What the......

I hope to see Kid Rock rant too! Straight from the Oval Office!!!! Our POTUS is gettin' er done!
"Joey Chestnut is a hot dog genius. I don't want to hear his opinion about anything other than hot dogs."
This is so fun . Watching this board all give each other high fives and agree with everything all the Libs have to say on here. The biggest bunch of two faced liars around. Its just funny, Al Sharpton had the most visits of anyone during Obamas Whitehouse . What did you all have to say about him? Does Kanye owe 4 million in back taxes?
Kanye has officially lost his marbles.
He never had any .. He's a performance act. Odd that the first person he latched onto like a bloodsucking leach garnered their fame from getting urinated on by another two bit rapper.


Maybe ...
Imagine what Faux News would say if a rapper dropped F-Bombs on camera in the Oval Office when Obama was in there :eek:
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What a time to be alive.

WTF is going on, Twenty!! This is the very first thing I get to read this morning, pre-brekkie? Life is confusing enough...

I am guessing that this is Trump's latest TV hit show, Celebrity Word Salad Olympics with the host, of course, Donald J Trump and Kanye as his wingman??

I pity the Russians and the Chinese government translators who have to translate Kanye's ramblings and put them into context for their superiors.
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