Trump permanently banned from Twitter

I don't how to multi quote all of Twenty and SGL's posts, but damn fan fic is getting WEIRD
"German Chancellor Angela Merkel attacks Twitter over banning President Trump, calling it a 'problematic' breach of the 'fundamental right to free speech'. She warned it is a clear overreach by the bosses of American social media platforms."
When the Stasi call you a have a problem
In the US, there's no right to "free speech" on a privately-held platform, and inciting violence isn't protected "free speech" anyway.

I'd agree there's an issue of a Silicon Valley oligopoly having too much power that needs to be checked and regulated since it can be potentially abused. But part of that is an antitrust issue with them being too big.

I think the Santa Clara Principles would be a good start to consider as far regulations for content moderation online go.

Of course, there's other factors to consider (can Amazon/Microsoft/Facebook/Google compete with Chinese alternatives internationally if they're broken up? Impact of regulations on start-up businesses?) that we'll have to balance.
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"German Chancellor Angela Merkel attacks Twitter over banning President Trump, calling it a 'problematic' breach of the 'fundamental right to free speech'. She warned it is a clear overreach by the bosses of American social media platforms."
When the Stasi call you a have a problem
So the right to twitter is constitutionally guaranteed. I wonder where it says that?
"German Chancellor Angela Merkel attacks Twitter over banning President Trump, calling it a 'problematic' breach of the 'fundamental right to free speech'. She warned it is a clear overreach by the bosses of American social media platforms."
When the Stasi call you a have a problem
I think this is a better link.

For what it’s worth I agree with her. This is a slippery slope that only serves to alienate. I’d rather let the nuts post so it’s easier for law enforcement to find these nutters.
I think this is a better link.

For what it’s worth I agree with her. This is a slippery slope that only serves to alienate. I’d rather let the nuts post so it’s easier for law enforcement to find these nutters.

parler is probably more helpful in finding the nutters than trying to trace people that see trump's twitter account. He had millions of followers so it would be difficult to figure which of those to keep track of for potential violence. When someone is inciting violence, it is usually best to take away the megaphone.
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I think this is a better link.

For what it’s worth I agree with her. This is a slippery slope that only serves to alienate. I’d rather let the nuts post so it’s easier for law enforcement to find these nutters.
For her spokesman to say “freely express oneself” shows he’s missing the point of Trump’s banning. Inciting violence is the issue, for the banning and for debate.

Twitter isn’t stopping people from having whacko opinions. FB’s algorithm is funky though. Lots of harmless stuff is getting deleted.
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"German Chancellor Angela Merkel attacks Twitter over banning President Trump, calling it a 'problematic' breach of the 'fundamental right to free speech'. She warned it is a clear overreach by the bosses of American social media platforms."
When the Stasi call you a have a problem
I mean, I know she grew up in East Germany but Stasi is a bit much. Apparently in order to get a teaching position she was told she would need to report on her colleagues to the Stasi. She declined to do so.

On a side note, look at this bio. Why can't we get more leaders like this?

And the reason they were able to shows an astounding level of incompetence on the part of the folks that built the Parler software. The fact that failing to send 2fa sms and email has a failure mode of just passing a user through to account creation or admin password reset is just unconscionable. This worked because that opened a loophole to create millions of admin accounts with full api access including to deleted posts. Sheer incompetence.
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I think this is a better link.

For what it’s worth I agree with her. This is a slippery slope that only serves to alienate. I’d rather let the nuts post so it’s easier for law enforcement to find these nutters.

If we start sliding I think you’ll find a lot of us who are pretty far left will be right there with you against that slide. I still think it’s the right thing to do to take this single step against people actually planning imminent violence on these platforms. Over the last couple decades it’s been pretty clear that the ability to get radicalizing propaganda widely distributed directly leads to more people being radicalized. Banning ISIS recruitment vids from YouTube hasn’t led to all reasonable Muslim content being banned.
If we start sliding I think you’ll find a lot of us who are pretty far left will be right there with you against that slide. I still think it’s the right thing to do to take this single step against people actually planning imminent violence on these platforms. Over the last couple decades it’s been pretty clear that the ability to get radicalizing propaganda widely distributed directly leads to more people being radicalized. Banning ISIS recruitment vids from YouTube hasn’t led to all reasonable Muslim content being banned.
I suppose. But from a practical standpoint Trump’s most deranged followers are going to continue along whatever path they’re on regardless of whether his account remains or is torn down. I see only downside to their business here and a negative societal impact.

One can just as easily trace left wing accounts that foreshadow violence at left wing protests and unless TWTR is willing to take those down too, we have a problem.
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I suppose. But from a practical standpoint Trump’s most deranged followers are going to continue along whatever path they’re on regardless of whether his account remains or is torn down. I see only downside to their business here and a negative societal impact.

One can just as easily trace left wing accounts that foreshadow violence at left wing protests and unless TWTR is willing to take those down too, we have a problem.

