When should impeachment proceedings begin?


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Sep 7, 2001
Cohen violated campaign law at the direction of Trump and he acted for the purpose of influencing the 2016 election.
Cohen violated campaign law at the direction of Trump and he acted for the purpose of influencing the 2016 election.
Two years ago? Realistically after the elections in November, because regardless of what Trump did, the spineless Republicans will do nothing about it.
High crimes and misdemeanors are whatever congress says they are. But I am highly doubtful any congress is going to hang their hat on campaign finance reform. They won't want to set the bar that low on their own president (and for what it is worth, their own expulsion from the House or Senate).
High crimes and misdemeanors are whatever congress says they are. But I am highly doubtful any congress is going to hang their hat on campaign finance reform. They won't want to set the bar that low on their own president (and for what it is worth, their own expulsion from the House or Senate).
Agreed. My guess is there will be more before November.
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I agree, but this is only going to get worse and worse for The Donald.

High crimes and misdemeanors are whatever congress says they are. But I am highly doubtful any congress is going to hang their hat on campaign finance reform. They won't want to set the bar that low on their own president (and for what it is worth, their own expulsion from the House or Senate).
I agree, but this is only going to get worse and worse for The Donald.

I think you underestimate Trump.

He may not be the most articulate nor the brightest; far from it. But one attribute that Trump has is his willingness to go to the ends of the Earth to enrich himself or to survive. I think the term unscrupulous is what best describes his level of tenacity and determination.

It wouldn't surprise me that he has a 2nd term. Nobody is willing to sink to his level to play ball with him, no matter how much his behaviour seems normalised.

He is a sociopath and that's his strength.

But Hillary.... I hear echoes in the background...
I think you underestimate Trump.

He may not be the most articulate nor the brightest; far from it. But one attribute that Trump has is his willingness to go to the ends of the Earth to enrich himself or to survive. I think the term unscrupulous is what best describes his level of tenacity and determination.

It wouldn't surprise me that he has a 2nd term. Nobody is willing to sink to his level to play ball with him, no matter how much his behaviour seems normalised.

He is a sociopath and that's his strength.

But Hillary.... I hear echoes in the background...
A little bit like a cockroach?
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Well, you can post something positive about your boy rather than your pointless attempts at sarcasm? Support? Whining? I am not sure of your agenda.
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Per Lanny Davis on Rachel, Cohen is now "liberated" to tell the Truth -- everything he knows about Donald Trump, including the Trump Tower meeting and the DNC hacking. It was as close to a "we've got the goods on him" statement as you can get.
Trump opponents don't need to. Trump stirs up enough venom for everybody.
Who me?

WTF is that all about?
High crimes and misdemeanors are whatever congress says they are. But I am highly doubtful any congress is going to hang their hat on campaign finance reform. They won't want to set the bar that low on their own president (and for what it is worth, their own expulsion from the House or Senate).
I'm still officially of the opinion that this is relatively unlikely to ever lead to an impeachment, and is very unlikely to lead to a removal from office. However, the path forward is at least visible now, although OP is putting the cart way ahead of the horse. The path is this:

1. Trump did some really bad things that we either don't know about yet or can't prove, but Cohen has proof.
2. Cohen cooperates with Mueller in exchange for government support in seeking sentencing leniency.
3. Mueller finishes his investigation, and sends a report to Rosenstein, who in turn sends a report to Congress.

Simple enough, I guess, but I still contend it's unlikely. The best way to solve the Trump problem is by politically neutering him with a blue wave in November, and then sending him to the dustbin of history with an electoral shellacking in 2020.
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LOL....sweet Jesus.

