It ends when they surrender. We stopped pummeling Germany and Japan when they unconditionally surrendered. The Palestinians' chosen government hasn't surrendered yet, so you continue to pound them until they do.I drove by at 12:30. There were 50 or so in the protest, maybe 5 up on the sidewalk as counter protestors. No violence
I walk on campus at lunch almost every day, M-F. I sometimes will walk in the evening. I pass the protestors often. When they are marching, they usually hold their signs and are quiet on occasion they have the usual chants involving no money for genocide. At least when I have been around, I have seen nothing untoward.
No I don't particularly agree with them, yet. My attitude toward Israel is softening. At some point this has to end. They want to capture every member of Hamas. If that were the WW2 standard we would still be bombing Germany because there are WW2 war criminals that have never been caught. There was at least one Japanese war criminal that escaped capture (Tsuji).
Paliestinians screwed up. They elected Hamas, that (in my worldview) made Oct 7 a state declaration of war. That is why I stick with Israel, but even that has limits. I wouldn't favor continued bombing of Germany because war criminals were still on the loose. There is a time it has to end.
I think the Israelis will be more than happy to stop when they have people like Haniyeh swinging from the end of a rope....if we are using WW2 examples and what we did.