Over the summer there were tons of folks whose Twitter accounts got banned, it was just a lot less high-profile because it wasn't high-level politicians who were doing the calls for violence. Also the people who are already fully down the rabbit hole aren't coming back I agree, but there are a lot of angry people who have been convinced something is wrong with the election and letting the calls for violence stay up is going to pull some of those off the fence and into the riots I fear.
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Over the summer there were tons of folks whose Twitter accounts got banned, it was just a lot less high-profile because it wasn't high-level politicians who were doing the calls for violence. Also the people who are already fully down the rabbit hole aren't coming back I agree, but there are a lot of angry people who have been convinced something is wrong with the election and letting the calls for violence stay up is going to pull some of those off the fence and into the riots I fear.
In the interests of their business and societal good, that hippy Jack should consider reaching out to the more extreme conservatives to show real world examples of actions they take to limit left wing induced violence pandering.
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I’m certain the FBI etc are way ahead of this hacker.

Maybe, though the FBI was probably limited in their scope to trawl and store content from Parler and this person (and those who ran the utility to help) cast a very very wide net.
Maybe, though the FBI was probably limited in their scope to trawl and store content from Parler and this person (and those who ran the utility to help) cast a very very wide net.

What if the FBI were the guys running Parler? (Far fetched, i know.....)
If Merkel said that then she probably should read what freedom of speech actually entails.

As soon as anyone tries to turn this Twitter shit into a free speech issue, or suggesting that the Twitter thing is some sort of slippery slope, I’m finished reading at that point. If you don’t want Twitter or Facebook to have power of what you say, guess what, you don’t have to f*****g use them.
As soon as anyone tries to turn this Twitter shit into a free speech issue, or suggesting that the Twitter thing is some sort of slippery slope, I’m finished reading at that point. If you don’t want Twitter or Facebook to have power of what you say, guess what, you don’t have to f*****g use them.
What? Next thing you will say is that I can't come into your living room and say whatever it is that I want! Then... kick you out! Fredum of Speech! Murika! ;)
I think this is a better link.

For what it’s worth I agree with her. This is a slippery slope that only serves to alienate. I’d rather let the nuts post so it’s easier for law enforcement to find these nutters.

That's what Parler is for. Lol

I agree with your post.

However using the tool for organizing groups to perform terroristic attacks is an issue I don't have a good answer for so...I would lean more towards a lengthy ban so shit can calm down, maybe, especially when there's a huge public inauguration that now will likely have a thousand Timothy McVeigh's out there.
In the interests of their business and societal good, that hippy Jack should consider reaching out to the more extreme conservatives to show real world examples of actions they take to limit left wing induced violence pandering.

Well I'm banned from Twitter, I can only lurk.

My crime came from Bernie Bros putting up rat memes in Mayor Pete posts so I starting replying with 1940's Nazi propaganda that had rats with a Jewish face, obviously implying that all jews are vermin (the propaganda, not my feelings if it read that way).

My point was double edged, that dehumanizing people is level one bully tactic and two reminding them that they support a Jewish candidate and I don't think Bernie would be happy with you using nazi tactics.

Boom, I was banned no questions.

I assumed it was the nazi propaganda.

So yeah, I'm sure there are a ton of examples like myself.
That's what Parler is for. Lol

I agree with your post.

However using the tool for organizing groups to perform terroristic attacks is an issue I don't have a good answer for so...I would lean more towards a lengthy ban so shit can calm down, maybe, especially when there's a huge public inauguration that now will likely have a thousand Timothy McVeigh's out there.
Terrorists use email to plan terrorist plots - it doesn’t mean that we shut down GMail.

I get the emotion involved, but getting rid of platforms is problematic. The ACLU agrees as do many blue chip journalists that have left what’s become mainstream media’s morphing into the Fox News of the left.

Well I'm banned from Twitter, I can only lurk.

My crime came from Bernie Bros putting up rat memes in Mayor Pete posts so I starting replying with 1940's Nazi propaganda that had rats with a Jewish face, obviously implying that all jews are vermin.

My point was double edged, that dehumanizing people is level one bully tactic and two reminding them that they support a Jewish candidate and I don't think Bernie would be happy with you using nazi tactics.

Boom, I was banned no questions.

I assumed it was the nazi propaganda.

So yeah, I'm sure there are a ton of examples like myself.
Shutting down accounts is one thing. Platforms is problematic and serves to continue to divide.
As a liberal, I couldn’t be more thrilled that trump gets his voice muted. Yet seeing google and Apple et al trying to knock down conservative voices is nevertheless disturbing to me.
Have another soy latte...

You'll feel better.
Shutting down accounts is one thing. Platforms is problematic and serves to continue to divide.
The thing is, no one actually knows how much of Parler's output was incendiary or part of the plot to overthrow the government, but Amazon Web Services felt justified - and so did Parler's legal team apparently.
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Terrorists use email to plan terrorist plots - it doesn’t mean that we shut down GMail.

I get the emotion involved, but getting rid of platforms is problematic. The ACLU agrees as do many blue chip journalists that have left what’s become mainstream media’s morphing into the Fox News of the left.

