trump is cleaning out of all the traitors

AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHH. Will this lie ever die? The prosecutor we wanted removed was NOT investigating Burisma. We wanted him removed BECAUSE HE WAS NOT INVESTIGATING BURISMA. The Brits turned rock solid evidence over to him on Burisma and he did nothing. At that point the Brits asked for him to be removed. Then the EU and the IMF. Then the US. In fact, Republicans wanted him removed. None of this had one thing to do with Biden's son.
Republicans have developed a very strong immunity to the truth.
Where did Trump say he was asking for an investigation on the Bidens for political gain? The context was that there was a history of corruption and Trump was wanting the Ukraine to investigate what took place to have a prosecutor removed from a case involving Hunter Biden. If Biden hadn't bragged that he forced the prosecutor to be fired, it may not have been discovered. Only a dolt would not see that a VP meddling in a foreign country's justice system to help a family member is corrupt. It should be looked at to make sure there weren't other items that Biden didn't mention. Should anyone running for the highest office be excused from investigation? Somebody forgot to tell the Obama administration about that.

We will find out in the coming months about how the FISA court was misled on false information to begin an investigation on Trump and private citizens working for the Trump campaign.

I want to know what Schiff planned to do with the nude pictures he was trying to get of Trump from the Russian comedian that punked him. That attempted collusion needs to be looked at. What other Russian contacts did Schiff make? I don't think that has been looked at. The fake pictures were supposedly from years before Trump ran for office.

Schiff and Nadler are deranged. Nadler is an incompetent boob and wants to settle old scores with Trump. Schiff is more devious and is capable of doing anything to remove Trump. All they have done is made Trump more popular.

That’s alternate reality. Coming from the right.

And then you pivoted, and whatabouted.

The timeline you quote isn’t accurate. Nor is what actually happened. Remember, Pub senator Ron Johnson fully endorsed what Biden did. Even signed his name to a letter endorsing it.

The facts are easily obtainable. Please stop relying on distortion to press your theory of what happened.

Should Hunter Biden have taken the position? It wasn’t the smartest move. It is how business is done, unfortunately. If you have a problem with this, then you should have a problem with a LOT of other board appointments. It’s not how good you are- it’s who you know. For the record, I don’t like what HUNTER did, but we’re not talking about Hunter. You’re trying to support Trump’s conspiracy theory madness to smear Joe.

There’s zero evidence- despite the right and Rudy G promising it- to show that it influenced JOE Biden’s actions in any way. You do realize that you’re furthering a Rudy G conspiracy theory right now, right?

Give me something other than right wing spin that shows actual evidence that Hunter being on the board influenced anything. I’ll await your response.
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let me interject some facts...

condensed version, regarding the "Vindman didn't follow chain of command" complaint:

In July, Vindman's supervisor was Fiona Hill. Her specific instructions for her direct reports was to have them take any legal concerns directly to NSC lead counsel John Eisenberg. Vindman did so after he was troubled by the Sondland July 10 conversations. NSC lead counsel John Eisenberg asked Vindman to keep him updated, as soon as possible, with regard to any further issues or insights regarding the Trump-Sondland shakedown "drug deal".

A week before the Trump-Zelensky call, Finoa Hill was replaced by Timothy Morrison, who became Vindman's supervisor.

Vindman was troubled by the Trump-Zelensky call.

“I went immediately .. per the instructions from the July 10 incident … to Mr. Eisenberg,” Vindman said. “I attempted to try to talk to Mr. Morrison. That didn’t happen before I received instructions from John Eisenberg to not talk to anybody else any further.”
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Trump says so much it’s too hard for me to keep up. Most of it is without consequence. Being triggered by all of that is a choice I don’t make. I rather pay attention to the larger issues that actually have long term effects.
You mean destruction of the planet or is 1 year equal to long term for you?
AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHH. Will this lie ever die? The prosecutor we wanted removed was NOT investigating Burisma. We wanted him removed BECAUSE HE WAS NOT INVESTIGATING BURISMA. The Brits turned rock solid evidence over to him on Burisma and he did nothing. At that point the Brits asked for him to be removed. Then the EU and the IMF. Then the US. In fact, Republicans wanted him removed. None of this had one thing to do with Biden's son.

It’s hard to have honest discourse when one side is immune to reality. It’s like they inhabit an alternate universe, devoid of facts and truth. One person alleges something, and then twists the truth to support the assertion. Then, it gets amplified through sites like the Drudge Report. And after a few cycles, it not only becomes their new truth- it becomes dogma.

I’ll give the pubs credit- they’ve perfected Soviet style propoganda techniques. It works on several of the board members. Its distort the truth, and replace it with your own. Then repeat. And repeat. Until it becomes accepted fact.
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It’s hard to have honest discourse when one side is immune to reality. It’s like they inhabit an alternate universe, devoid of facts and truth. One person alleges something, and then twists the truth to support the assertion. Then, it gets amplified through sites like the Drudge Report. And after a few cycles, it not only becomes their new truth- it becomes dogma.

I’ll give the pubs credit- they’ve perfected Soviet style propoganda techniques. It works on several of the board members. Its distort the truth, and replace it with your own. Then repeat. And repeat. Until it becomes accepted fact.
It actually requires above-average intelligence because they're required to fully know our universe to ensure they don't screw up and invent facts that are actually factual.

What wasn't in the story was that Pinocchio's brain is tucked up under his nostrils.
It actually requires above-average intelligence because they're required to fully know our universe to ensure they don't screw up and invent facts that are actually factual.

What wasn't in the story was that Pinocchio's brain is tucked up under his nostrils.

And, the truth comes out. Trump ALWAYS tattles on himself.

Its now out in the open from Trump himself that he sent Rudy G to the Ukraine to search for dirt on Joe Biden. He denied this during the investigation. Because, he can’t tell the truth to save his life.

This means that the whole Ukraine “investigation” into the Bidens was in no way predicated on any actual evidence of wrongdoing- he did it strictly for political gain. Which is what the house managers proved, despite historic obstruction.

THIS is what happens when you enable Trump. He simply behaves even more poorly.

I’m not sure how anyone could credibly still believe that Trump did this for any other reason OTHER than personal political gain. He literally went outside of official government channels by sending his personal attorney to drum up dirt on Joe Biden (via his son). He got away with accepting Russian help, so he decided he’d go one step further.

Some of you realize that the conspiracy theories that Trump believed to do this are batchit insane, right?
Alexander Vindman, witness 'bullied by Trump', quits US military

A senior official fired from the White House after testifying against Donald Trump during impeachment hearings has quit the military.

Lt Col Alexander Vindman was the victim of a "campaign of bullying, intimidation and retaliation" by the president, his lawyer said.

What has Lt Col Vindman's lawyer said?

A statement said he had retired after 21 years of military service because his future would be "forever limited".

His representative, David Pressman, said Lt Col Vindman had spoken publicly only once on the matter - under subpoena from Congress.

He said: "LTC Vindman did what the law compelled him to do; and for that he was bullied by the president and his proxies."

Mr Pressman added that he had "put the interests of his country ahead of his own. "LTC Vindman's patriotism has cost him his career," he said.