He's 26-3 against D1 peers. And is doing so with a roster that relies heavily on guys that only had D2 experiences before this year.D1 in its entirety-the field for the tournament.
Drake has played 1 quad1 game and beat Vanderbilt. They lost 2 to Illinois Chicago. Completely different level of competition at IU.
I'm not saying its a guarantee he'd be 26-3 at IU, and do it with non B10 level players...but its not some fantasy, optimistic, take to say he'd fill his first IU roster with a good amount of P4 level players, probably including Stirtz... And again, not saying year 1 he wins 90% of his games... but if he "dropped off" similar to what Archie did, because of the difference in style, athletes, etc... jumping up to IU, what would that end up looking like?... its hard to think he'd drop as far as Archie did.
Archie's hype was based on one tournament run and a couple 25 win seasons. Those are "bad years" on McCollum's resume.