Trump permanently banned from Twitter

Nobody shut Parler down. Parler's vendors made business decisions to stop taking their money and stop providing services. There is no law against Parler, and no government action. Conservative voices are still all over Twitter and Facebook (see example below). The alternative is forcing AWS to host this content which has some pretty nasty implications too.

8/10 top posts on Facebook in the last 24 hours are from Trump-aligned sources:

Ben Shapiro is Trump aligned? Why because he voted for him?
Gee, If only there were a way that a whiny-baby self-proclaimed billionaire, marketing expert and genius who attracted 74 million votes could figure out a way to set up his own social media company so that he could attract users and then lie, exaggerate and bully as much as he wanted without having his fragile ego hurt by somebody else who dares to disagree with him.
If Hustler magazine (is it still a thing) had some sort of a chat forum I would think that would be perfect platform for Trump.
If Hustler magazine (is it still a thing) had some sort of a chat forum I would think that would be perfect platform for Trump.
Hmmm. I notice you didn't suggest Inc. or Money magazines. I think I see what you did there.
Hmmm. I notice you didn't suggest Inc. or Money magazines. I think I see what you did there.
If it was good enough for this guy it should work for Trump too.

How Parler CEO John Matze married 'Russian he met during her US road trip' before founding 'free-speech' platform that is now bankrolled by conservative donor Rebekah Mercer and used by MAGA fans
  • Parler had been the leading candidate for the president to continuing voicing his opinion, at least until Google and Apple removed it from their app stores
  • Not much it known about Matze's personal life but he is reported to have married Russian Alina Mukhutdinova after the pair are said to have met in Las Vegas
  • She was said to have been on a two week road trip around the United States
  • Alina's Instagram pictures show the couple have at least one child
  • In one she hold rifles and wears a shirt which reads: 'Trust me, I'm a Russian spy'
  • The couple appear to live a luxury lifestyle with numerous vacation pictures
  • Matze, who studied at the University of Denver, teamed up with fellow alumni Jared Thomson to create Parler; Thomson is now chief technical officer
  • The app is now bankrolled by hedge-fund investor Robert Mercer's daughter

John Matze founded Parler in 2018 as a 'free-speech driven' alternative to mainstream platforms.

The self described libertarian soon began courting right-leaning users as prominent supporters of Donald Trump moved there.

And Parler had been the leading candidate for the president to continuing voicing his opinion, at least until Google and Apple removed it from their app stores and Amazon decided to boot it off its web hosting service Sunday.

Not much it known about Matze's personal life but he is reported to have married Russian Alina Mukhutdinova after the pair are said to have met in Las Vegas.

She was said to have been on a two week road trip around the United States, TED Talk host Dave Troy reported in November.
All I hear is that Twitter COULD HAVE turned off his Twitter 4 years ago ... and didn’t.

He could (and did) argue that he wasn't really serious when he suggested that his supporters were well-equipped to assassinate Hillary Clinton. However, when such threats start to lead to action, they certainly had to be taken more seriously, don't you think?
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