Truly disgusted

Dude, you are about as logical as a soup sandwich. There is a single question that is 100 percent fool proof for detecting morons. Answer this - did Trump lose in 2020 due to voter fraud? The answer is "yes" or "no." The answer will definitively prove that you're a weak-minded moron or might possibly not be a moron.
But not those that say he’s a sexual predator or criminally guilty of rape.
He's civilly liable for sexual assault so that is fair game. He's been accused of sexual assault by 20 women so that fact should be fair game. He's convicted of felonies and indicted for additional felonies so that's fair game. It's not fair game to say he pleasured other men on his way to the top of the real estate world. If several men came forward to say he pleasured them those accusations would be fair game. This isn't very hard.
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You keep repeating the claim that the Russian collusin was a "hoax", but that is nothing close to what Mueller said or the report concluded.
If Biden is senile, so is Trump,yet I notice you're going to vote for him. Of course the senile argument is the least of the problems with Trump, and that warning was sounded long ago. In fact some of the loudest warnings came from people who worked with Trump, some WHILE they were working with him...

The theory that really gets me is that Trump is some sort of peace maker. You repeat the lie that there was "peace" in the world during Trump and yet 4X as many US service personnel died under Trump than have died under Biden. And the 13 that died in Afghan under Biden were a direct result of the concessions Trump made to forge the peace deal that was dumped in Biden's lap. No disrespect to the 13 that died, but people seem to have lousy memories and forget that 45 US soldiers alone died in Afghan under Trump. Why didn't Trump attempt to end the war any sooner- he had 4 years?
Hillary Clinton paid to have a fake "Russian" dossier written. She paid 7 figures for it. That was then used to obtain warrants through the court system. How is that not true?
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Hillary Clinton paid to have a fake "Russian" dossier written. She paid 7 figures for it. That was then used to obtain warrants through the court system. How is that not true?
Read the Mueller Report. There isn’t a single thing in it from the Steele Dossier. Zilch. I know you won’t read it because you already “know” what you’ve been told to “know” about it.
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You keep repeating the claim that the Russian collusin was a "hoax", but that is nothing close to what Mueller said or the report concluded.
If Biden is senile, so is Trump,yet I notice you're going to vote for him. Of course the senile argument is the least of the problems with Trump, and that warning was sounded long ago. In fact some of the loudest warnings came from people who worked with Trump, some WHILE they were working with him...

The theory that really gets me is that Trump is some sort of peace maker. You repeat the lie that there was "peace" in the world during Trump and yet 4X as many US service personnel died under Trump than have died under Biden. And the 13 that died in Afghan under Biden were a direct result of the concessions Trump made to forge the peace deal that was dumped in Biden's lap. No disrespect to the 13 that died, but people seem to have lousy memories and forget that 45 US soldiers alone died in Afghan under Trump. Why didn't Trump attempt to end the war any sooner- he had 4 years?
Because Trump inherited wars and stopped them. He never claimed there was peace in the world - just that the US didn't get in any new wars. And he's right and you're a liar for claiming otherwise.

Russian Collusion was a hoax and had to be kept going by the FBI lying about FISA warrants. You should be slinking away in shame for buying into it, but instead, double down on stupid.
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Because Trump inherited wars and stopped them. He never claimed there was peace in the world - just that the US didn't get in any new wars. And he's right and you're a liar for claiming otherwise.

Russian Collusion was a hoax and had to be kept going by the FBI lying about FISA warrants. You should be slinking away in shame for buying into it, but instead, double down on stupid.
Liar. He stopped no wars while in office. Also, you still haven’t read the Mueller Report. Dbm is the dumbest poster, but you are the most dishonest. You aren’t stupid enough not to know most of what you post is false. You are the most prolific liar on the board by far.
Liar. He stopped no wars while in office. Also, you still haven’t read the Mueller Report. Dbm is the dumbest poster, but you are the most dishonest. You aren’t stupid enough not to know most of what you post is false. You are the most prolific liar on the board by far.
You need to calm down! I am starting to worry you might have a heart attack.
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I would also add to this that it’s foolish to expect that humans will ever overcome human nature. I’m quite sure that it’s pretty much etched in stone.
Racism is an expected, passing state in the never-ceasing evolution of social species. Population explosion is forcing various subcultures to interact together in both the home and workplace. It’s not completely natural and thus, is still rough around the edges, heard in combative dialogue between the diverse cultures.

Even at the quantum level, not all subatomic particles interact equally with others. Such is it likewise at the macro level of matter governed by more conventional, classical physics. It’s okay to be a little racist, just as long as it doesn’t harm others. Eons from now we’ll all be of one color (my guess would be “rustic butterscotch”) and racism will no longer exist. Just go with the flow until then, tying to accommodate your fellow man the best you can.
Craze, back in the '40s we often referred to "Japs" as having yellow skin tones. Propaganda posters pictured them as sneaky, week, feeble, and as animals. Japan supposedly had a sub culture inferior to our Western Christian democratic culture.
You’re amazing. I salute you. You stay with reasoned thoughtful posts in spite of the garbage flying around you.
Craze, back in the '40s we often referred to "Japs" as having yellow skin tones. Propaganda posters pictured them as sneaky, week, feeble, and as animals. Japan supposedly had a sub culture inferior to our Western Christian democratic culture.
My grandfather called them that until he died in 2009. Fought in WW 2, and never trusted them after Pearl Harbor.
Read the Mueller Report. There isn’t a single thing in it from the Steele Dossier. Zilch. I know you won’t read it because you already “know” what you’ve been told to “know” about it.
Is your contention that the term "Steele Dossier" doesn't exist in the report? If so cool. What about "Steele" or "Steele reports" or "Steele reporting"?
Is your contention that the term "Steele Dossier" doesn't exist in the report? If so cool. What about "Steele" or "Steele reports" or "Steele reporting"?
Oh, it's mentioned, mostly with respect to Trump being briefed that it existed and news reporters asking about it. I think it's mentioned 13 or 14 times going from memory. I didn't say it wasn't mentioned. However, not a single thing from the Steele Report is in the Mueller Report. Not a single finding is related to the Steele Report. Zilch. Despite what MAGA trumpets about the report, it's not flattering at all for Trump.

