When they say "Build the Wall", this is what they really mean

What part of stupid are you? Totally different , no one should be for people of any race pouring illegally over our borders. I'm guessing you need a new roof or some weeds pulled?
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What part of stupid are you? Totally different , no one should be for people of any race pouring illegally over our borders. I'm guessing you need a new roof or some weeds pulled?
That is not funny and may be consider racist
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Could someone here please help me to understand? We minorities have no power. There are few minority judges, congressmen, policemen, governors, senators, and mayors, who own big businesses, on the federal board, and bankers nearly all our white. How do you feel threatened?
Could someone here please help me to understand? We minorities have no power. There are few minority judges, congressmen, policemen, governors, senators, and mayors, who own big businesses, on the federal board, and bankers nearly all our white. How do you feel threatened?
Until people realize that we are all ONE race only separated by the amount of melanin in our skin and culturally by where we grew up…. We have no chance to ever get past all this BS
Could someone here please help me to understand? We minorities have no power. There are few minority judges, congressmen, policemen, governors, senators, and mayors, who own big businesses, on the federal board, and bankers nearly all our white. How do you feel threatened?
No power?
Could someone here please help me to understand? We minorities have no power. There are few minority judges, congressmen, policemen, governors, senators, and mayors, who own big businesses, on the federal board, and bankers nearly all our white. How do you feel threatened?
You have 100% of all the TV commercials. You win all the music awards. minorities control all the big cities. You have a black woman vice president. We’ve had a black president. You have a black National Anthem! You have your own black Miss America! you have black expo? So really who’s the real dividers here? I forgot to mention who put the idiot in the White House! I can tell you who, James Clyburn did. That one’s on you. So go pedal your BS somewhere else.
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You have 100% of all the TV commercials. You win all the music awards. minorities control all the big cities. You have a black woman vice president. We’ve had a black president. You have a black National Anthem! You have your own black Miss America! you have black expo? So really who’s the real dividers here? I forgot to mention who put the idiot in the White House! I can tell you who, James Clyburn did. That one’s on you. So go pedal your BS somewhere else.
ALL the things you speak of is only 1. Our country is over 200 years old . 1 black VP OUT of how many? The black nat Anthem with only 12% of the population. How many idiots have white folks put in since there our more of you? You are speaking of only 1 and you feel threatened? One black president out of how many?
You have 100% of all the TV commercials. You win all the music awards. minorities control all the big cities. You have a black woman vice president. We’ve had a black president. You have a black National Anthem! You have your own black Miss America! you have black expo? So really who’s the real dividers here? I forgot to mention who put the idiot in the White House! I can tell you who, James Clyburn did. That one’s on you. So go pedal your BS somewhere else.
Sorry Sir you pedal the BS,I bet you voted against the CR ACT. You are in favor of discrimination and segregation. You want this land to be all white.
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No power?
no power stollcpa, what are we as blacks in charge of? 95% of judges are white as an EX;. I'm talking about real power, not sports, commercials, or entertainment. Who controls the laws of this country? Who can stop all the red-lining? Who controls the banks for housing and loans? I could go on and on. I do not understand how some people can feel threatened. We have no power.
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no power stollcpa, what are we as blacks in charge of? 95% of judges are white as an EX;. I'm talking about real power, not sports, commercials, or entertainment. Who controls the laws of this country? Who can stop all the red-lining? Who controls the banks for housing and loans? I could go on and on. I do not understand how some people can feel threatened. We have no power.
It sounds like you want power to use for retribution.
no power stollcpa, what are we as blacks in charge of? 95% of judges are white as an EX;. I'm talking about real power, not sports, commercials, or entertainment. Who controls the laws of this country? Who can stop all the red-lining? Who controls the banks for housing and loans? I could go on and on. I do not understand how some people can feel threatened. We have no power.
You are in Charge of Chicago! How has that worked out?
no power stollcpa, what are we as blacks in charge of? 95% of judges are white as an EX;. I'm talking about real power, not sports, commercials, or entertainment. Who controls the laws of this country? Who can stop all the red-lining? Who controls the banks for housing and loans? I could go on and on. I do not understand how some people can feel threatened. We have no power.
Don’t thank me then say “we as blacks” and “you as whites” You’re every bit as racist as a white skinned red neck
no power stollcpa, what are we as blacks in charge of? 95% of judges are white as an EX;. I'm talking about real power, not sports, commercials, or entertainment. Who controls the laws of this country? Who can stop all the red-lining? Who controls the banks for housing and loans? I could go on and on. I do not understand how some people can feel threatened. We have no power.
One thing you are in charge of, all the prison’s across the country.
One thing you are in charge of, all the prison’s across the country.
Ya'll watched this "Grease Rise of the pink ladies".
Talk about cramming something down your dates throat on the first date... This is theatrical rape! OMG.
I'm biting it off, I'm not hollywood's bitch. That is absurd forced placement of Sodom and Gamora crap! That is not life.
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Caught this show Hadestown in March

Written before Trump even ran

But it’s now political

This song ends Act 1 - sung by Hades, the God of Hadestown, and his subjects who spend eternity working in Hadestown - followed by a comment from Persephone, his bride, who spends 6 months in the world (bringing it Spring and Summer) then 6 in Hadestown (Fall and Winter) “wow, does anybody else need a drink”?

See it if you can. Good show.

no power stollcpa, what are we as blacks in charge of? 95% of judges are white as an EX;. I'm talking about real power, not sports, commercials, or entertainment. Who controls the laws of this country? Who can stop all the red-lining? Who controls the banks for housing and loans? I could go on and on. I do not understand how some people can feel threatened. We have no power.
Instead of complaining about no power on a message board. You might try calling the electric company!
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If someone defines themselves by the color of their skin and then uses “us” and “them” phrases…. Yes. That’s racist
Two rules in discussing racism

You being racist is racist

Me being racist isn’t racist, it only seems that way because you are racist.

Understand that and you understand the entire conversation

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