Here ya go. Even used one of your own news sources so you can believe it.
Cliffs from the WSJ
In short, the Clinton campaign created the Trump-Alfa allegation, fed it to a credulous press that failed to confirm the allegations but ran with them anyway, then promoted the story as if it was legitimate news. The campaign also delivered the claims to the FBI, giving journalists another excuse to portray the accusations as serious and perhaps true.
Most of the press will ignore this news, but the Russia-Trump narrative that Mrs. Clinton sanctioned did enormous harm to the country. It disgraced the FBI, humiliated the press, and sent the country on a three-year investigation to nowhere.
Now we all know thats half the story...The FBI has already unlawfully and wrongly spied on a US citizen and sitting president over a Steels Dossier that was ANOTHER FALSE DOC. AND the Fisa warrants??? All BS.
But all is well right??? If you think for one second that any of this is good your'e whacked. AND if you DON"T think this many government organizations working together to destroy Trump can affect an election your greatly mistaken. Thats powerful stuff and anything is possible.
When will you get it through your heads Trump got too close and they had to shut it down. Another 4 years and all kinds of crap would be coming out.
IDK how much further we will get right now. I do know this....For all of you whining and crying about Trump theres one thing you should be thankful for. He exposed these crooks and thieves. They cannot be trusted and were turned into a political arm for the left. Many of us on this board knew it in 2016. AND many of you just followed your news sources that crammed Trump did this and Trump did that down your throats daily non-stop. All kinds of stuff. Every time the guy did something good as a president the msm would skewer him with false information. We have him now was a daily war cry.
I'm glad this is coming out. I've said it a million times. Both parties would be 10 times better off without Bill and Hillary. Skewer me IDC.