Read it yourself:
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Oh look...the 3rd grader decided to chime in with more stupidity. The only woman I've ever been scared of was my mother. She is also the most respected and revered person in my life. Try again dumbass


Oh, it's mentioned, mostly with respect to Trump being briefed that it existed and news reporters asking about it. I think it's mentioned 13 or 14 times going from memory. I didn't say it wasn't mentioned. However, not a single thing from the Steele Report is in the Mueller Report. Not a single finding is related to the Steele Report. Zilch. Despite what MAGA trumpets about the report, it's not flattering at all for Trump.

Read it yourself:
And the investigation did not establish that the Trump campaign coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.
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Russian collusion. Yes? No? IDGAF. I DO know that Trump tried to mount a coup to prevent the peaceful transition of his administration to the lawfully obtained administration of another. And on a personal note I didn’t vote for Biden but recognized the “will of the people” I electing him. From that point forward Trump is nothing but a wannabe dictator
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Russian collusion. Yes? No? IDGAF. I DO know that Trump tried to mount a coup to prevent the peaceful transition of his administration to the lawfully obtained administration of another. And on a personal note I didn’t vote for Biden but recognized the “will of the people” I electing him. From that point forward Trump is nothing but a wannabe dictator
And you will look stupid as hell in 10 years when it's discovered that voter fraud gave Biden the win. You are an uninformed,blissfully ignorant moron.
And you will look stupid as hell in 10 years when it's discovered that voter fraud gave Biden the win. You are an uninformed,blissfully ignorant moron.
^^^^^^^^^^^Moron alert! We have a walking talking moron here! Only morons believe the 2020 election was lost by Trump due to voter fraud. Moron.
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Wait, so the Trump campaign DID collude with Russians to influence the 2016 election?
I didn't say that. I said that Trump's campaign knew about Russian election interference/influence in Trump's favor and welcomed it. That isn't actual collusion, though it's not exactly ethical. Read the frickin' report. I linked it and you can find the answer to all your questions there. Warning - it's not flattering to Trump and his campaign, so brace yourself.
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And you will look stupid as hell in 10 years when it's discovered that voter fraud gave Biden the win. You are an uninformed,blissfully ignorant moron.
So you truly believe the GREAT LIE….. put on your tinfoil hat and get a couple AR’s and head to the mountains
Link please.
good summary here:

"The nearly 1,000-page report, the fifth and final one from the Republican-led Senate intelligence committee on the Russia investigation, details how Russia launched an aggressive effort to interfere in the election on Trump’s behalf.

It says the Trump campaign chairman had regular contact with a Russian intelligence officer and says other Trump associates were eager to exploit the Kremlin’s aid, particularly by maximizing the impact of the disclosure of Democratic emails hacked by Russian intelligence officers.

So you truly believe the GREAT LIE….. put on your tinfoil hat and get a couple AR’s and head to the mountains
I've totally lost patience on this one. Trump has admitted to his staffers that he actually lost. He knows a good portion of his base are easily duped and the lie is for them and to create doubt about the election as part of his effort to overturn it. Trump may have believed it himself early on (doubt it) and he even hired a voter data expert to look for voter fraud and the guy came back and said he found none:

Trump hired a firm as well and they came up with the same verdict - no voter fraud. There was no voter fraud that impacted the election results, and Trump knows it. Hell, about a month ago he actually said on two occasions that he legitimately lost. People like dbm lost their minds when confronted with this truth so Trump walked that back and is all in on the Big Lie again.

At this point only MORONS think Trump lost the election due to voter fraud. They're the hard core MAGAs.
I didn't say that. I said that Trump's campaign knew about Russian election interference/influence in Trump's favor and welcomed it. That isn't actual collusion, though it's not exactly ethical. Read the frickin' report. I linked it and you can find the answer to all your questions there. Warning - it's not flattering to Trump and his campaign, so brace yourself.
So what I said was correct.

No one with the Trump campaign colluded with Russians to influence the election.

I’m glad we agree.
I didn't say that. I said that Trump's campaign knew about Russian election interference/influence in Trump's favor and welcomed it. That isn't actual collusion, though it's not exactly ethical. Read the frickin' report. I linked it and you can find the answer to all your questions there. Warning - it's not flattering to Trump and his campaign, so brace yourself.
@Hoopsdoc1978, why don't you read the report yourself to see what it says. It's long, so you can read the summaries and findings, and you'll actually know what they found rather than what you've been told to think about it - which is mostly false and skewed. I try to go to the source whenever possible. Others should try it.
So what I said was correct.

No one with the Trump campaign colluded with Russians to influence the election.

I’m glad we agree.
Do you also agree that

-the Russians had an organized effort to influence the election in Trump's favor
-that Trump's campaign chairman and others in his campaign had regular contact with at least one Russian intelligence officer
-that they were practically giddy about the Russians deep hatred of Hillary
-that they would welcome the Russian effort to dig up and publicize dirt on her?
