When should impeachment proceedings begin?

I'm still officially of the opinion that this is relatively unlikely to ever lead to an impeachment, and is very unlikely to lead to a removal from office. However, the path forward is at least visible now, although OP is putting the cart way ahead of the horse. The path is this:

1. Trump did some really bad things that we either don't know about yet or can't prove, but Cohen has proof.
2. Cohen cooperates with Mueller in exchange for government support in seeking sentencing leniency.
3. Mueller finishes his investigation, and sends a report to Rosenstein, who in turn sends a report to Congress.

Simple enough, I guess, but I still contend it's unlikely. The best way to solve the Trump problem is by politically neutering him with a blue wave in November, and then sending him to the dustbin of history with an electoral shellacking in 2020.

Yep, at some point for impeachment to become a serious threat, facts we do not know will have to emerge. They could, Cohen could come up and say he took that trip. That would be the most likely. Even Trump knowing about the Trump Tower meeting isn't likely to be impeachable (though if it happens it should be bad politically but it won't be). Your step 1 is still science fiction to me (and it appears to you as well). But being sci fi is a step up from fantasy.
Might as well chill out. The MSM is hysterical about smearing Trump but mainstream America is pretty much ignoring all of this yellow journalism.
Might as well chill out. The MSM is hysterical about smearing Trump but mainstream America is pretty much ignoring all of this yellow journalism.

If this is not an act, this is extremely disconcerting. Do you truly believe the NYT and Wapo stories are simply fabricated?
If this is not an act, this is extremely disconcerting. Do you truly believe the NYT and Wapo stories are simply fabricated?
I didn't say fabricated, I said it was yellow journalism, e.g. sensationalized, exaggerated, intentionally scandal-mongering. Compare this to the press coverage of Whitewater, Hillary's emails or the rape of Juanita Broaddrick. Or Bill Clinton's multiple visits to Pedophile Island.
You are beginning to make VPM look smart...deflect, rationalize, deflect, rationalize, deflect...have some more kool aid and good luck back in the mines.

It boggles my mind that people who refuse to believe straightforward facts and evidence presented by reputable sources are so easy to not just believe but evangelize completely crazy conspiracy theories. It’s almost as if they are intentionally being intellectually dishonest.
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If this is not an act, this is extremely disconcerting. Do you truly believe the NYT and Wapo stories are simply fabricated?
I didn't say fabricated, I said it was yellow journalism, e.g. sensationalized, exaggerated, intentionally scandal-mongering. Compare this to the press coverage of Whitewater, Hillary's emails or the rape of Juanita Broaddrick. Or Bill Clinton's multiple visits to Pedophile Island.
Sweetie, Hillary’s emails and Benghazi got more coverage than all of Trump’s scandals out together. Pedophile Island? Oh yeah, I’m sure Donny wants that investigates. As does the child that accused him of rape and dropped it after death threats. Let’s look into it, by all means!!
The House should at least be doing their own legit investigation of all this instead of the "LOL nothing to see here! Let's investigate the DOJ/FBI/Hillary instead!"

Hopefully the Dems win the House and Republicans take the investigation seriously instead of being complete partisan hacks.

Senator Burr (R - NC) is a good example of the bare minimum those folks should be doing.
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Who exactly is mainstream America?


Might as well chill out. The MSM is hysterical about smearing Trump but mainstream America is pretty much ignoring all of this yellow journalism.

Not sure why you think you get to claim the title of "mainstream America" for the pro Trump team, since it's pretty clear Trump supporters are a minority. He's popular with Republicans, but that in itself is a minority of the electorate...

Btw, Lanny Davis just told Chuck Todd that the statement Cohen gave in court yesterday (which implicated Trump) was vetted and approved by the prosecutors before hand. It seems the prosecutors who are handling the case are satisfied with Cohen's contention that he acted on orders from Trump. It's actually pretty naive to believe that Cohen took these actions to protect Trump on his own, without involving Trump in the process...
Have you noticed no one calls Trump "Drumpf"?
As a general rule, people who bitch that they can't get away with using names like "Drumpf," "Pocahontas," "Obummer," and the like simply aren't worth the time. The fact that they can't have a conversation about serious topics without using these names is proof that they can't have a conversation about serious topics period.

Selfishly, I am overjoyed that some posters are whining about the liberal bias of the mods after the only liberal mod quit.