I don't want the government picking the winners and losers. And yes I realize government is picking winners and loser through taxation, but I prefer that to just outright picking companies. And I doubt my wet dream of having a small consumption/sales tax is happening anytime soon.
I've never said there isn't any tradeoffs and I agree increasing taxes will force Americans to pay more for some goods. It's also why I'm not worried about tariffs. I think they will be judicial with them. There are also benefits from tariffs that can help address some of the unintended consequences of being the world reserve currency. 30 years of shipping our jobs overseas has led to a depleted middle class and industrial base. Trying to address those issues, isn't a terrible idea. We might want to be able to produce enough bullets to fight a war because I doubt China is going to send us bullets for paper if a war breaks out.
I have no problem funding DIB or Pharma to keep them here. Government can and should. We should not rely on anyone else.
I know Chamberlain catches a lot of hell for WW2. But he had a brilliant idea. He couldn't get nearly enough money passed to build enough Spitfires to warrant multiple factories. But he did get money to literally build an equip factories in the North that were identical to the ones near London. They were unused until the war started. The idea was simple, if production oustripped what the original factories could do, they would add the North. If the south was bombed, workers could move to the north and not miss a beat. It was brilliant. We could build factories for ammo, artillery, etc, and leave them be unless we need them. That would allow us to ramp up very quickly should we need to.
I know you don't like the dollar, but let's review Bitcoin as an investment. How many jobs does bitcoin create? It is like billionaires investing in art, you can search it, artwork has been a huge investment for the wealthy, and for money laundering (same as bitcoin). But art really doesn't create a lot of jobs. It isn't like Monet is doing much today. And yes, I know bitcoin advocates made a report that says it creates 31,000 jobs. That's about as reliable as tourism studies showing how a big conference brings so many millions into a city. It is all based on faulty premises.
So, big-time investors invest in things like that, creating bubbles from which they can profit (especially since crime helps the bubble with laundering). But they don't create jobs. That money isn't buying state bonds that can build roads and bridges, making the state more productive, it isn't going to corporate stocks and bonds that can be done in R&A, building plants, or hiring people.