We put down our puppy yesterday


Gold Member
Aug 17, 2008
Man, this is hard.

I knew it was coming but two mornings ago, I found him in the kitchen next to his water bowl, heavy panting. He wasn't able to stand at all... when I picked him up and put him on all fours, he sat right back down and couldn't/wouldn't walk.

My wife text me that morning that it was time. She said he wasn't able to bend his neck down to eat or drink - she had to lift the bowls to get him to do it. When he did try to walk, he was dragging his back legs until he couldn't anymore and then just sat down.

He was a 16 year old, deaf, blind in one eye Frenchie. He was my shadow. I miss him so much. My youngest doesn't understand what's going on. We took him in yesterday and she asked this morning when he was going to heaven. Broke my heart. The sadness she had, I wish I could take it away.

I can't do this again. He was part of the family and now he's gone. I guess I just needed a place to vent, so this is it.
Man, this is hard.

I knew it was coming but two mornings ago, I found him in the kitchen next to his water bowl, heavy panting. He wasn't able to stand at all... when I picked him up and put him on all fours, he sat right back down and couldn't/wouldn't walk.

My wife text me that morning that it was time. She said he wasn't able to bend his neck down to eat or drink - she had to lift the bowls to get him to do it. When he did try to walk, he was dragging his back legs until he couldn't anymore and then just sat down.

He was a 16 year old, deaf, blind in one eye Frenchie. He was my shadow. I miss him so much. My youngest doesn't understand what's going on. We took him in yesterday and she asked this morning when he was going to heaven. Broke my heart. The sadness she had, I wish I could take it away.

I can't do this again. He was part of the family and now he's gone. I guess I just needed a place to vent, so this is it.
Oh my god. No words. 😩
Man, this is hard.

I knew it was coming but two mornings ago, I found him in the kitchen next to his water bowl, heavy panting. He wasn't able to stand at all... when I picked him up and put him on all fours, he sat right back down and couldn't/wouldn't walk.

My wife text me that morning that it was time. She said he wasn't able to bend his neck down to eat or drink - she had to lift the bowls to get him to do it. When he did try to walk, he was dragging his back legs until he couldn't anymore and then just sat down.

He was a 16 year old, deaf, blind in one eye Frenchie. He was my shadow. I miss him so much. My youngest doesn't understand what's going on. We took him in yesterday and she asked this morning when he was going to heaven. Broke my heart. The sadness she had, I wish I could take it away.

I can't do this again. He was part of the family and now he's gone. I guess I just needed a place to vent, so this is it.
This almost exactly describes what happened with our girl Buffy (daughter named her) a year and a half ago. She was almost 17 and the last couple of days I don’t believe she knew who I was. My wife always said, “she loves me, but she adores you.” She had a long and happy life, as I’m sure your boy did.

We’ve decided not to get another dog.
Man, this is hard.

I knew it was coming but two mornings ago, I found him in the kitchen next to his water bowl, heavy panting. He wasn't able to stand at all... when I picked him up and put him on all fours, he sat right back down and couldn't/wouldn't walk.

My wife text me that morning that it was time. She said he wasn't able to bend his neck down to eat or drink - she had to lift the bowls to get him to do it. When he did try to walk, he was dragging his back legs until he couldn't anymore and then just sat down.

He was a 16 year old, deaf, blind in one eye Frenchie. He was my shadow. I miss him so much. My youngest doesn't understand what's going on. We took him in yesterday and she asked this morning when he was going to heaven. Broke my heart. The sadness she had, I wish I could take it away.

I can't do this again. He was part of the family and now he's gone. I guess I just needed a place to vent, so this is it.
Sorry for your loss. Dogs are the absolute best as pets.
This almost exactly describes what happened with our girl Buffy (daughter named her) a year and a half ago. She was almost 17 and the last couple of days I don’t believe she knew who I was. My wife always said, “she loves me, but she adores you.” She had a long and happy life, as I’m sure your boy did.

