Sargon actually gives an old school liberal answer on why tariffs are beneficial. Putting aside whether she is correct or not, she is addressing the underlining problem that has plagued America the past 30 years and why there is so much division, in my opinion. Globalization and immigration has been great for cheaper goods, cheaper labor, and capital inflows into the U.S., but has been a terrible deal for the middle class in the U.S.
I personally don’t think tariffs will do much about it because the issue is structural, but I do applaud Trump for trying (assuming that is part his reason IU g for them). The U.S. benefitted greatly from Bretton Woods agreement and so did the world, but it’s no longer in the U.S. best interests. We need a a monetary reset and a neutral reserve asset like gold or Bitcoin (my choice obviously). If we don’t these issues that plague the U.S. are only going to get worse and we’re going to end up with more and division.
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