

Oct 22, 2008
Lawyers hire other lawyers to do work they should be doing. Fred isn't the right guy to be AD, and we should get rid of him and find someone stellar to run the department. We'll get a lot better coach that way.
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Lawyers hire other lawyers to do work they should be doing. Fred isn't the right guy to be AD, and we should get rid of him and find someone stellar to run the department. We'll get a lot better coach that way.
Again the search firm is not to find the coach. Most schools and pro sports teams hire these firms.
Lawyers hire other lawyers to do work they should be doing. Fred isn't the right guy to be AD, and we should get rid of him and find someone stellar to run the department. We'll get a lot better coach that way.

ADs who have practiced law in the past don't do the legal work for their university . . . they don't actually practice law at all any more because they're running the business side of the department.

Remember the old saw about a doctor who treats himself has a fool for a patient? Same principle applies.
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Lawyers hire other lawyers to do work they should be doing. Fred isn't the right guy to be AD, and we should get rid of him and find someone stellar to run the department. We'll get a lot better coach that way.
Nothing about this process is unusual. And a ton of ADs are lawyers. These posts just make our fans look dumb. I mean anyone who thinks ADs make big decisions like these all by themselves is just really ignorant. And Glass isn't going anywhere so your little mini rant was pointless.
Nothing about this process is unusual. And a ton of ADs are lawyers. These posts just make our fans look dumb. I mean anyone who thinks ADs make big decisions like these all by themselves is just really ignorant. And Glass isn't going anywhere so your little mini rant was pointless.

I am highly encouraged by the hire of outside counsel to consult in all aspects of the search process
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Lawyers hire other lawyers to do work they should be doing. Fred isn't the right guy to be AD, and we should get rid of him and find someone stellar to run the department. We'll get a lot better coach that way.
Also, this is the same guy who posted this the other day:

Marshall as an upgrade to Crean? I'd take Fife over Marshall; that's Barney Fife.
ADs who have practiced law in the past don't do the legal work for their university . . . they don't actually practice law at all any more because they're running the business side of the department.

Remember the old saw about a doctor who treats himself has a fool for a patient? Same principle applies.

Also, much like medicine, there are different types of expertise in law. Even if someone is the best cardiologist in the country, you wouldn't want them removing a brain tumor
Also, much like medicine, there are different types of expertise in law. Even if someone is the best cardiologist in the country, you wouldn't want them removing a brain tumor

Depends upon whose brain tumor needs to be removed.

Put Putin on the table and bring in that cardiologist.
The search firms are also doing things like legal and background checks on the candidates. Glass can't do that, and in these times it would be stupid not to.

For example, say a resume pops up where some coach put out false information. That would kill the coach's candidacy, and it's critical to know that.
Lawyers hire other lawyers to do work they should be doing. Fred isn't the right guy to be AD, and we should get rid of him and find someone stellar to run the department. We'll get a lot better coach that way.

God how I love realistic posts.

IU needs to hire a new coach in the next couple weeks, but yet we have a poster calling for Glass to be fired, and another new guy hired, and he do all his homework to hire the next basketbal coach. All that will no doubt happen in the next 2 weeks.

JAubry, you're so brilliant for being the first to come up with this idea. Hell, I suggest we put you in charge as the AD.
The other thing I heard is that they're good in doing backchannel negotiating.

For example you have your guys, they are interested, so the search firm gets into so you are breaking any tampering laws and both can tell the media they haven't talked.

The concensus is that Glass might have his guy. The question is is it Alford or Donovan?
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Lawyers hire other lawyers to do work they should be doing. Fred isn't the right guy to be AD, and we should get rid of him and find someone stellar to run the department. We'll get a lot better coach that way.
Glass is hiring a firm to do research on multiple coaches. He's also hiring experts in this sort of thing so he does things legally and correct. Just because he's a lawyer doesn't mean he is an expert in sports contract law. Plus there's likely a lot of work to be done in a short amount of time of which a university AD's office is not going to have the resources. This isn't a one man job.
search firms are an "ole boy's club", and i still don't see what they do that couldn't be done in house.

didn't we pay a search firm a ridiculous amount after Davis, and we end up with Kelvin Sampson. (which even i knew would get us in trouble).

i believe ND used a search firm as well, when they hired George O"Leary, the guy they had to back out of before he coached a game, because he falsified his resume.

i think the business side of paying a ridiculous sum to do something you and your own staff should be able to handle with absolutely no problem, is to have someone outside the program to blame, if things go south.

you're basically hiring a scapegoat in waiting, in case one is needed.

would rather see this done in house, by those with skin in the game.

and btw, this IS the business side.
Nothing about this process is unusual. And a ton of ADs are lawyers. These posts just make our fans look dumb. I mean anyone who thinks ADs make big decisions like these all by themselves is just really ignorant. And Glass isn't going anywhere so your little mini rant was pointless.

The doggie treats Freddie feeds you must be pretty good for you to be doing all this growling. Or are you farting?
search firms are an "ole boy's club", and i still don't see what they do that couldn't be done in house.

didn't we pay a search firm a ridiculous amount after Davis, and we end up with Kelvin Sampson. (which even i knew would get us in trouble).

i believe ND used a search firm as well, when they hired George O"Leary, the guy they had to back out of before he coached a game, because he falsified his resume.

i think the business side of paying a ridiculous sum to do something you and your own staff should be able to handle with absolutely no problem, is to have someone outside the program to blame, if things go south.

you're basically hiring a scapegoat in waiting, in case one is needed.

would rather see this done in house, by those with skin in the game.

and btw, this IS the business side.

The only people passing blame/scapegoating the search committees or talking about them years laters are the people that saying we shouldn't be using them.

Yes we got Sampson after a search committee, but EVERYONE with half a brain blames Herbert and not the committee as he likely ignored information provided by the committee

The committee does all the grunt work so that people with skin in the game can focus using information rather than collecting it.
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search firms are an "ole boy's club", and i still don't see what they do that couldn't be done in house.

didn't we pay a search firm a ridiculous amount after Davis, and we end up with Kelvin Sampson. (which even i knew would get us in trouble).

i believe ND used a search firm as well, when they hired George O"Leary, the guy they had to back out of before he coached a game, because he falsified his resume.

i think the business side of paying a ridiculous sum to do something you and your own staff should be able to handle with absolutely no problem, is to have someone outside the program to blame, if things go south.

you're basically hiring a scapegoat in waiting, in case one is needed.

would rather see this done in house, by those with skin in the game.

and btw, this IS the business side.
You said Randy Wittman is a better coach than Billy Donovan. So, I'm pretty much ignoring everything else you write.
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You said Randy Wittman is a better coach than Billy Donovan. So, I'm pretty much ignoring everything else you write.
Hard to compare the two. Wittman has never coached in college so you obviously can't compare them in that respect. Wittman also was never fortunate enough to take over one of the top 3 teams in the NBA. John Wall and Beal aren't going to be confused with Durant and Westbrook.

There is more to winning than just coaching
You said Randy Wittman is a better coach than Billy Donovan. So, I'm pretty much ignoring everything else you write.

never said he was or wasn't, so don't keep going Donald Trump on me again. (not the first time you've lied about what i said).

what i said was, his current record was better, and still is as of today.

i get it, you have a hard on for Donovan.

of course, your next insightful post will be your first.

i prefer Wittman.

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