she so wrong

That church was just showing 'american christian' love. Most churches today think hate and exclusion is Godliness. They don't follow Christ's teachings. Sad.
Jesus said sexual immorality was the basis for divorce in Matthew 19. Paul says if a spouse is abandoned in 1 Corinthians 7 that the remaining member is free from their obligation in the marriage. I would argue that when a spouse leaves they are leaving for someone else in most cases so sexual immorality might have been implicitly mentioned in this text as well. I would add this. In my ministry we have had women who were being abused. I advised them to get out of the home. What this does is it keeps her and her children safe from a monster. It also gives the man the opportunity to seek help and change. Some men have actually changed from their destructive ways. One case is Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty. Now his family didn't leave. He kicked them out. But in his loneliness he listened to a preacher he had once threw out of his bar. He was now receptive to listen about Jesus. It changed his life and his family's life. Now, in cases where the man doesn't change at least the family is free of him. And I would say in almost every case a man like that will eventually find another woman and then the wife is free to divorce.
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As I remember it, most of those churches that rigorously opposed divorce on religious grounds never showed much concern about infidelity on religious grounds or much concern about wife-beating on religious grounds.

Now, they want fault divorce. The churchy want some fault in these divorces!! A good smiting from the court should be in order. A proper morality flex on who it was who ruined this marriage is necessary to decide property division and custody!

because, as we all know, in any divorce...and I learned this in the DR courts over 15 is ALWAYS the fault of only one of the parties. The other is almost always completely 100% earnest, honest and innocent and worthy of 100% of everything.
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