have been mistaken (20-20 hindsight, Monday morning quarterbacking, whatever) but it was DANC's falsehood I was addressing.
He is far to politically marinated to understand this intellectually. Let him believe what he is told to.
No one with any sense or those "following the science" claimed that Covid was "a danger to kids" after the data started rolling in. The entire basis for closing schools was to slow the spread from family to family and throughout the broader community. That may have been mistaken (20-20 hindsight, Monday morning quarterbacking, whatever) but it was DANC's falsehood I was addressing.
UncleMark, I’m referring to my own community. On Facebook, it got ugly. And yes, there were still some people in the fall of 2020 saying we had to “protect the children” by closing our schools.
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UncleMark, I’m referring to my own community. On Facebook, it got ugly. And yes, there were still some people in the fall of 2020 saying we had to “protect the children” by closing our schools.
I don't expect to change anyone's mind, just was correcting the record.
No one with any sense or those "following the science" claimed that Covid was "a danger to kids" after the data started rolling in. The entire basis for closing schools was to slow the spread from family to family and throughout the broader community. That may have been mistaken (20-20 hindsight, Monday morning quarterbacking, whatever) but it was DANC's falsehood I was addressing.

Has it been decided a youngster with Covid without serious symptoms could visit Granny and transmit the virus to her ?

Also what about school kids infecting each other and then having that infected kid spreading the virus to older members of the family ?
Has it been decided a youngster with Covid without serious symptoms could visit Granny and transmit the virus to her ?

Also what about school kids infecting each other and then having that infected kid spreading the virus to older members of the family ?
Those carrier situation were still ive well into 2021 and frankly still are. Child approved vax was not available until 2022.
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Has it been decided a youngster with Covid without serious symptoms could visit Granny and transmit the virus to her ?

Also what about school kids infecting each other and then having that infected kid spreading the virus to older members of the family ?
That was the whole point. Not that the children themselves were in danger, as DANC claimed.
Has it been decided a youngster with Covid without serious symptoms could visit Granny and transmit the virus to her ?

Also what about school kids infecting each other and then having that infected kid spreading the virus to older members of the family ?
That's why the move should have been to protect the old people, not shut down the schools. Essentially, what the GBD called for.

Those carrier situation were still ive well into 2021 and frankly still are. Child approved vax was not available until 2022.

Court, you leave me still up in the air.

Did we learn anything about the epidemic which a great majority can believe, in case of a another or similar threat?

Will our cultural divide (which is along political lines to a large extent in my view) prevent us from reaching consensus in a future biological attack from an enemy ?
That's why the move should have been to protect the old people, not shut down the schools. Essentially, what the GBD called for.

Some of my neighbors made their kids wear masks when visiting us or stay at a safe distance. Safe being far more than six feet.

Others laughed at wearing masks and keeping a distance.

So rules about protecting old folks might or might not be adhered to both in the past or future.
They closed schools because they were afraid kids would spread the disease and bring it home to older relatives.

If you're going to berate someone for being wrong, best try to make sure you're not wrong first.
I realize that's your story and you're sticking to it, but children weren't super spreaders and posed little danger of bringing anything back.

Weren't masks supposed to stop the spread anyway? Are you still wearing one?
Some of my neighbors made their kids wear masks when visiting us or stay at a safe distance. Safe being far more than six feet.

Others laughed at wearing masks and keeping a distance.

So rules about protecting old folks might or might not be adhered to both in the past or future.
My granddaughter went to her pre-school and came to our house all the time. Neither one of us got it. And I rarely wore a mask, unless it was required.

The danger from children was way overblown and known at the time, due to the data, but no one paid attention and just followed the crowd.

The main danger to old folks was being forced to stay in a place where it was running rampant. Places like New York killed off much of their elderly population because they gave into the hysteria.
No one with any sense or those "following the science" claimed that Covid was "a danger to kids" after the data started rolling in. The entire basis for closing schools was to slow the spread from family to family and throughout the broader community. That may have been mistaken (20-20 hindsight, Monday morning quarterbacking, whatever) but it was DANC's falsehood I was addressing.
There was no falsehood. The fear was that kids would die from it and spread it in schools. You can try to rewrite history now, but everyone without an agenda knows the truth.
No he didn't.
You said no one said it. Brad, and others, said they did.

Then you moved the goal posts and said "I said 'anyone with any sense". Which actually means, anyone who doesn't agree with you.

I reject your claim to having any sense in the matter, considering your now-disproved convictions of the virus.
The most entertaining magas are the ones that now claim scientists and Epidemiologists knew from the beginning everything they know now, so that they can make ridiculous claims about somehow being right.
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The most entertaining magas are the ones that now claim scientists and Epidemiologists knew from the beginning everything they know now, so that they can make ridiculous claims about somehow being right.
CST, suspect scientists and epidemiologists did learn from what they experienced and researched during and since the epidemic struck. Also believe there is a great deal more to be learned.

in other words, how we deal with a Covid epidemic from a scientific standpoint is and may continue to be in a state of flux with some disagreement even within the scientific community bound to exist.

My concern is how we will deal with a future epidemic as a country. Did we and our political leaders learn anything from the Covid epidemic? Will our political philosophies determine how we deal with our next epidemic, or can we somehow begin to reach consensus based on science versus our political leanings ?
CST, suspect scientists and epidemiologists did learn from what they experienced and researched during and since the epidemic struck. Also believe there is a great deal more to be learned.

in other words, how we deal with a Covid epidemic from a scientific standpoint is and may continue to be in a state of flux with some disagreement even within the scientific community bound to exist.

My concern is how we will deal with a future epidemic as a country. Did we and our political leaders learn anything from the Covid epidemic? Will our political philosophies determine how we deal with our next epidemic, or can we somehow begin to reach consensus based on science versus our political leanings ?
The scientific community as well as at least some leadership and many of us have learned a lot about how to process the infomation we have, the information we learn in real time and hopefully how to sucessfully manage social understanding and norms. I have to believe that a future pandemic can be handled better and more swiftly assuming the utra right and maga types in general have calmed to a more reasonable state. I doubt that happens until Trump is gone for at least a couple years.

I only hope for better from all of us.
Some of my neighbors made their kids wear masks when visiting us or stay at a safe distance. Safe being far more than six feet.

Others laughed at wearing masks and keeping a distance.

So rules about protecting old folks might or might not be adhered to both in the past or future.
The people who wore masks and distanced did so at least using the scientific information we had. Overkill? Useless? In some cases sure but don't confuse that with those that mocked the practices based on nothing more than anger and misguided political allegiance. They knew nothing more than anyone else despite now trying to rewrite history.
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