Trump’s Attempt to Rig Nebraska

Speaking of Senators missing votes...

And why the comparison of Obama who never ran for VP to Vance? If Obama was inexperienced, wth was Trump?

The issue that should scare people (and I hope the Dems make a larger issue out of it down the stretch) is that Vance is totally unqualified, he is a single greasy Big Mac away from Trump passing on, and the odds of "Mr Fitness" surviving a 2nd term are not very high. So with the lowest favorabilty ratings in this century (if not history) at 27%, do you want JD Vance becoming your President?

Imho that is an issue the Dems need to put more emphasis on down the stretch...Esp with the rapid cognitive decline Trump is exhibiting...

You're the one who made a big deal out of experience. I never said experience was some requirement for elected office.

Now you're arguing with yourself.
I saw that video this past weekend and almost posted it here. I feel like most Trump supporters don't see a lot of that stuff - Newsmax and Fox News likely edit Trump's speeches so a lot of those missteps or slip ups aren't regularly shown. That said, people like David Pakman ( who is a really smart guy) has been pointing that stuff out for at least the better part of the last year. I do think there is a decent-sized subset of Trump voters who don't regularly go to rallies and probably don't pay much attention to what he actually says and only hear the edited soundbytes far right media cooks up and it's important they see him for who and what he is.

As you've rightly pointed out, there is a relatively high risk that as he approaches 82 at the end of a potential second term, there is a relatively high risk that his cognitive decline and overall health would prevent him from serving a full four years. The idea of Vance assuming the role of the presidency is presumably very unpopular across the political spectrum and pretty scary for most everyone as well.
What important votes did he miss where his vote would have made a difference?

I'll hang up and wait for your answer.
Why did all those segregationist, Jim Crow former Dems end up becoming Republicans? Strom Thurmond, John Connaly, Jesse Helms just to name a few?
You named 3 and that's all you can name. All the others stayed Democrat.

Biden gave the eulogy to a Klan member, Robert Byrd. Funny you didn't mention him.
What important votes did he miss where his vote would have made a difference?

I'll hang up and wait for your answer.
Did you reply to my post by mistake? I didn't mention anything about anyone missing votes that would have made a difference.

Maybe you should hang up and take a nap. Dial it up and try again tomorrow after getting plenty of rest and drinking lots of water.
You're so effing weird.

I wasn't being totally facetious or glib. I actually was wondering what the eff you were talking about asking me about someone missing votes.
You responded to a Cosmic post about Vance missing votes.

I responded to your post.
You responded to a Cosmic post about Vance missing votes.

I responded to your post.
Cosmic made a lot of good points in the post I was responding to. I wasn't replying to the part about Vance missing votes. If you want to reply to me, you try replying to what I actually posted.
Cosmic made a lot of good points in the post I was responding to. I wasn't replying to the part about Vance missing votes. If you want to reply to me, you try replying to what I actually posted.
Sorry. Didn't mean to hurt your feelings.