Don't want to get into the itemized weeds but, the Hunter Biden stuff is a great example of a fabricated story used to incite.

Even today people point to Hunter's Laptops as proof of evil, vs what should happen which is it needs to get legitimized.

Actually to me thats the crux of the news....we can't agree on things to have a firery debate anymore.

Hunter's story was debunked by every major outlet including fox News, yet the right wing supporters treated it like it was gospel.

I know both sides do it.

News has become gossip with the urgency to be first as the motivation.
Shutting down accounts is one thing. Platforms is problematic and serves to continue to divide.

They only shut down the platform because the platform wouldn't police the violent posts.

When they're talking about hanging traitors and nothing is being done about it, there's a real problem there.
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Shutting down accounts is one thing. Platforms is problematic and serves to continue to divide.

They only shut down the platform because the platform wouldn't police the violent posts.

When they're talking about hanging traitors and nothing is being done about it, there's a real problem there.

Nobody shut Parler down. Parler's vendors made business decisions to stop taking their money and stop providing services. There is no law against Parler, and no government action. Conservative voices are still all over Twitter and Facebook (see example below). The alternative is forcing AWS to host this content which has some pretty nasty implications too.

8/10 top posts on Facebook in the last 24 hours are from Trump-aligned sources:
Nobody shut Parler down. Parler's vendors made business decisions to stop taking their money and stop providing services. There is no law against Parler, and no government action. Conservative voices are still all over Twitter and Facebook (see example below). The alternative is forcing AWS to host this content which has some pretty nasty implications too.

8/10 top posts on Facebook in the last 24 hours are from Trump-aligned sources:
I certainly agree and wasn’t insinuating government shut them down. I’m more referring to them being cancelled by liberally controlled providers.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never used the service, and what I see posted from it is repugnant. I just find it problematic when Tech gets to unilaterally decide the flow of information. That’s not good for public health, and is monopolistic behavior.
I certainly agree and wasn’t insinuating government shut them down. I’m more referring to them being cancelled by liberally controlled providers.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never used the service, and what I see posted from it is repugnant. I just find it problematic when Tech gets to unilaterally decide the flow of information. That’s not good for public health, and is monopolistic behavior.

Amazon didn't kick off the National Enquirer despite their "investigation" being a major contributor to his divorce and his loss of $30B. The bar is pretty high right now for getting kicked off, it's pretty much set at kiddie porn or incitement to violence, so I'm not convinced that this specific incident is an indicator of anything.

On the other hand, maybe the fact that suddenly the right is seeing the danger of monopolistic behavior by these tech companies will be a silver lining out of all of this, there was widespread derision of dems who said that there needed to be regulation of the anti-competitive behavior of these companies.
I certainly agree and wasn’t insinuating government shut them down. I’m more referring to them being cancelled by liberally controlled providers.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never used the service, and what I see posted from it is repugnant. I just find it problematic when Tech gets to unilaterally decide the flow of information. That’s not good for public health, and is monopolistic behavior.

I would assume that parler just has to find someone else to host their site.

No single tech company gets to unilaterally decide the flow of information since there are other avenues for hosting a web site. If Amazon or any of these companies were government owned, then I could more easily see the uproar. It was a business decision. They probably felt it hurt their public perception to keep hosting parler.

It is interesting that the people that think discrimination is fine due to religious beliefs but are in an uproar over people inciting violence losing their avenues to continue doing just that.
I would assume that parler just has to find someone else to host their site.

No single tech company gets to unilaterally decide the flow of information since there are other avenues for hosting a web site. If Amazon or any of these companies were government owned, then I could more easily see the uproar. It was a business decision. They probably felt it hurt their public perception to keep hosting parler.

It is interesting that the people that think discrimination is fine due to religious beliefs but are in an uproar over people inciting violence losing their avenues to continue doing just that.

Sounds like these companies are making business decisions and feel it’s in their best interest to not be associated with, or to potentially perpetuate all these extreme right wing/domestic terrorist groups. Free market and all that.
As soon as anyone tries to turn this Twitter shit into a free speech issue, or suggesting that the Twitter thing is some sort of slippery slope, I’m finished reading at that point. If you don’t want Twitter or Facebook to have power of what you say, guess what, you don’t have to f*****g use them.
Gee, If only there were a way that a whiny-baby self-proclaimed billionaire, marketing expert and genius who attracted 74 million votes could figure out a way to set up his own social media company so that he could attract users and then lie, exaggerate and bully as much as he wanted without having his fragile ego hurt by somebody else who dares to disagree with him.
Gee, If only there were a way that a whiny-baby self-proclaimed billionaire, marketing expert and genius who attracted 74 million votes could figure out a way to set up his own social media company so that he could attract users and then lie, exaggerate and bully as much as he wanted without having his fragile ego hurt by somebody else who dares to disagree with him.
Agree - I don't buy the monopoly idea. He could always go to WeChat.

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