And we still have millions of people still defending him to the hilt!! :rolleyes:

When Trump did the business plan for Trump University, they must have been surprised how big the total addressable market was back then. And I am sure, it was one of the main reasons why a businessman like Trump got into the Presidential race.
I'm still officially of the opinion that this is relatively unlikely to ever lead to an impeachment, and is very unlikely to lead to a removal from office.
1. Trump did some really bad things that we either don't know about yet or can't prove, but Cohen has proof.
A blue wave that takes the House coupled with a proven #1 bad thing could lead to an impeachment (IMO), but a removal just ain't gonna happen -- the bar is too high and the numbers aren't there.
A blue wave that takes the House coupled with a proven #1 bad thing could lead to an impeachment (IMO), but a removal just ain't gonna happen -- the bar is too high and the numbers aren't there.
Not necessarily.
I'm still officially of the opinion that this is relatively unlikely to ever lead to an impeachment, and is very unlikely to lead to a removal from office. However, the path forward is at least visible now, although OP is putting the cart way ahead of the horse. The path is this:

1. Trump did some really bad things that we either don't know about yet or can't prove, but Cohen has proof.
2. Cohen cooperates with Mueller in exchange for government support in seeking sentencing leniency.
3. Mueller finishes his investigation, and sends a report to Rosenstein, who in turn sends a report to Congress.

Simple enough, I guess, but I still contend it's unlikely. The best way to solve the Trump problem is by politically neutering him with a blue wave in November, and then sending him to the dustbin of history with an electoral shellacking in 2020.
I don't disagree with your blue wave comment but there are only about 8-9 weeks left before November and I think we need a few more legal developments before an effective blue wave becomes plausible. There doesn't seem enough time for that to happen.

Here's another possible path:

1. Mueller or other feds convict Trump Jr. and/or Kushner with evidence that Trump was involved even just a little bit.

2. Trump retaliates by (a) pardoning Trump Jr. and/or Kushner, or by (b) firing Mueller, or both.

3. Republicans finally have enough and publicly abandon Trump (like Goldwater leaving Nixon just before Nixon resigned).
More comedy gold:

Alan really is shameless

Seriously, Tucker Carlson really has that look on his face as though he had just been told that his wife has been cheating on him with a squirrel!
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Honestly, I think best route for Democrats would be NOT to impeach, just not let him do any more damage. President Pence is probably going to actually get some things accomplished and then likely to be reelected. Just neuter Trump his last two years and then beat the crap out of him in 2020. Although honestly wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't run,
If it were up to me, I’d take my chances with Pence. He’s a no charisma creep that is still tied to Trump. If Dems can’t beat Pence, there is a serious problem.

Honestly, I think best route for Democrats would be NOT to impeach, just not let him do any more damage. President Pence is probably going to actually get some things accomplished and then likely to be reelected. Just neuter Trump his last two years and then beat the crap out of him in 2020. Although honestly wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't run,
More comedy gold:

Alan really is shameless

Seriously, Tucker Carlson really has that look on his face as though he had just been told that his wife has been cheating on him with a squirrel!
My sample size is not that large, but every time I see a reaction shot of Tucker Carlson he's wearing that same dumbassed constipated facial expression. Has he always done that? I don't remember the old bow-tied Tucker Carlson doing that.

Honestly, I think best route for Democrats would be NOT to impeach, just not let him do any more damage. President Pence is probably going to actually get some things accomplished and then likely to be reelected. Just neuter Trump his last two years and then beat the crap out of him in 2020. Although honestly wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't run,
If we do that, we may be lucky enough to have the 2nd term of Trump presidency.:rolleyes:
Remember it was a near sure thing that Clinton was going to beat Trump!
My sample size is not that large, but every time I see a reaction shot of Tucker Carlson he's wearing that same dumbassed constipated facial expression. Has he always done that? I don't remember the old bow-tied Tucker Carlson doing that.


That's his schtick. He makes his guest feel smarter than him.
You could tell he was really rattled tonight. Besides the nonsensical turkey story, he started ranting about his great houses and apartments. He introduced the governor as a big, beautiful man. Didn't mention Cohen or Manafort. Definitely off his A rant game. And my guess is we won't be seeing Sarah in front of a press conference for a good long while.

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