trump is cleaning out of all the traitors

It seems clear the whistleblower complaint embellished the contents of the call. Vindman likely was involved with that. He is not a good guy. He’s a sneak.

How does that “seem clear”? What evidence are you using to determine that other than your desperate need to confirm your own biases?
How does that “seem clear”? What evidence are you using to determine that other than your desperate need to confirm your own biases?

I think Schiff was involved and relied on it to write his “parody”. I don’t think any of them thought Trump would make the transcript public.

Also based on somebody’s reporting, some people think Vindman, who was on the call, was the whistleblowers source, who was not on the call.
I think Schiff was involved and relied on it to write his “parody”. I don’t think any of them thought Trump would make the transcript public.

Also based on somebody’s reporting, some people think Vindman, who was on the call, was the whistleblowers source, who was not on the call.

Do you have a link to the actual transcript of the call? I’d love to read the transcript.
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I think Schiff was involved and relied on it to write his “parody”. I don’t think any of them thought Trump would make the transcript public.

Also based on somebody’s reporting, some people think Vindman, who was on the call, was the whistleblowers source, who was not on the call.

not one bit of that is evidence. I asked you to provide evidence for your claim and you mumble conspiracy theories instead.
not one bit of that is evidence. I asked you to provide evidence for your claim and you mumble conspiracy theories instead.

Schiff’s parody is not my conspiracy theory. It was a deliberate attempt to spread his own conspiracy theory which he advanced as chairman of the house judiciary committee. He wasn’t a lone wolf.
not one bit of that is evidence. I asked you to provide evidence for your claim and you mumble conspiracy theories instead.

Schiff will not admit his state of mind. He buried the whistleblower immediately after Trump released the transcript. Schiff released all the super secret testimony except for one witness, the IG who could shed light light on the background for his “parody”. Schiff’s conduct before the senate as a manager was awful. He has a screw loose and you got sucked in.
sounds like the lawyers gave Vindman good advice. We know that nothing happened that vindman was concerned about. Vindmann blew everything up.
What did Vindman do wrong? He went to the Counsel exactly as he should. Are you suggesting he should not have testified?

What is the derangement syndrome called for for those that freak out at anyone criticizing Trump beyond "maybe Trump should tweet a little better"?
Schiff will not admit his state of mind. He buried the whistleblower immediately after Trump released the transcript. Schiff released all the super secret testimony except for one witness, the IG who could shed light light on the background for his “parody”. Schiff’s conduct before the senate as a manager was awful. He has a screw loose and you got sucked in.

Sure. By bury the whistleblower you mean follow whistleblower protection laws and by release the transcript you mean release an edited incomplete summary. But keep attacking Schiff and spreading lies, it’s what you have left.
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Sure. By bury the whistleblower you mean follow whistleblower protection laws and by release the transcript you mean release an edited incomplete summary. But keep attacking Schiff and spreading lies, it’s what you have left.

Schiff did not merely “follow the whistleblower laws”. You’ve been brainwashed.
What did Vindman do wrong? He went to the Counsel exactly as he should. Are you suggesting he should not have testified?

What is the derangement syndrome called for for those that freak out at anyone criticizing Trump beyond "maybe Trump should tweet a little better"?

He leaked a confidential communication.
Is not telling the WH counsel "reporting"?

he also said he reported to “a member of the intelligence community”.

Vindman testified that he did not have time to express his concerns directly to Morrison, but he apparently found the time to express his concerns to both Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent and an unnamed individual in the intelligence community.
edited with quote.
he also said he reported to “a member of the intelligence community”.

Vindman testified that he did not have time to express his concerns directly to Morrison, but he apparently found the time to express his concerns to both Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent and an unnamed individual in the intelligence community.
edited with quote.

And? Those 3, for all I know, had access to the call. If so, how is sharing a concern bad. You need to read some military history, junior officers discussing concerns from senior officers is pretty standard.
...immediately after Trump released the transcript.

There is no transcript. You know this, and yet you keep saying it like it's true. What you keep trying to tell everyone is a transcript is actually just a White House concocted summary. The fact that you keep saying transcript is more evidence that you don't give two shits about truth. You're a gaslighting asshole.
And? Those 3, for all I know, had access to the call. If so, how is sharing a concern bad. You need to read some military history, junior officers discussing concerns from senior officers is pretty standard.

unless Schiff and the whistleblower made up the whole deal, someone who was on the call took it outside the White House. Vindman admitted to doing that.
There is no transcript. You know this, and yet you keep saying it like it's true. What you keep trying to tell everyone is a transcript is actually just a White House concocted summary. The fact that you keep saying transcript is more evidence that you don't give two shits about truth. You're a gaslighting asshole.

The Ukrainians never voiced an objection to the contents. I don’t think Vindman did either. His opinion was based on other comments. The summary was done by those who are supposed to do that. It’s pretty accurate.
unless Schiff and the whistleblower made up the whole deal, someone who was on the call took it outside the White House. Vindman admitted to doing that.

Vindman admitted to leaking to people outside the NSC? Can you provide his quote?
The Ukrainians never voiced an objection to the contents. I don’t think Vindman did either. His opinion was based on other comments. The summary was done by those who are supposed to do that. It’s pretty accurate.

I’d love to read a transcript of that call. You got one?
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The Ukrainians never voiced an objection to the contents. I don’t think Vindman did either. His opinion was based on other comments. The summary was done by those who are supposed to do that. It’s pretty accurate.

Completely unresponsive. It is NOT a transcript. It is clear that there are gaps in the conversation. You continue to gaslight. You are a liar.
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I think Schiff was involved and relied on it to write his “parody”. I don’t think any of them thought Trump would make the transcript public.

Also based on somebody’s reporting, some people think Vindman, who was on the call, was the whistleblowers source, who was not on the call.

I think I know the answer to this, but was the call a “perfect call”?

Or, as even the pub senators admitted, was it really bad action?

who gives a rat’s ass as to who the whistleblower was. What he related was extremely accurate.

remember, the White House released a sanitized summary of the call- it was likely worse than reported.

The problem is that Trump actually believes that his behavior was 100% appropriate. As do you, apparently.

I’m amazed at what you’ve become on here CO.
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I think I know the answer to this, but was the call a “perfect call”?

Or, as even the pub senators admitted, was it really bad action?

who gives a rat’s ass as to who the whistleblower was. What he related was extremely accurate.

remember, the White House released a sanitized summary of the call- it was likely worse than reported.

The problem is that Trump actually believes that his behavior was 100% appropriate. As do you, apparently.

I’m amazed at what you’ve become on here CO.

I don’t think Trump’s intentions were wise and I agree the criticism is at least reasonable. But nothing happened. Impeachment was a bad joke. Schiff was a worse joke.
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The task is a lot easier given the vacuous and banal platitudes used.

Hey, you going to respond to being a liar? Because that's what I'm calling you. You know there is no transcript, and refuse to confront that. You continue gaslight.
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The Ukrainians never voiced an objection to the contents. I don’t think Vindman did either. His opinion was based on other comments. The summary was done by those who are supposed to do that. It’s pretty accurate.
You believe that lying liars in the White House, who have everything to gain by lying, are pretty accurate but you disbelieve an honest guy who has no reason whatsoever to lie.
COH's stoker might get jealous, what with COH and Trump chumming it up.
