Truly disgusted

Dude, you are about as logical as a soup sandwich. There is a single question that is 100 percent fool proof for detecting morons. Answer this - did Trump lose in 2020 due to voter fraud? The answer is "yes" or "no." The answer will definitively prove that you're a weak-minded moron or might possibly not be a moron.
But not those that say he’s a sexual predator or criminally guilty of rape.
He's civilly liable for sexual assault so that is fair game. He's been accused of sexual assault by 20 women so that fact should be fair game. He's convicted of felonies and indicted for additional felonies so that's fair game. It's not fair game to say he pleasured other men on his way to the top of the real estate world. If several men came forward to say he pleasured them those accusations would be fair game. This isn't very hard.
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You keep repeating the claim that the Russian collusin was a "hoax", but that is nothing close to what Mueller said or the report concluded.
If Biden is senile, so is Trump,yet I notice you're going to vote for him. Of course the senile argument is the least of the problems with Trump, and that warning was sounded long ago. In fact some of the loudest warnings came from people who worked with Trump, some WHILE they were working with him...

The theory that really gets me is that Trump is some sort of peace maker. You repeat the lie that there was "peace" in the world during Trump and yet 4X as many US service personnel died under Trump than have died under Biden. And the 13 that died in Afghan under Biden were a direct result of the concessions Trump made to forge the peace deal that was dumped in Biden's lap. No disrespect to the 13 that died, but people seem to have lousy memories and forget that 45 US soldiers alone died in Afghan under Trump. Why didn't Trump attempt to end the war any sooner- he had 4 years?
Hillary Clinton paid to have a fake "Russian" dossier written. She paid 7 figures for it. That was then used to obtain warrants through the court system. How is that not true?

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