Truly disgusted

Come on dumping thousands of Haitians in Springfield OH is causing a lot of problems. Where do these people live? Where do they work? Social services are running out of money. And you call these concerns nativism?
You got any links to say the Haitians were "dumped" in Springfield? It was an economically distressed area that suffered a huge loss in population along with the loss of jobs... Consequently they went from a population of nearly 80,000 to 55 or 60,000.

When manufacturing and other jobs were created by various bi-partisan acts passed during the Biden Admin, lots of new industries and manufacturing jobs sprung up. And for various reasons including opioid issues as well as an aversion to work among some, the local population was unable to provide the necessary workforce to adequately fill those jobs...

Some Haitians already living in the area were hired and business leaders in the city saw it as a way to get the workers needed for their industries. Based on what my research has shown I'd say that the majority of the Haitians that came to Springfield were Haitians living in other parts of the US who saw moving to Springfield as an oppty.

They weren't looking for a town to take over, they just wanted to take advantage of the job growth and financial opportunities that Springfield offered. Haitians have been coming to the US since 2010 and before. Including thousands who came during the Trump years...

DeSantis has more Haitians living in FL than any other state but NY. When was the last time FL had a Dem Governor?

Did a government program send them there for resettlement?​

No. Immigrants have chosen to live in Springfield due to its low cost of living and available work, according to a city website, which notes that “no government entity is responsible for the influx of Haitians into Clark County.”

“Any system is going to struggle with the rapid population growth we have seen,” Clark County Health Commissioner Chris Cook told the Springfield City Council in July as he stressed the importance of getting more resources and funding to help.

“This is not part of a federal resettlement program. … It’s not someplace it was planned, and it’s not someplace those resources initially go by policy,” he said.
I agree with this for the most part.

But wake me up the next time we have politicians who don’t exploit fear for political gain. It tends to work and is also about as predictable as the sunrise - which is why it’s notable when one comes along who doesn’t do this.

It’s one of the primary reasons I was so fond of Mitch Daniels. The only thing he’s really ever stoked fear about is our public debt - which I think warrants more fear than it usually elicits.
Mitch Daniels would make an excellent president, sadly he will never run.
Well one point is that Van is a low info voter (I assume he'll vote) who in his very post repeated lies from the Trump campaign...
The Pharisees were also men of the cloth who knew how to twist the interpretation of Mosaic law to fit their purpose
Well one point is that Van is a low info voter (I assume he'll vote) who in his very post repeated lies from the Trump campaign...
We saw the Harris and CBS collusion! We know what party is against voter ID. The Harris campaign is the lairs! But you don’t care. As long as the means justify the end.
Come on dumping thousands of Haitians in Springfield OH is causing a lot of problems. Where do these people live? Where do they work? Social services are running out of money. And you call these concerns nativism?
Ask the people of Springfield. I was in Springfield the day before Trump repeated Vance’s lie about Haitians eating pets. I didn’t hear a complaint about Haitians, cats or dogs disappearing, or any particular problems at all. It’s almost like it’s all bullshit - which of course, it is.

You’re a pastor. Go with some of your congregation to Springfield and offer to help with whatever their problems are. Do a little outreach. Show them some Christian love and generosity.
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Ask the people of Springfield. I was in Springfield the day before Trump repeated Vance’s lie about Haitians eating pets. I didn’t hear a complaint about Haitians, cats or dogs disappearing, or any particular problems at all. It’s almost like it’s all bullshit - which of course, it is.

You’re a pastor. Go with some of your congregation to Springfield and offer to help with whatever their problems are. Do a little outreach. Show them some Christian love and generosity.
The Pharisees and Saducees weren’t necessarily concerned with helping the less fortunate
I’m still waiting for an actual example from this board.
You won't get one. The race card is all libbys have to make their stupidity feel justified. It's funny also how these dumbasses are all for letting people into the country illegally,but none of them want those people in their neighborhoods(i.e. Martha's vineyard). Just another dumbass talking point based on emotion rather than logic. The election is slipping away from them...expect even more rhetoric in the coming weeks,as they are now in panic mode.
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You won't get one. The race card is all libbys have to make their stupidity feel justified. It's funny also how these dumbasses are all for letting people into the country illegally,but none of them want those people in their neighborhoods(i.e. Martha's vineyard). Just another dumbass talking point based on emotion rather than logic. The election is slipping away from them...expect even more rhetoric in the coming weeks,as they are now in panic mode.
They’re welcome to my neighborhood. Would rather have a voodoo dog eating Haitian than a redneck KKK member any day of the week
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By the xenophobia displayed on these boards masquerading as patriotism and “Christianity”. A lot of posters who claim Christian values need to actually pick up the Bible and study it. That’s my epistle. I’m prepared to get blasted. IDGAF anymore
My church has trees, birds sing in my choir, no drama heard.
The "other" is scary until a person is directly exposed to the "other" and then that person realizes that "other" is just a human being who share many of the same values as they do.

The thing that sticks out to me is that it's not the locals who have driven this. It's national politicians who see an opportunity to exploit fear. It's effective because, while the people in Springfield who live and work with Haitians mostly are transcending that fear of the other, the people nationally responding to it don't have the interaction to do so and remain scared. The folks in Springfield have and are finding that there is a lot more to Haitians than voodoo.
It was the locals who drove this though:

Saying the locals weren't taking issue with this is wrong. There were people upset enough about it to go to their City officials and petition them about it. Now when this story first broke, I did see one prominent guy who they interviewed who loved the Haitians and it was a factory owner.

Trump is not the best mouthpiece for his positions, but what Vance discusses in the video below is where the majority of Americans are at.

You guys can racism, racism all you want but there are economic and cultural impacts felt when you take in this many unskilled people who come from areas that aren't on the same page as where they are going at one time.

I will stand in defense of nativism to a degree. Sometimes the nativist argument is valid because adding people who are not in alignment with your cultural norms is bad for your native population, case in point:

And I don't want to hear the whole, "Well not all migrants...." Yeah, obviously. However, don't you think the vetting process should be pretty darn thorough before you allow a person to touch ground here? I do.

We have the right and the duty to control who enters this country.
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