Yep, to a controlled degree.
We cede powers to the government in exchange for them maintaining the peace and order. It is becoming ever more common for the government to step aside in situations like this. At UCLA for instance a Jewish girl was beaten bad enough to be concussed and "checkpoints" were set up by these "protestors" (terrorists) to block people they deemed undesirable (like Jews) from having access to certain parts of campus. Proof:
The police did nothing.
So yes, in areas where the government has abdicated its responsibility to the people and broken the social contract, I fully support the people stepping into the breach created by their absence and/or dereliction of duty. These criminals that keep getting released to prey upon normal people in their communities should face the wrath of those communities until true law and order is reestablished. Why should the misfits and dead enders of our society be those who are able to operate at impunity to the detriment of the majority while those we have empowered to maintain law and order sit by enriching themselves at our expense with a finger up their ass when it comes to their actual jobs?
So yeah, normal people need to start making our rulers as afraid of us as they apparently are of these chaos agents.