We’ve decided not to get another dog.
Happened to my last English bulldog that was the love of my life about 8 years ago. Haven’t been able to get another. Too hard
This almost exactly describes what happened with our girl Buffy (daughter named her) a year and a half ago. She was almost 17 and the last couple of days I don’t believe she knew who I was. My wife always said, “she loves me, but she adores you.” She had a long and happy life, as I’m sure your boy did.

We’ve decided not to get another dog.

He was my buddy.

It really hit me yesterday when I was getting ready to go to bed. I walked over to where his bed was because I always take him out and walked him around our barn before bedtime, but this time, he wasn't there. For that split second I thought he might have been at the door waiting on me, and then I remembered.

I want my buddy back.
He was my buddy.

It really hit me yesterday when I was getting ready to go to bed. I walked over to where his bed was because I always take him out and walked him around our barn before bedtime, but this time, he wasn't there. For that split second I thought he might have been at the door waiting on me, and then I remembered.

I want my buddy back.
I kept her favorite bed out and now one of the cats, the one that likes me best and only purrs for me, has claimed it as hers. Could be reincarnation? She was born after our dog died.

I’m not a cat person, but my wife is so we have a couple. At least I like one of them. 😏 Easier to travel when you have cats and teenaged neighbor kids willing to take care of them when we’re gone.
Man, this is hard.

I knew it was coming but two mornings ago, I found him in the kitchen next to his water bowl, heavy panting. He wasn't able to stand at all... when I picked him up and put him on all fours, he sat right back down and couldn't/wouldn't walk.

My wife text me that morning that it was time. She said he wasn't able to bend his neck down to eat or drink - she had to lift the bowls to get him to do it. When he did try to walk, he was dragging his back legs until he couldn't anymore and then just sat down.

He was a 16 year old, deaf, blind in one eye Frenchie. He was my shadow. I miss him so much. My youngest doesn't understand what's going on. We took him in yesterday and she asked this morning when he was going to heaven. Broke my heart. The sadness she had, I wish I could take it away.

I can't do this again. He was part of the family and now he's gone. I guess I just needed a place to vent, so this is it.
Had to put mine down several years ago and couldn't bring myself to even attempt to replace him. One of the hardest things I've ever had to do...

I'm sorry for your loss.
Man, this is hard.

I knew it was coming but two mornings ago, I found him in the kitchen next to his water bowl, heavy panting. He wasn't able to stand at all... when I picked him up and put him on all fours, he sat right back down and couldn't/wouldn't walk.

My wife text me that morning that it was time. She said he wasn't able to bend his neck down to eat or drink - she had to lift the bowls to get him to do it. When he did try to walk, he was dragging his back legs until he couldn't anymore and then just sat down.

He was a 16 year old, deaf, blind in one eye Frenchie. He was my shadow. I miss him so much. My youngest doesn't understand what's going on. We took him in yesterday and she asked this morning when he was going to heaven. Broke my heart. The sadness she had, I wish I could take it away.

I can't do this again. He was part of the family and now he's gone. I guess I just needed a place to vent, so this is it.
16 years is incredible for a Frenchie. Wow! Tough little dude
He was my buddy.

It really hit me yesterday when I was getting ready to go to bed. I walked over to where his bed was because I always take him out and walked him around our barn before bedtime, but this time, he wasn't there. For that split second I thought he might have been at the door waiting on me, and then I remembered.

I want my buddy back.
I’ve lost a lot of pets. It’s awful. I hope this thought brings you some consolation:

I think consciousness exists on a continuum. I believe dogs have a form of it, and I think they can be happy and scared and sad and love and feel love. I have no doubt you gave your dog a great life, full of love, and that he loved you.
16 years is incredible for a Frenchie. Wow! Tough little dude

How we got him is a story all into itself.

I was home one night and the wife comes home with him and says she found him in the middle of the road and she thought he had been hit by a car. Mind you, it was like 9 and he's black, so he's hard to see. She put him in the kitchen and we went into the bedroom to talk about what our next move was going to be. As we're talking, in walked the little shit with his tail wagging wanting love.

We took him into the shelter the next morning and they informed us that they had been getting numerous calls on him but were never able to catch him. He wasn't chipped so they asked if we wanted him if nobody claimed him in the next 30 days, which of course we said yes. They took his pic, got our info and we took him home.

Nobody ever came to get him, obviously. We think he was beaten because I was the only man he ever let come around him. Everyone else, he would run away from. Women, good to go, but not men.

He would have been a great wingman. 😂
How we got him is a story all into itself.

I was home one night and the wife comes home with him and says she found him in the middle of the road and she thought he had been hit by a car. Mind you, it was like 9 and he's black, so he's hard to see. She put him in the kitchen and we went into the bedroom to talk about what our next move was going to be. As we're talking, in walked the little shit with his tail wagging wanting love.

We took him into the shelter the next morning and they informed us that they had been getting numerous calls on him but were never able to catch him. He wasn't chipped so they asked if we wanted him if nobody claimed him in the next 30 days, which of course we said yes. They took his pic, got our info and we took him home.

Nobody ever came to get him, obviously. We think he was beaten because I was the only man he ever let come around him. Everyone else, he would run away from. Women, good to go, but not men.

He would have been a great wingman. 😂
That is insane!!! What a story. Those dogs are coveted now
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Man, this is hard.

I knew it was coming but two mornings ago, I found him in the kitchen next to his water bowl, heavy panting. He wasn't able to stand at all... when I picked him up and put him on all fours, he sat right back down and couldn't/wouldn't walk.

My wife text me that morning that it was time. She said he wasn't able to bend his neck down to eat or drink - she had to lift the bowls to get him to do it. When he did try to walk, he was dragging his back legs until he couldn't anymore and then just sat down.

He was a 16 year old, deaf, blind in one eye Frenchie. He was my shadow. I miss him so much. My youngest doesn't understand what's going on. We took him in yesterday and she asked this morning when he was going to heaven. Broke my heart. The sadness she had, I wish I could take it away.

I can't do this again. He was part of the family and now he's gone. I guess I just needed a place to vent, so this is it.

Deepest sympathy, that is so hard.

My last dog to pass had cancer, but he lasted another year with chemo. I would take him to the park with the theme song I came up for him, Long May You Run. I tear up when it comes on, that was about 30 months ago.

We finally got another and I couldn't imagine not having her.

Best wishes to your family.
Our goldendoodle Sophie is really starting to slow down. She’s 11 now and it’s becoming obvious that she’s slipping.

Probably the best dog I’ve ever had. I swear she genuinely believes that she’s the actual mother of our two youngest kids. They lay on the couch and she licks their arms and legs for as long as they’ll let her. Like she’s grooming them. Like she’s their mother.

She’s been a constant presence in their lives since they were very very young. I dread the day that I know is coming.

I feel you baller. I really do.
Happened to my last English bulldog that was the love of my life about 8 years ago. Haven’t been able to get another. Too hard
Bulldogs have short lives? My son and daughter in law have an English Bulldog and Newfypoo. I love the Bulldog. The Newfypoo is eccentric pain in the butt.
Man, this is hard.

I knew it was coming but two mornings ago, I found him in the kitchen next to his water bowl, heavy panting. He wasn't able to stand at all... when I picked him up and put him on all fours, he sat right back down and couldn't/wouldn't walk.

My wife text me that morning that it was time. She said he wasn't able to bend his neck down to eat or drink - she had to lift the bowls to get him to do it. When he did try to walk, he was dragging his back legs until he couldn't anymore and then just sat down.

He was a 16 year old, deaf, blind in one eye Frenchie. He was my shadow. I miss him so much. My youngest doesn't understand what's going on. We took him in yesterday and she asked this morning when he was going to heaven. Broke my heart. The sadness she had, I wish I could take it away.

I can't do this again. He was part of the family and now he's gone. I guess I just needed a place to vent, so this is it.
Sorry for your loss. I'm going to cry like a little girl when my boy passes. They definitely become family.
I’m not a cat person, but my wife is so we have a couple. At least I like one of them. 😏 Easier to travel when you have cats and teenaged neighbor kids willing to take care of them when we’re gone.

My wife brought two kittens home with her shortly after we'd been married. I was not happy. I'd had bad experiences with cats in the past. But she had to have them...

Soon enough, one of them claimed me as her favorite and the other claimed the wife. That persisted throughout their lives. "Mine" went first. Tore me up. Wife's lasted a couple more years before we had to let her go too. I told the wife we should get another once we were ready, and she said there was no way -- she doesn't want an old cat and says she doesn't want to raise a kitten that will probably outlive us.

I wish she'd change her mind.
Man, this is hard.

I knew it was coming but two mornings ago, I found him in the kitchen next to his water bowl, heavy panting. He wasn't able to stand at all... when I picked him up and put him on all fours, he sat right back down and couldn't/wouldn't walk.

My wife text me that morning that it was time. She said he wasn't able to bend his neck down to eat or drink - she had to lift the bowls to get him to do it. When he did try to walk, he was dragging his back legs until he couldn't anymore and then just sat down.

He was a 16 year old, deaf, blind in one eye Frenchie. He was my shadow. I miss him so much. My youngest doesn't understand what's going on. We took him in yesterday and she asked this morning when he was going to heaven. Broke my heart. The sadness she had, I wish I could take it away.

I can't do this again. He was part of the family and now he's gone. I guess I just needed a place to vent, so this is it.

I am so sorry. I have put down 2 dogs, a cat, had a dog die in my arms, and a cat pass away naturally. No way is easy but making the decision is hard. But you did the best thing IMO. The sun will rise and another dog will eventually capture your heart.
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Man, this is hard.

I knew it was coming but two mornings ago, I found him in the kitchen next to his water bowl, heavy panting. He wasn't able to stand at all... when I picked him up and put him on all fours, he sat right back down and couldn't/wouldn't walk.

My wife text me that morning that it was time. She said he wasn't able to bend his neck down to eat or drink - she had to lift the bowls to get him to do it. When he did try to walk, he was dragging his back legs until he couldn't anymore and then just sat down.

He was a 16 year old, deaf, blind in one eye Frenchie. He was my shadow. I miss him so much. My youngest doesn't understand what's going on. We took him in yesterday and she asked this morning when he was going to heaven. Broke my heart. The sadness she had, I wish I could take it away.

I can't do this again. He was part of the family and now he's gone. I guess I just needed a place to vent, so this is it.

So sorry baller. We put our 15 year old lab down about 2 months ago. I had him since he was 1... Longer than my wife was been around! Have had a lot of pets throughout life and it never gets any easier.

I guess fortunately enough my kids never got super attached to him... As they only knew him as the old dog that slept a lot. My oldest was pretty upset for a day or two and then moved on. Kids are better at that than adults. We have a young cat we got as a kitten, and is 2 now and they are crazy about him. I'd love to get another dog but the time commitment isn't great at this point in life when we are gone so much.

Dogs are the best, and sounds like you gave him the best life any dog could ask for.
Man, this is hard.

I knew it was coming but two mornings ago, I found him in the kitchen next to his water bowl, heavy panting. He wasn't able to stand at all... when I picked him up and put him on all fours, he sat right back down and couldn't/wouldn't walk.

My wife text me that morning that it was time. She said he wasn't able to bend his neck down to eat or drink - she had to lift the bowls to get him to do it. When he did try to walk, he was dragging his back legs until he couldn't anymore and then just sat down.

He was a 16 year old, deaf, blind in one eye Frenchie. He was my shadow. I miss him so much. My youngest doesn't understand what's going on. We took him in yesterday and she asked this morning when he was going to heaven. Broke my heart. The sadness she had, I wish I could take it away.

I can't do this again. He was part of the family and now he's gone. I guess I just needed a place to vent, so this is it.
Dogs are our best friends. If only we loved each other like a dog loves his or her master.